Define: Juror

Quick Summary of Juror

A juror is an individual selected to serve on a jury during a trial. Jurors are responsible for impartially evaluating the evidence presented in court and reaching a verdict based on the facts and applicable law. They play a crucial role in the legal system by ensuring fair and just outcomes in criminal and civil cases. Jurors are typically chosen from a pool of eligible citizens and are expected to remain unbiased, follow the judge’s instructions, and deliberate with fellow jurors to reach a consensus verdict. Serving as a juror is considered a civic duty and is essential for upholding the principles of justice and the right to a trial by jury.

What is the dictionary definition of Juror?
Dictionary Definition of Juror

Someone who serves (or waits to be called to serve) on a jury.

n. any person who actually serves on a jury. Lists of potential jurors are chosen from various sources such as registered voters, automobile registration or telephone directories. The names are drawn by lot (more often by computer random selection) and requested to appear for possible service. Before a trial begins the names of jurors are assigned to a trial court, and a further selection process is made. Acceptable excuses from service are determined by state law or by the judge before or during the final selection process. If chosen, a juror receives a small amount of pay per day of service and payment for automobile mileage from home to court. A member of a Grand Jury is called a grand juror.

Full Definition Of Juror

A person who serves on a jury. Lists of potential jurors are obtained from sources such as voter registration rolls and department of motor vehicles’ lists. In most states, employers are prohibited from discriminating against employees who are called for jury duty–that is, they cannot demote or fire an employee for serving. And a few states require that the employer continue to pay the absent employee. Individuals who are selected to serve on a jury receive from the court a very small fee for their time and sometimes the cost of travelling from home to court.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Juror. DLS Solicitors. April 29 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Juror. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 29 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Juror. Retrieved April 29 2024, from website: