Define: Pur Autre Vie

Pur Autre Vie
Pur Autre Vie
Quick Summary of Pur Autre Vie

“Pur autre vie” is a legal term of French origin that translates to “for the life of another.” In legal contexts, it typically refers to a type of life estate created by a grantor, where the property is conveyed to a grantee for the duration of another person’s life rather than the grantee’s own life. The life estate pur autre vie remains in effect until the specified individual, known as the measuring life or the cestui que vie, passes away. Upon the death of the measuring life, the life estate terminates, and the property reverts to the grantor or passes to another designated party. Life estates pur autre vie are often used in estate planning to provide for individuals who may have a life interest in property based on the duration of another person’s life, such as a spouse or dependent.

What is the dictionary definition of Pur Autre Vie?
Dictionary Definition of Pur Autre Vie

Legal French meaning “for another’s life.” It is a phrase used to describe the duration of a property interest. For example, if Bob is given use of the family house for as long as his mother lives, he has possession of the house pur autre vie.

Full Definition Of Pur Autre Vie

Pur autre vie is a legal term used in property law that refers to an interest in property that lasts for the duration of someone else’s life. This type of interest is based on the life of a person other than the grantee (the individual who receives the interest).

The following are important aspects of “pur autre vie”:

  • Duration: The interest in the property lasts for the lifetime of a specified individual (the measuring life) who is not the grantee. Once the measuring life ends, the interest in the property also terminates.
  • Grantor and Grantee: The interest is typically created by a grantor, who conveys the property interest to a grantee, specifying that it will last for the duration of another person’s life.
  • Transferability: The interest can be transferred or conveyed to others during the measuring life of the individual, subject to legal restrictions and conditions.
  • Termination: Upon the death of the measuring life, the interest in the property reverts back to the grantor or is transferred to a designated beneficiary, depending on the terms of the original conveyance.

“Pur autre vie” interests are commonly used in property transactions, estate planning, and trusts to create conditional or temporary property rights based on the lifespan of a third party. This legal concept allows for flexible ownership arrangements and ensures that property interests are aligned with the lifespans of designated individuals.

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This glossary post was last updated: 28th April, 2024.

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  • American Psychological Association (APA):Pur Autre Vie. Retrieved April 29, 2024, from website: