Define: Outstanding Capital Stock

Outstanding Capital Stock
Outstanding Capital Stock
Quick Summary of Outstanding Capital Stock

The outstanding capital stock represents the combined ownership of a company’s shares by its shareholders, encompassing both common and preferred stock. It plays a crucial role in determining the ownership and control of the company, as shareholders with a greater number of shares possess more voting power in company decisions.

Full Definition Of Outstanding Capital Stock

The outstanding capital stock of a company refers to the shares of stock that are currently owned by shareholders and are available for trading on the stock market. For example, if a company has issued 1 million shares of stock and investors have bought 500,000 of those shares, then the outstanding capital stock of the company would be 500,000 shares. This means that the outstanding capital stock represents the number of shares that are currently owned by investors and can be traded, excluding any shares that have been repurchased by the company or are held as treasury stock.

Outstanding Capital Stock FAQ'S

– Outstanding capital stock refers to the total number of shares of stock that have been issued by a company and are currently held by shareholders.

– Authorized capital stock is the maximum number of shares that a company is legally allowed to issue, while outstanding capital stock is the actual number of shares that have been issued and are held by shareholders.

– No, a company cannot legally issue more shares of stock than its authorized capital stock without first amending its articles of incorporation.

– Shareholders of outstanding capital stock typically have the right to vote on company matters, receive dividends, and participate in the company’s profits through ownership of the stock.

– Outstanding capital stock is calculated by adding up the total number of shares of stock that have been issued and are currently held by shareholders.

– Yes, outstanding capital stock can be bought and sold on the open market through stock exchanges or through private transactions.

– In the event of a merger or acquisition, the outstanding capital stock of the acquired company may be converted into shares of the acquiring company or cash, depending on the terms of the deal.

– Yes, a company can buy back its outstanding capital stock through a process known as a stock buyback or share repurchase.

– The tax implications of owning outstanding capital stock can vary depending on factors such as the type of stock (common or preferred), the holding period, and any dividends received.

– Outstanding capital stock is reflected on a company’s balance sheet as part of its equity, and any changes in the number of outstanding shares can impact the company’s earnings per share and other financial metrics.

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This glossary post was last updated: 17th April 2024.

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  • Page URL:
  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Outstanding Capital Stock. DLS Solicitors. April 30 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Outstanding Capital Stock. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 30 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Outstanding Capital Stock. Retrieved April 30 2024, from website: