Define: Rebuttal

Quick Summary of Rebuttal

Rebuttal refers to the presentation of evidence or arguments intended to counter or refute the claims, evidence, or arguments put forward by the opposing party in a debate, trial, or other dispute resolution process. In legal proceedings, rebuttal typically occurs after the opposing party has presented their case, allowing the opposing party an opportunity to address and challenge the evidence or arguments presented. The purpose of rebuttal is to undermine the credibility or persuasiveness of the opposing party’s case and to strengthen one’s own position. Rebuttal may involve presenting contradictory evidence, highlighting inconsistencies or weaknesses in the opposing party’s case, or offering alternative interpretations of the facts. Effective rebuttal is essential for presenting a comprehensive and persuasive argument and for achieving a favourable outcome in legal proceedings.

What is the dictionary definition of Rebuttal?
Dictionary Definition of Rebuttal

the speech act of refuting by offering a contrary contention or argument

  1. The act of refuting something by making a contrary argument, or presenting contrary evidence.
  2. A statement, designed to refute or negate specific arguments put forward by opponents.
  3. legal A pleading by a defendant in reply to the evidence put forward by a plaintiff or the prosecution.
Full Definition Of Rebuttal

The rebuttal is a response to give evidence to refute an argument made by opposing counsel. Rebuttal witnesses are provided by both the prosecution and the defence with the goal of refuting arguments made by each party. Prior to the start of the case witness testimony and evidence is submitted to the court which allows both the prosecution and the defence to prepare their rebuttals.

For example, if the prosecution plans to call a medical expert to testify, the defence team may call another medical expert to refute their testimony. Rebuttal testimony is limited to testimony which has already been introduced. There are many ways to refute testimony with a rebuttal such as invalidating the information by questioning the credentials of the witness or by providing an alternative argument about the events in question.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Page URL:
  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Rebuttal. DLS Solicitors. April 27, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Rebuttal. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 27, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Rebuttal. Retrieved April 27, 2024, from website: