Define: Adequate Remedy

Adequate Remedy
Adequate Remedy
Quick Summary of Adequate Remedy

An adequate remedy, in legal terms, refers to a legal recourse or solution available to a party that is sufficient to address the harm or injury suffered. It is typically sought through legal action to rectify a legal wrong or enforce a legal right. An adequate remedy ensures that aggrieved parties have a means to seek redress for violations of their legal rights or interests. Whether a remedy is considered adequate depends on various factors, including the nature of the harm, the legal principles involved, and the available relief under the law. Adequate remedies may include monetary damages, injunctive relief, specific performance, or other forms of equitable relief, depending on the circumstances of the case. The availability of an adequate remedy is important for ensuring access to justice and upholding the rule of law.

What is the dictionary definition of Adequate Remedy?
Dictionary Definition of Adequate Remedy

Adequate remedy is a legal term that refers to a solution or course of action that is sufficient to address a particular issue or problem. In the context of law, an adequate remedy is one that provides fair and just compensation or relief for harm or injury suffered by an individual or entity. It is a remedy that is appropriate and sufficient to rectify a legal wrong or injustice.

n. a remedy (money or performance) awarded by a court or through private action (including compromise) that affords “complete” satisfaction and is “practical, efficient and appropriate” in the circumstances. In part, this depends on what relief (like an order granting one an easement over a neighbour’s property or an order keeping the drunken husband away from the complaining wife) a party is seeking. A court is a bit self-congratulatory and subjectively judgmental when it announces that the remedy granted is “adequate” when it has done the best it can in the circumstances. Example: a “stay away” order telling an abusive husband to keep his distance from his wife but not putting him in jail. The order is only a piece of paper until he violates it, giving cause for his arrest.

Full Definition Of Adequate Remedy

Adequate remedy refers to a legal remedy that is sufficient to address a particular legal issue or harm suffered by a party. It is a fundamental principle of law that every person should have access to a remedy that is appropriate and effective in providing relief for their grievances.

In order for a remedy to be considered adequate, it must be capable of fully compensating the injured party for any losses or damages suffered. This includes both monetary compensation and non-monetary remedies such as injunctions or specific performance. The adequacy of a remedy is determined on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the nature of the harm, the rights involved, and the overall circumstances of the case.

The concept of adequate remedy is closely related to the principle of access to justice, which ensures that individuals have the means to seek redress for any legal wrongs they have suffered. Adequate remedies are essential for maintaining the rule of law and ensuring that individuals are not left without recourse when their rights are violated.

In some cases, the availability of an adequate remedy may be a prerequisite for bringing a legal action. For example, in certain jurisdictions, a plaintiff may be required to demonstrate that they have exhausted all available administrative remedies before they can file a lawsuit in court.

Overall, the concept of adequate remedy is a fundamental aspect of the legal system, ensuring that individuals have access to effective remedies to address any legal wrongs they have suffered.

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This glossary post was last updated: 11th April, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Adequate Remedy. DLS Solicitors. April 27, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Adequate Remedy. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 27, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Adequate Remedy. Retrieved April 27, 2024, from website: