Servient Tenement

Servient Tenement
Servient Tenement
Full Overview Of Servient Tenement

In property law, the concept of servient tenement is a fundamental aspect of easements and land rights. A servient tenement is a piece of land that bears the burden of an easement, allowing another property (the dominant tenement) certain rights over it. Understanding the intricacies of servient tenements is essential for property owners, developers, and legal professionals involved in land transactions and disputes.

At DLS Solicitors, we are committed to providing expert guidance on servient tenements, ensuring our clients can confidently navigate these complex matters. This overview explains the principles, legal framework, responsibilities, and strategic considerations associated with servient tenements.

The legal framework governing servient tenements is established by statutes, common law principles, and specific terms outlined in property deeds. Key pieces of legislation include:

Law of Property Act 1925

This Act is a cornerstone of property law in England and Wales. It outlines landowners’ rights and responsibilities and provides the legal basis for creating and enforcing easements.

Land Registration Act 2002

This Act modernised the process of registering land and property rights, including easements. It requires that easements affecting registered land be recorded with the Land Registry, ensuring transparency and legal certainty.

Prescription Act 1832

This Act sets out the rules for acquiring easements by prescription, meaning the continuous and uninterrupted use of a right over land for a specified period (typically 20 years) without the permission of the servient tenement owner.

Understanding Easements

An easement is a right that allows one property (the dominant tenement) to use the land of another property (the servient tenement) for a specific purpose. Common examples of easements include rights of way, rights of light, and rights to run utilities. Easements can be created by express grant, implied grant, necessity, or prescription.

Express Grant

An express grant occurs when the owner of the servient tenement formally grants an easement to the dominant tenement, typically through a deed. This is the most straightforward way to create an easement and document the rights and obligations involved.

Implied Grant

An implied grant arises when an easement is not explicitly stated but is deemed necessary for the reasonable enjoyment of the dominant tenement. This can occur when land is divided, and using one part of the land inherently requires access to or use of another part.

Easement by Necessity

An easement by necessity is created when a property is landlocked, meaning it has no access to a public road except through adjoining land. The law recognises the need for access and imposes an easement on the servient tenement to allow reasonable use of the dominant tenement.


An easement by prescription is acquired through long-term, continuous, and uninterrupted use of the servient tenement by the dominant tenement. The use must be without permission and must continue for a period specified by law (typically 20 years).

Responsibilities of Servient Tenement Owners

Owners of servient tenements have specific responsibilities to ensure that the easement can be used by the dominant tenement without undue interference. These responsibilities include:

Allowing Reasonable Use

The servient tenement owner must allow the dominant tenement to exercise its rights under the easement. This includes maintaining access and ensuring the easement is not obstructed or hindered.

Maintaining the Easement

While the dominant tenement is typically responsible for maintaining the easement, the servient tenement owner must not take any action that would render it unusable. This includes avoiding construction or alterations that block access or interfere with the easement’s use.

Respecting the Scope of the Easement

The servient tenement owner must respect the specific terms and scope of the easement. For example, if the easement is a right of way, the owner must ensure access is available as specified in the easement agreement.

Rights of Servient Tenement Owners

Despite the burden of an easement, servient tenement owners retain certain rights over their property. These rights include:

Ownership and Use

The servient tenement owner retains full ownership of the property and can use it as they see fit, provided that such use does not interfere with the rights of the dominant tenement under the easement.

Modification and Development

The servient tenement owner can modify or develop their property as long as these changes do not obstruct or impair the easement. Any planned modifications should be reviewed to ensure compliance with the easement’s terms.

Challenge and Termination

The servient tenement owner has the right to challenge the validity or scope of an easement if it is being misused or exceeds the agreed terms. Additionally, an easement can be terminated by agreement, abandonment, or if the purpose for which it was granted ceases to exist.

Resolving Disputes Involving Servient Tenements

Disputes involving servient tenements can arise when there is disagreement over an easement’s use, scope, or maintenance. Resolving these disputes involves several stages:

Initial Assessment

The process begins with an initial assessment of the dispute, including a review of property deeds, easement agreements, and any relevant documentation. Engaging a solicitor early in the process can provide valuable guidance and prevent escalation.

Negotiation and Mediation

In many cases, disputes can be resolved through negotiation or mediation. A solicitor can facilitate discussions between the parties, helping them reach a mutually acceptable agreement. Mediation involves a neutral third party who assists in resolving the dispute without court intervention.

Legal Proceedings

If negotiation and mediation fail, legal proceedings may be necessary. This involves filing a claim with the County Court or the First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber). The court or tribunal will consider the evidence and determine the dispute.

Implementing the Decision

Once a decision is made, it must be implemented. This may involve clarifying the easement terms, making physical changes to the property, or ensuring compliance with the court’s or tribunal’s ruling.

Core Considerations in Managing Servient Tenements

Several key considerations are essential for effectively managing servient tenements and ensuring compliance with easement obligations:

Accurate Documentation

Ensuring that all property documentation, including deeds and easement agreements, is accurate and up-to-date is crucial. This provides a clear basis for managing the servient tenement and resolving disputes.

Professional Advice

Seeking professional advice from solicitors and surveyors provides valuable guidance on easements’ legal and technical aspects. Professional advice ensures compliance with legal requirements and helps address any issues that arise.

Clear Communication

Maintaining clear communication with the owners of the dominant tenement is essential. Open and respectful dialogue can prevent misunderstandings and facilitate conflict resolution.

Early Intervention

Addressing potential easement issues early, before they escalate into disputes, can prevent legal action and reduce costs. Engaging a solicitor at the first sign of an issue can provide early resolution strategies.

Understanding Legal Principles

Understanding the legal principles governing easements, such as the rights and responsibilities of servient and dominant tenements. This knowledge helps manage the property and resolve disputes effectively.

Benefits of Managing Servient Tenements Effectively

Effectively managing servient tenements offers several benefits, including clarity, security, and improved relationships with neighbouring property owners:

Legal Certainty

Proper management of servient tenements provides legal certainty about the rights and obligations of both the servient and dominant tenement owners. This clarity is essential for future transactions and property management.

Improved Property Value

Well-managed servient tenements can enhance the value of the property. Potential buyers are more likely to be interested in a property with clear and legally recognised easements.

Better Neighbour Relations

Managing easements effectively can improve relationships with neighbouring property owners. Clear boundaries and mutual agreements can prevent future conflicts and promote harmonious living conditions.

Reduced Stress and Costs

Early resolution of easement-related issues can reduce stress and legal costs. Avoiding lengthy court proceedings saves time and money for both parties.

Challenges and Considerations

While managing servient tenements effectively provides significant benefits, it also presents certain challenges and considerations:

Complexity of Legal Issues

Managing servient tenements can involve complex legal and technical issues, particularly when interpreting easement agreements or applying prescription principles. Ensuring that these issues are fully understood and addressed is essential.

Potential for Disputes

Disputes can arise between the servient and dominant tenement owners regarding an easement’s use, scope, or maintenance. Clear communication and early intervention are crucial for preventing disputes.

Financial Costs

Managing servient tenements can involve financial costs, including legal fees, surveyor’s fees, and maintenance costs. Effective financial planning and budgeting are essential for managing these costs.

Case Studies and Examples

Right of Way Dispute

Mr. and Mrs. Jones owned a servant tenement with a right-of-way easement granted to their neighbour, Mr. Smith. A dispute arose when Mr. Jones erected a fence that partially blocked the right-of-way. Mr. Smith sought legal advice and initiated mediation. The parties agreed to modify the fence and maintain clear access, resolving the dispute amicably.

Maintenance of Shared Driveway

A shared driveway between two properties created an easement dispute when one party, Ms. Brown, failed to maintain the driveway, causing inconvenience to the other party, Mr. Green. Mr. Green engaged a solicitor who facilitated negotiations, resulting in an agreement for shared maintenance responsibilities and cost-sharing arrangements.

Easement by Prescription

Ms. White claimed an easement by prescription over a pathway on her neighbour’s property, Mr. Black. The path had been used continuously for over 20 years. Mr. Black challenged the claim, but the court upheld Ms. White’s right to the easement, establishing her legal right to use the pathway.

Several legal instruments and safeguards ensure the effective management and reliability of servient tenements:

Detailed Deeds and Easement Agreements

Accurate and detailed deeds and easement agreements provide a solid legal foundation for managing servant tenements. Ensuring that these documents are up-to-date and reflect the actual easements is essential.

Professional Surveys

Professional boundary and easement surveys provide accurate and reliable evidence of the property boundaries and easement lines. Engaging qualified surveyors ensures that the surveys are conducted to a high standard and can be used as evidence in legal proceedings.

Legal Advice and Representation

Seeking legal advice and representation ensures that easement issues are properly documented and all legal requirements are met. Solicitors provide guidance on the legal implications of easements and address any issues that arise.

Thorough Documentation

Maintaining thorough documentation and records of easement-related issues, including surveys, correspondence, and agreements, provides evidence to support the management and resolution of disputes. This documentation is essential for legal and regulatory compliance.

Best Practices

Adopting best practices can enhance the effectiveness and success of managing servient tenements:

Early and Clear Planning

Early and clear planning of easement management, including understanding the legal implications and preparing accurate documentation, ensures that easements are managed effectively. This includes seeking professional advice and preparing detailed surveys.

Accurate Calculation and Compliance

Accurate calculation of the property boundaries and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements are essential for determining the correct management of servient tenements. Ensuring compliance prevents disputes and legal challenges.

Regular Review and Updates

Regularly reviewing and updating the management of servient tenements ensures that they remain relevant and effective. This includes revisiting the terms in response to changes in property use or legal requirements.

Professional Advice

Seeking professional advice from solicitors and surveyors provides valuable guidance on managing and resolving easement issues. Professional advice ensures compliance with legal requirements and helps identify opportunities for an early resolution.


Servient tenements are a fundamental aspect of property law, crucial to easements and land rights. By understanding the legal framework, responsibilities, and strategic considerations associated with servient tenements, property owners can effectively manage these issues and ensure successful outcomes.

At DLS Solicitors, we are committed to providing comprehensive support and guidance to clients navigating the complexities of servient tenements. Our expertise ensures clients achieve the best possible outcomes when dealing with residential properties, commercial developments, or easement disputes.

By adopting best practices, seeking professional advice, and maintaining clear communication, clients can effectively manage servient tenements and achieve positive outcomes. Servient tenements, when managed correctly, provide clarity, security, and improved relationships with neighbouring property owners, ensuring smooth and successful property management.

Servient Tenement FAQ'S

A Servient Tenement is a parcel of land that is subject to an easement, allowing the owner of a different piece of land (the dominant tenement) to exercise certain rights over it, such as a right of way.

The Servient Tenement is the land over which an easement is granted, burdened by the easement. The Dominant Tenement is the land that benefits from the easement, allowing its owner certain use over the Servient Tenement.

An easement can be created through express grant or reservation in a deed, by implication, by necessity, or through long use (prescription).

The owner of a Servient Tenement can use their land, but this use must not interfere with the rights granted by the easement to the Dominant Tenement. The easement’s terms will dictate the extent of the allowed use.

Yes, an easement can be terminated by mutual agreement, if the Dominant Tenement and Servient Tenement come into the same ownership, if the easement is no longer necessary, or by abandonment.

The owner of a Servient Tenement must not obstruct the use of the easement by the Dominant Tenement. They must ensure that the rights granted by the easement can be exercised without interference.

The owner can modify their land, but any modifications must not prevent the Dominant Tenement from enjoying the rights granted by the easement. Changes should not obstruct or hinder the easement.

Disputes can be resolved through negotiation, mediation, or legal action. Courts can interpret the easement’s terms and enforce or modify the rights and responsibilities of the involved parties.

When a Servient Tenement is sold, the easement typically continues to burden the land. The new owner must respect the easement, as it usually runs with the land and binds future owners.

Generally, an easement cannot be increased beyond what was originally granted without the consent of the Servient Tenement’s owner. Any significant changes or expansions require agreement from both parties.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 17th July 2024.

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