Define: Ad Infinitum

Ad Infinitum
Ad Infinitum
Quick Summary of Ad Infinitum

“Ad infinitum” is a Latin term meaning “to infinity” or “endlessly.” In legal contexts, it often refers to a situation or process that continues indefinitely, without reaching a conclusion or resolution. For example, a legal argument or debate might continue ad infinitum if the parties involved are unable to reach an agreement or if the issue remains unresolved. Similarly, a legal dispute or litigation may drag on ad infinitum if there is no clear end in sight or if the parties are unable to settle their differences. The term highlights the notion of perpetual or never-ending duration, emphasising the potential for ongoing or continuous action or debate within the legal realm.

What is the dictionary definition of Ad Infinitum?
Dictionary Definition of Ad Infinitum

Ad Infinitum (adverb): 1. Continuing indefinitely or without limit; without end. 2. Repeatedly or endlessly, often in a monotonous or tiresome manner. 3. In mathematics, it is used to describe a process or sequence that continues indefinitely without reaching a specific value or conclusion. 4. In rhetoric or writing, used to emphasise the endless or repetitive nature of a particular action, idea, or concept. 5. In music, referring to a passage or section that is to be repeated indefinitely until a specific cue or instruction is given. 6. In philosophy, it is used to describe a concept or theory that posits an infinite or unending existence or state.

Full Definition Of Ad Infinitum

Latin phrase that means “to infinity” or forever. With regard to finance, it is associated with perpetuity, where the payments that are derived from an asset at fixed intervals are assumed to go on forever, with no end, although they do not have to.

Ad Infinitum is a Latin phrase that translates to “to infinity” or “endlessly.” In a legal context, it is often used to refer to a situation or action that continues indefinitely or without limit. The phrase is commonly used in contracts, statutes, and legal arguments to emphasise the perpetual nature of a particular right, obligation, or condition.

In contract law, the inclusion of the term “ad infinitum” may indicate that a certain provision or obligation is intended to last indefinitely, without any specified end date. This can have significant implications for the parties involved, as it may mean that they are bound by the terms of the contract for an unlimited period of time.

Similarly, in statutory interpretation, the phrase “ad infinitum” may be used to argue that a particular law or regulation should be interpreted as applying indefinitely, without any temporal limitations. This can be relevant in cases where the statute does not explicitly state a duration or expiration date for its application.

It is important to note that the use of “ad infinitum” does not necessarily mean that a right or obligation will truly last forever. Courts may interpret the phrase in light of other legal principles, such as reasonableness or public policy, and may impose limitations or conditions on its application.

Overall, the term “ad infinitum” serves as a legal shorthand to convey the idea of perpetuity or endlessness. Its precise meaning and implications will depend on the specific context in which it is used and the interpretation given by the relevant legal authorities.

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This glossary post was last updated: 11th April, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Ad Infinitum. DLS Solicitors. April 28, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Ad Infinitum. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 28, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Ad Infinitum. Retrieved April 28, 2024, from website: