Define: Constitutional Legislation

Constitutional Legislation
Constitutional Legislation
Quick Summary of Constitutional Legislation

Constitutional legislation refers to laws or statutes that establish the framework, principles, and fundamental rules of governance within a nation or state. This legislation typically forms the core of a country’s constitution and outlines the structure of government, the division of powers between different branches of government, and the rights and liberties of citizens. Constitutional legislation may include provisions for the establishment of government institutions, the election of officials, the protection of individual rights, and the amendment or revision of the constitution itself. It serves as the supreme law of the land and provides the legal foundation for the functioning of the state and the protection of citizens’ rights and freedoms. Amendments to constitutional legislation often require a special process or supermajority approval to ensure that they reflect the will of the people and the values enshrined in the constitution.

Full Definition Of Constitutional Legislation

The UK constitution does not exist as a separate document, but as a combination of specific items of legislation, case law, and convention. Much UK legislation ha constitutional significance, but of particular importance are Magna Carta, the Petition of right, the Bill of rights and Claim of right, the Act of settlement (1700), the Act of union with Scotland (1707), the Parliament act (1911) and Parliament act (1949), the Crown proceedings act (1947), the European communities act (1972), the Representation of the people act (1983), the Public order act (1986), the Criminal justice and public order act (1994), and the Human rights act (1998).

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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