Define: Against The Will

Against The Will
Against The Will
Quick Summary of Against The Will

The statement that says something was done without a person’s consent. Such as rape, robbery or an assault.

What is the dictionary definition of Against The Will?
Dictionary Definition of Against The Will

pleadings. Without one’s consent, forcibly, as in The defendant knew he could not be made to testify against his will. Originally one meaning of will was “acquiescence” or “consent,” but this sense survives only in this idiom, which today nearly always implies some use of force.

Against The Will: 1. A legal term referring to actions or decisions made without the consent or agreement of an individual, often in relation to their personal rights, wishes, or desires. 2. A phrase used to describe situations where someone is forced or coerced into doing something against their own volition or desire. 3. In the context of inheritance or estate planning, it refers to actions taken to prevent or contest the distribution of assets or property as specified in a will, typically due to disagreements, disputes, or suspicions of foul play. 4. A concept used in criminal law to describe acts committed against someone’s wishes, such as sexual assault, kidnapping, or physical abuse. 5. In psychological terms, it can refer to the violation of an individual’s autonomy or personal boundaries, often resulting in emotional or psychological harm.


Full Definition Of Against The Will

Against the will is a phrase which means contrary to a person’s wishes.

The phrase is used in indictments to demonstrate that a defendant’s conduct was without the victim’s consent.

For example, indictments for sexual molestation will contain the words “feloniously and against the will to sufficiently charge the offence.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • American Psychological Association (APA):Against The Will. Retrieved April 27, 2024, from website: