Define: Actio Bone Fidei

Actio Bone Fidei
Actio Bone Fidei
Quick Summary of Actio Bone Fidei

Actio bonae fidei, Latin for “action in good faith,” refers to a legal action based on principles of good faith and fair dealing. It is commonly associated with contractual obligations where one party is required to act honestly, fairly, and in accordance with the reasonable expectations of the other party. In civil law systems, the actio bonae fidei allows courts to consider equitable factors and principles of fairness when resolving disputes between parties to a contract. This legal action aims to prevent unfair advantage-taking and to promote trust and cooperation in contractual relationships. The actio bonae fidei emphasises the importance of good faith conduct and equitable outcomes in contractual dealings.

What is the dictionary definition of Actio Bone Fidei?
Dictionary Definition of Actio Bone Fidei

Latin phrase. An action of good faith or a group of actions where the judge is authorised to take into account equitable considerations.

Actio Bone Fidei is a Latin legal term that refers to a legal action based on good faith. It is a principle in civil law that allows a party to seek legal remedies when they have acted in good faith and have suffered harm or loss due to the actions or omissions of another party. This legal action is typically used to protect individuals or entities who have relied on the honesty, integrity, or representations of another party in entering into a contract or transaction. The purpose of Actio Bone Fidei is to ensure fairness and justice by providing a legal recourse for those who have been deceived or misled by others while acting in good faith.

Full Definition Of Actio Bone Fidei

Actio Bone Fidei is a legal action that can be taken in cases of breach of contract where one party has acted in good faith. It is a Roman law principle that has been adopted in many legal systems around the world. The purpose of this action is to protect the innocent party from losses incurred due to the other party’s breach of contract. The innocent party can claim damages for any losses suffered as a result of the breach, and the court will consider the good faith of both parties when making a decision. This legal action is particularly relevant in cases where there is a relationship of trust between the parties, such as in commercial or employment contracts.

Actio Bone Fidei FAQ'S

Actio Bonae Fidei is a legal action based on the principle of good faith. It allows parties to a contract to seek relief in situations where one party has acted in bad faith or breached the duty of good faith and fair dealing.

Actio Bonae Fidei is commonly associated with contracts such as sales, leases, partnerships, and agency agreements, where there is an inherent expectation of good faith and fair dealing between the parties.

Good faith plays a central role in Actio Bonae Fidei by requiring parties to act honestly, fairly, and in accordance with the reasonable expectations of the other party. It imposes an obligation to disclose relevant information and to refrain from taking advantage of the other party’s vulnerabilities.

Actio Bonae Fidei differs from strict legal actions in that it allows the court to consider equitable principles and the conduct of the parties in determining the outcome of the case, rather than relying solely on the terms of the contract or applicable law.

Remedies available under Actio Bonae Fidei may include the rescission of a contract, restitution of any benefits received, damages for losses suffered, or specific performance of contractual obligations, depending on the circumstances of the case.

In determining a claim under Actio Bonae Fidei, courts may consider factors such as the conduct of the parties, their intentions, the nature of the relationship between them, and any relevant industry customs or practices.

While Actio Bonae Fidei originated in Roman law, its principles have been incorporated into modern legal systems, particularly in civil law jurisdictions where the duty of good faith and fair dealing is recognised as an essential aspect of contractual relationships.

Depending on the jurisdiction, parties may or may not be able to waive the right to invoke Actio Bonae Fidei in a contract. In some cases, attempts to waive this right may be deemed unconscionable or against public policy.

While Actio Bonae Fidei is often associated with contractual disputes, its principles may also apply to other legal relationships, such as those governed by fiduciary duties or obligations of good faith imposed by law.

Actio Bonae Fidei may be invoked by including relevant allegations and arguments in the pleadings or by raising the issue during the course of legal proceedings, highlighting the facts and circumstances that support a claim based on good faith.

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This glossary post was last updated: 9th April, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Actio Bone Fidei. DLS Solicitors. April 28, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Actio Bone Fidei. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 28, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Actio Bone Fidei. Retrieved April 28, 2024, from website: