Define: Marriage Consideration

Marriage Consideration
Marriage Consideration
Quick Summary of Marriage Consideration

“Marriage consideration” refers to a promise or agreement made in exchange for marriage or the intention to marry. Historically, marriage was often used as a form of consideration in contracts, where parties would agree to marry each other in exchange for certain benefits or obligations. However, modern contract law generally does not recognize marriage as valid consideration for a contract. In some jurisdictions, agreements made in consideration of marriage may be enforceable under specific circumstances, such as prenuptial agreements or agreements related to marriage settlements. Overall, the legal significance of marriage consideration has evolved over time, and its enforceability depends on the applicable laws and the specific terms of the agreement.

Full Definition Of Marriage Consideration

Under the common law, a contract could only exist if both parties had offered something of financial value, however small.

This something was, and is, referred to as the consideration for the contract. However, the courts of Equity have traditionally recognised things other than money as being of value, and historically one of the most important of these was the consideration of marriage. If X, a wealthy landowner, offers Y a house on the condition that Y marry X’s daughter, then Y is offering ‘marriage consideration’ to X.

Similarly, if X agrees to create a Trust of certain property in favour of Y, on the same grounds, then a court of equity would have compelled X to constitute the trust if he reneged. It is not clear (at least to me) whether the courts would have enforced other kinds of agreement (not land or trust agreements) on the basis of marriage consideration, or whether marriage consideration would still be acceptable to a modern court. There isn’t a whole lot of recent case law on the subject.

Nevertheless, the existence of marriage consideration has technical implications for Unregistered Conveyancing. In particular, a person who takes an interest in land for marriage consideration will take it free of any unregistered interests that fall into classes C(i)-(iii) of the land charges act (1972). These interests include a puisne mortgage, for example. What this means is that if X borrows money under a puisne mortgage, and the lender forgets to register his mortgage as a land charge, then if X transfers the mortgaged land to Y as a ‘purchaser for value’, which includes a purchaser for marriage, then Y takes priority over the lender. The mortgage will not be enforceable against Y, which will be of some comfort to him as he settles down to a life of married bliss in his new home.

However, a land charge in class C(iv) or D, if not properly registered, does not become unenforceable against a person who has offered marriage consideration. It is only unenforceable the ‘purchaser of the legal estate for money or money’s worth’, and that does not include marriage. So, if X contracted to sell his house to Z, and then in breach of the contract gave it to Y, on condition that Y marry his (X’s) daughter, then Z can turf Y and his wife out of their new home. However, had Y offered money, not marriage, then he would take priority over Z, leaving Z to sue Y for breach of contract. Similarly, the bridegroom will find himself bound by any unregistered restrictive covenants and equitable easements that affect his land, whether or not they are registered.

In short, marriage is recognised as a consideration in land transactions but is a lesser kind of consideration than hard cash.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Marriage Consideration. DLS Solicitors. April 27, 2024
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  • American Psychological Association (APA):Marriage Consideration. Retrieved April 27, 2024, from website: