Define: Defalcation

Quick Summary of Defalcation

Defalcation is a legal term that refers to the misappropriation or misuse of funds or assets entrusted to someone’s care, often in a fiduciary capacity. It involves the failure to properly account for or handle money or property, resulting in financial loss or harm to another party. Defalcation can occur in various contexts, such as in business transactions, trustee relationships, or estate administration. Individuals found guilty of defalcation may face civil liability, criminal charges, or professional sanctions, depending on the severity of the misconduct and applicable laws. The term emphasises the breach of trust and responsibility associated with handling others’ resources.

What is the dictionary definition of Defalcation?
Dictionary Definition of Defalcation
v. from Latin for "deduction," withholding or misappropriating funds held for another, particularly by a public official, or failing to make a proper accounting.
  1. legal The act of cancelling part of a claim by deducting a smaller claim which the claimant owes to the defendant.
  2. Embezzlement
Full Definition Of Defalcation

Defalcation is a term used by the United States Bankruptcy Code to describe a category of bad acts that taint a particular debt such that it cannot be discharged in bankruptcy.

The division is different from both criminal and civil rules describing permitted and unpermitted acts. Thus, parking fines garnered through illegal parking are generally dischargeable, but fines levied as part of a criminal conviction for drug trafficking generally are not. Similarly, debts of a civil (non-criminal) nature that are acquired through entirely legal means may not be dischargeable if discharge would allow a debtor to easily calculate declaration of bankruptcy into a profitable financial plan (e.g. by accumulating large cash advances before filing). The term is also used in legal proceedings outside of bankruptcy to refer more generally to embezzlement; it is often used in the context of the title insurance business. A title agent who misuses funds intended to be used to close insured transactions is said to be involved in a defalcation.

Many title insurers have their own “defalcation units.”

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Defalcation. DLS Solicitors. April 27, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Defalcation. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 27, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Defalcation. Retrieved April 27, 2024, from website: