Define: Accident Forgiveness

Accident Forgiveness
Accident Forgiveness
Quick Summary of Accident Forgiveness

Accident forgiveness is a feature offered by some insurance companies that protects policyholders from premium increases following their first at-fault accident. Essentially, it means that the insurance company will not raise the policyholder’s rates due to a single accident, provided they meet certain criteria, such as having a clean driving record prior to the accident. Accident forgiveness is often available as an optional add-on or as a reward for policyholders who maintain a good driving history. It can help drivers avoid significant increases in insurance premiums after an accident and provide peace of mind knowing that their rates won’t skyrocket immediately following a mishap on the road.

What is the dictionary definition of Accident Forgiveness?
Dictionary Definition of Accident Forgiveness

Accident forgiveness is a feature offered by some insurance companies that protects a policyholder from an increase in their insurance premium after their first at-fault accident. This feature allows the policyholder to maintain their current premium rate even after being involved in an accident, helping to minimise the financial impact of the incident.

A form of (optional) vehicular insurance coverage wherein the insurer waives its right to increase the rate of the policyholder at fault in the event of an accident.

Full Definition Of Accident Forgiveness

Accident forgiveness is a feature of an auto insurance policy that shields your driving record from the insurance company’s rating system for an at-fault accident, preventing a rise in your insurance premium as a result of an at-fault accident.

Some insurance providers offer accident forgiveness, which shields policyholders from premium increases following their first at-fault accident. This provision is typically available to drivers who have maintained a clean driving record for a certain period of time, usually three to five years.

Under accident forgiveness, the insurance company agrees not to raise the policyholder’s premium after their first at-fault accident, treating it as if it never occurred. This means that the policyholder’s premium will remain the same as it was before the accident, and they will not face any financial penalties for their mistake.

However, it is important to note that accident forgiveness is not automatically included in all insurance policies. It is often an optional add-on that policyholders can choose to purchase for an additional fee. Additionally, accident forgiveness may have certain limitations and conditions, such as a maximum number of accidents covered or a specific time period during which the policyholder must maintain a clean driving record to qualify for the provision.

Overall, accident forgiveness provides a level of protection and peace of mind for drivers who have a good driving history but may make a mistake on the road. It allows them to avoid the financial consequences of a premium increase following their first at-fault accident, promotes responsible driving behaviour, and encourages policyholders to maintain a clean record.

Accident Forgiveness FAQ'S

Accident forgiveness is a feature offered by some insurance companies that protects policyholders from increased premiums after their first at-fault accident. It essentially “forgives” the accident and prevents the insurance premium from going up as a result.

When you have accident forgiveness on your insurance policy, your insurance company agrees not to increase your premium after your first at-fault accident, provided you meet certain criteria. This allows you to maintain your current premium rate despite being involved in an accident.

No, accident forgiveness is typically an optional add-on or feature that you can purchase as part of your insurance policy. It may also be offered as a reward or incentive for safe driving or as part of a loyalty program with certain insurance companies.

Eligibility for accident forgiveness varies depending on the insurance company and their specific criteria. Generally, it may be available to drivers with a clean driving record and no recent at-fault accidents, and it may be subject to other conditions such as the length of time you’ve been insured with the company.

Accident forgiveness typically applies for a specified period, such as three to five years, during which your premium will not increase after your first at-fault accident. After this period expires, you may lose the benefit of accident forgiveness and be subject to premium increases for future accidents.

While accident forgiveness prevents your rates from increasing after your first at-fault accident, it does not necessarily guarantee that your rates will never go up in the future. Subsequent accidents may still result in higher premiums, especially if you no longer have accident forgiveness coverage.

In some cases, accident forgiveness may be transferable if you switch insurance companies, especially if you have been insured with the same company for a certain period. However, the terms and conditions may vary, so it’s important to check with your new insurance provider.

The cost of accident forgiveness varies depending on the insurance company, your driving history, and other factors. It is typically offered as an optional coverage that you can add to your policy for an additional premium, but some insurers may include it as a standard feature in certain policies.

Whether accident forgiveness is worth it depends on your individual circumstances, driving history, and budget. If you’re concerned about potential premium increases after an accident, accident forgiveness can provide peace of mind and financial protection, but you’ll need to weigh the cost against the potential benefits.

Accident forgiveness typically applies to minor accidents and fender benders where you are deemed at fault. However, it may not apply to more serious accidents, such as those involving injuries or significant property damage, or if you have multiple at-fault accidents within a short period.

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This glossary post was last updated: 11th April, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Accident Forgiveness. DLS Solicitors. April 28, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Accident Forgiveness. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 28, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Accident Forgiveness. Retrieved April 28, 2024, from website: