Define: Acquit

Quick Summary of Acquit

Acquit is a legal term used to describe the action of a court or jury declaring a defendant not guilty of the charges brought against them in a criminal trial. When a defendant is acquitted, it means that they are cleared of all criminal liability and are not subject to punishment for the alleged offence. Acquittal can occur due to lack of evidence, failure of the prosecution to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, or the determination that the defendant’s actions did not constitute a crime. Acquittal is a crucial outcome in criminal proceedings, as it upholds the principle of “innocent until proven guilty” and protects individuals from wrongful conviction and unjust punishment.

What is the dictionary definition of Acquit?
Dictionary Definition of Acquit

Acquit (verb): 1. To declare someone not guilty of a crime or wrongdoing, especially in a court of law, based on the lack of evidence or proof of their guilt. Example: The jury unanimously acquitted the defendant due to the lack of credible witnesses. 2. To absolve or exonerate someone from blame, responsibility, or a perceived wrongdoing. Example: The investigation revealed no evidence to support the allegations, leading to the company being acquitted of any wrongdoing. 3. To discharge or release someone from a duty, obligation, or debt. Example: The court acquitted the debtor of his financial obligations after considering his dire financial situation. 4. To demonstrate one’s innocence or prove oneself free from guilt or blame. Example: The defendant presented a strong alibi and multiple witnesses to acquit himself of the charges. 5. To achieve a favourable outcome or success in a challenging situation or endeavour. Example: Despite facing numerous obstacles, the team’s determination and hard work allowed them to acquit themselves admirably in the competition.

to pronounce you not guilty of criminal charges.

To set free, release, or discharge from an obligation, burden, or accusation. To absolve one from an obligation or a liability; or to legally certify the innocence of one charged with a crime.

  1. Behave in a certain manner.
  2. Pronounce yourself not guilty of criminal charges.
Full Definition Of Acquit

To acquit someone means the court has decided the person is not guilty of the crime for which they have been accused, and the court is “setting them free from the charge of the offence.” In other words, you have been found not guilty of the criminal indictment. An acquittal can be reached after both the prosecutor and defendant have presented their case at trial. An acquittal can be reached by a jury or a judge. Generally, if the defendant is acquitted by the jury, the charges are not appealed. If a judge reaches an acquittal, it may result in either a dismissal of the charges or a mistrial. Appeals can be made by the prosecution; however, if the jury convicts a defendant but the judge makes an acquittal,.

If a person is acquitted of a crime, they cannot be tried for the same crime a second time. A defendant’s acquittal will also stand if additional evidence is found at a later date. This law stands as a defence against unconstitutional government action.

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This glossary post was last updated: 11th April, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Acquit. DLS Solicitors. April 28, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Acquit. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 28, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Acquit. Retrieved April 28, 2024, from website: