Define: Minor

Quick Summary of Minor

In legal terms, a “minor” refers to an individual who has not yet reached the age of majority, which is the age at which a person is legally recognised as an adult and granted certain rights and responsibilities. The age of majority varies by jurisdiction but is typically set at 18 years old. Minors are generally considered to lack full legal capacity and may be subject to restrictions on their rights and activities. For example, minors may have limited ability to enter into contracts, make certain decisions about their healthcare or education, or engage in certain activities such as voting, purchasing alcohol, or obtaining a driver’s licence. Legal protections are often in place to safeguard the rights and interests of minors, including laws governing parental responsibility, guardianship, and child welfare. Additionally, the legal system may treat minors differently from adults in various contexts, such as criminal proceedings, where special procedures and considerations apply to juvenile offenders.

What is the dictionary definition of Minor?
Dictionary Definition of Minor
n. someone under legal age, which is generally 18, except for certain purposes such as drinking alcoholic beverages in the US.
Full Definition Of Minor

In English law, a minor is any person under the age of 18. On the whole, the legal rights and obligations of minors are the same for minors as for adults.

The following are some of the important differences.

  • Minors cannot vote in elections.
  • A child under 10 years of age has no liability under criminal law.
  • No person under 17 years of age can be sent to prison, although there is a custodial alternative.
  • In many cases, a minor cannot be held to be in breach of contract (see: Contract).
  • A minor cannot own land.
  • In civil cases involving minors, a responsible adult must be appointed as guardian ad litem (see: Guardian ad litem).
  • A minor cannot make a valid will (see: Who can make a will?)
  • A minor cannot hold property from the estate of a deceased person, and will generally become the Beneficial owner of a Trust in such circumstances.
  • There are restrictions on the right to operate motor vehicles.
  • On the whole, minors may not consume alcohol on licenced premises.
  • A person of 16-17 years of age may marry, but there are some restrictions
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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • American Psychological Association (APA):Minor. Retrieved April 28, 2024, from website: