Define: Alias

Quick Summary of Alias

In a legal context, an alias is an additional name that a person may use, often to conceal their true identity or to use as a nickname. It is commonly seen in legal documents such as court filings, where an individual may be referred to by their alias instead of their legal name. Aliases can be used for various reasons, including privacy concerns, protection from threats, or simply as a matter of personal preference. However, using an alias for fraudulent purposes or to evade legal obligations can have serious legal consequences.

What is the dictionary definition of Alias?
Dictionary Definition of Alias

Alias (noun): 1. A false or alternative name used by a person, especially to conceal their true identity or to avoid detection or recognition. Example: The notorious criminal operated under various aliases to evade capture by law enforcement. 2. A nickname or pseudonym adopted by an individual, often for artistic or professional purposes. Example: The renowned author Mark Twain was an alias for Samuel Clemens. 3. In computer programming, a symbolic name or reference used to represent another variable, function, or object. Example: The programmer used an alias to simplify the code and improve readability. 4. A term used in legal proceedings to refer to a person or entity that is known by a different name. Example: The court documents listed the defendant’s alias as “John Doe” due to his unknown true identity. 5. A term used in the field of linguistics to describe a word or phrase that has the same or similar meaning as another word or phrase. Example: “Automobile” is an alias for “car” in everyday language usage.

[Latin, Otherwise called.] A term used to indicate that a person is known by more than one name.

n. 1) a name used other than the given name of a person or reference to that other name, which may not be an attempt to hide his/her identity (such as Harry for Harold, initials or a maiden name).

Full Definition Of Alias

Alias is a short and more popular phrase for alias dictus. The abbreviation a.k.a., also known as, is frequently used in connection with the description of a person sought by law enforcement officers to disclose the names that the person has been known to use. A fictitious name assumed by a person is popularly termed an alias.

Alias is a legal term that refers to an alternative name or pseudonym used by an individual or entity. It is commonly used in various legal contexts, such as in criminal cases, where a defendant may use an alias to conceal their true identity. The use of an alias can have legal implications, as it may affect the credibility of a person’s testimony or create difficulties in identifying and prosecuting individuals involved in illegal activities. In some cases, the use of an alias may be illegal, such as when it is used to commit fraud or evade legal obligations. Overall, the use of an alias is a complex legal issue that requires careful consideration and analysis in each specific case.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Alias. DLS Solicitors. April 29, 2024
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  • American Psychological Association (APA):Alias. Retrieved April 29, 2024, from website: