Define: Addict

Quick Summary of Addict

An addict is an individual who is physically or psychologically dependent on a substance or behaviour, often to the detriment of their health, well-being, and social functioning. Addiction can involve substances such as drugs or alcohol, as well as behaviours like gambling, gaming, or compulsive eating. Addiction is characterized by cravings, loss of control over use, continued use despite negative consequences, and withdrawal symptoms when the substance or behaviour is discontinued. Treatment for addiction typically involves a combination of therapy, support groups, medication, and lifestyle changes to help individuals overcome their dependency and regain control of their lives.

What is the dictionary definition of Addict?
Dictionary Definition of Addict

Addict (noun): 1. A person who is physically or psychologically dependent on a substance or behaviour, often resulting in compulsive and uncontrollable cravings or desires. 2. A person who is habitually or excessively devoted to a particular activity, interest, or pursuit, often to the detriment of other aspects of their life. 3. A person who is unable to function or cope without the presence or involvement of a specific substance, behaviour, or activity, leading to negative consequences on their physical, mental, and social well-being.

A person who is addicted, especially to a harmful drug.

An addict is the habitual user of any habit-forming drug such as a narcotic, tranquiliser, hallucinatory drug or amphetamines. Verb

  • to cause to become physiologically or psychologically dependent on an addictive substance, as alcohol or a narcotic.
  • to habituate or abandon (oneself) to something compulsively or obsessively: an author addicted to the use of convoluted language; a child addicted to computer games.


  • A person who is addicted, especially to a harmful drug
  • An adherent or fan (of something)
Full Definition Of Addict

Any individual who habitually uses any narcotic drug so as to endanger the public morals, health, safety, or welfare, or who is so drawn to the use of such narcotic drugs as to have lost the power of self-control with reference to his or her drug use.

Addiction to narcotics is not a crime in itself, but that does not excuse violation of related statutes. It may be an offence to be under the influence of an illegal drug in a public place, even though being an addict is not illegal. While such a statute is intended to protect society from the dangers of drug abuse and the antisocial conduct of drug abusers, it generally is not necessary for conviction to prove that the defendant was disturbing the peace when arrested.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Addict. DLS Solicitors. April 27, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Addict. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 27, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Addict. Retrieved April 27, 2024, from website: