Define: Appear

Quick Summary of Appear

In a legal context, “appear” refers to the act of participating or presenting oneself before a court, tribunal, or other legal authority in response to a summons, subpoena, or notice. When a party appears in a legal proceeding, they acknowledge the authority of the court or tribunal and agree to be bound by its jurisdiction and decisions. Appearance may take various forms, including physical presence in court, submission of legal documents or filings, or participation in hearings or proceedings via electronic means, such as videoconference or teleconference. Failure to appear when required by law may result in legal consequences, such as default judgements, contempt of court charges, or other sanctions. Appearance is a fundamental aspect of due process and ensures that parties have the opportunity to present their case, respond to allegations, and exercise their legal rights in accordance with established procedures and rules.

What is the dictionary definition of Appear?
Dictionary Definition of Appear

v. for a party or an attorney to show up in court.

Appear (verb): 1. To become visible or present in a particular place or situation; to come into view or be seen. Example: “The sun appeared from behind the clouds.” 2. To be perceived or noticed by others; to make an impression or be seen in a certain way. Example: “She always appears confident in public.” 3. To come into existence or become evident; to manifest or show oneself. Example: “The symptoms of the illness appeared suddenly.” 4. To make a formal or public appearance; to show up or attend an event or gathering. Example: “The celebrity appeared at the movie premiere.” 5. To seem or give the impression of being a certain way; to have a particular quality or characteristic. Example: “The situation appears to be improving.” 6. To be published or featured in a certain medium, such as a book, magazine, or television show. Example: “Her article appeared in the local newspaper. Note: The verb “appear” can also be used in various idiomatic expressions, such as “appear out of thin air” (to suddenly appear without any explanation) or “appear before a judge” (to attend a court hearing).

Full Definition Of Appear

Appear is a legal term that refers to the act of a party or a witness in a legal proceeding being present before a court or a tribunal. It signifies the physical presence of the individual in the courtroom or the virtual presence through video conferencing or other remote means. The appearance of a party or a witness is crucial for the proper administration of justice as it allows the court to hear their testimony, arguments, or submissions, and make informed decisions based on the evidence presented. Failure to appear when required by a court may result in various consequences, such as the issuance of a warrant for arrest, imposition of fines, or other penalties. The rules and procedures governing appearances may vary depending on the jurisdiction and the nature of the legal proceeding.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Appear. DLS Solicitors. April 29, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Appear. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 29, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Appear. Retrieved April 29, 2024, from website: