Define: Award

Quick Summary of Award

In legal terms, an “award” typically refers to a decision or judgement rendered by a court, arbitrator, or other adjudicative body in a legal proceeding. It signifies the outcome or resolution of a dispute or controversy between parties involved in litigation, arbitration, or alternative dispute resolution processes. Awards can take various forms, including monetary damages, equitable relief, injunctions, or specific performance orders. The decision-making process leading to an award involves the evaluation of evidence, application of relevant laws or contractual provisions, and consideration of the arguments presented by the parties. Once an award is issued, it is typically final and binding on the parties involved, subject to limited avenues for appeal or review as provided by law or the applicable dispute resolution mechanism.

What is the dictionary definition of Award?
Dictionary Definition of Award

1) n. the decision of an arbitrator or commissioner (or any non-judicial arbiter) of a controversy. 2) v. to give a judgment of money to a party to a lawsuit, arbitration, or administrative claim. Example: “Plaintiff is awarded $27,000.

Award (noun):

1. A recognition or honor given to an individual, group, or organisation for their outstanding achievements, contributions, or excellence in a particular field or endeavor. Awards are often presented as a physical object, such as a trophy, medal, or certificate, and serve as a symbol of accomplishment and recognition.

2. A formal decision or declaration made by a panel of judges, experts, or authorities, acknowledging the superior quality, merit, or significance of a work, performance, or accomplishment. Awards can be bestowed in various domains, including but not limited to arts, sciences, sports, literature, business, and humanitarian efforts.

3. A means of motivating and encouraging individuals or entities to strive for excellence and reach their full potential. Awards often serve as incentives, inspiring individuals to surpass their previous achievements and set new standards of excellence in their respective fields.

4. A public acknowledgment or tribute given to someone for their exceptional service, dedication, or contributions to a particular cause, community, or society. Awards can be granted by governmental bodies, non-profit organisations, or other institutions to honor individuals who have made a positive impact on the lives of others or have significantly contributed to the betterment of society.

5. A competitive event or ceremony where awards are presented to winners or outstanding participants. Such events can range from local or regional competitions to prestigious international ceremonies, showcasing and celebrating the talents, skills, and accomplishments of individuals or groups in various disciplines.

Full Definition Of Award

An award is a legal recognition or honour given to an individual or entity for their achievements or contributions in a particular field. Awards can be given in various forms, such as certificates, trophies, or monetary prizes. They are often governed by specific rules and criteria, and may be subject to legal agreements or contracts. Recipients of awards may have certain rights and obligations associated with their recognition, and the awarding organisation may have legal responsibilities in ensuring the fairness and integrity of the award process. Additionally, awards may have tax implications for the recipient, and may be subject to specific regulations or reporting requirements.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Award. DLS Solicitors. April 28, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Award. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 28, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Award. Retrieved April 28, 2024, from website: