Define: Ad Interim

Ad Interim
Ad Interim
Quick Summary of Ad Interim

Ad interim is a Latin term meaning “in the meantime” or “temporary.” In various contexts, particularly in legal and administrative settings, it refers to something that is done or appointed temporarily until a permanent solution or decision can be made. For example, an ad interim appointment may be made to fill a position temporarily until a permanent replacement can be found. Ad interim measures or orders may also be issued by courts or authorities to address urgent matters or maintain the status quo until a final decision can be reached. These temporary arrangements are often put in place to prevent harm or disruption while more permanent solutions are pursued.

What is the dictionary definition of Ad Interim?
Dictionary Definition of Ad Interim

Ad Interim (adverb) 1. Temporarily; for the time being; in the meantime. 2. Used to describe a person or position that is appointed or assumed temporarily until a permanent replacement can be found or until a specific event or circumstance occurs. 3. In legal terms, a temporary court order or injunction that is in effect until a final decision or resolution is reached. 4. In business or finance, referring to a temporary arrangement or solution that is implemented until a more permanent or long-term solution can be established.

Full Definition Of Ad Interim

Ad Interim is a Latin term that translates to “in the meantime” or “temporary.” In legal contexts, it refers to a temporary or provisional action that a court or authority takes before making a final decision or order. Ad Interim orders are typically issued to address urgent or immediate matters that require immediate attention and cannot wait for a final resolution. These orders are temporary in nature and are subject to review and modification by the court or authority at a later stage. Ad Interim orders are commonly used in various legal proceedings, including civil, criminal, and administrative cases, to provide temporary relief or protection to parties involved.

[Latin, In the meantime.] An officer ad interim is a person appointed to fill a position that is temporarily open or to perform the functions of a particular position during the absence or temporary incapacity of the individual who regularly fulfils those duties.

In various contexts, the term “ad interim” holds significance, particularly in administrative, diplomatic, and legal spheres. Originating from Latin, ad interim translates to “in the meantime” or “temporarily.” This term is often used to denote a temporary or interim appointment, authority, or arrangement. This essay explores the concept of ad interim, examining its applications, implications, and significance in different domains.

Defining Ad Interim:

Ad interim refers to a temporary or provisional arrangement, appointment, or authority that is in place until a permanent solution or decision is reached. It is commonly used to fill vacancies or address immediate needs in organisations, institutions, or administrative bodies. Ad interim appointments are typically made on an interim basis, providing continuity and stability until a permanent replacement or resolution can be established.

Applications in Various Domains:

The concept of ad interim finds applications in diverse domains, including:

  1. Administrative: In organisations and institutions, ad interim appointments may be made to temporarily fill leadership positions, such as interim CEO, interim manager, or interim department head. These temporary appointments ensure continuity of operations and decision-making during transitions or vacancies.
  2. Legal: Ad interim measures may be implemented in legal proceedings to address urgent matters or maintain the status quo until a final decision can be rendered. For example, ad interim injunctions or restraining orders may be issued to prevent immediate harm or preserve rights pending the outcome of a legal dispute.
  3. Diplomatic: In diplomatic relations, interim appointments may be made to represent a country or government temporarily in the absence of a permanent ambassador or envoy. Ad interim diplomats serve as interim representatives, maintaining diplomatic relations and fulfiling diplomatic functions until a permanent appointment is made.
  4. Governance: Ad interim arrangements may be established in governance structures to address interim vacancies or transitions in leadership roles. For example, interim committees or task forces may be formed to address specific issues or oversee transitional periods in governmental or organisational structures.

Implications and Considerations:

While interim arrangements provide temporary solutions to immediate needs or vacancies, they may also present certain implications and considerations:

  1. Temporary Nature: Ad interim appointments are by nature temporary and provisional, intended to address immediate needs or vacancies until a permanent solution can be established. As such, they may lack the long-term stability and continuity associated with permanent appointments.
  2. Limited Authority: Ad interim appointees may have limited authority or decision-making powers compared to permanent officeholders. Their actions and decisions may be subject to review, oversight, or approval by permanent authorities or bodies once established.
  3. Transitional Period: Ad interim arrangements often coincide with transitional periods or phases of change within organisations or institutions. Effective communication, coordination, and planning are essential to ensuring smooth transitions and minimising disruptions during interim appointments.
  4. Accountability: Ad interim appointees remain accountable for their actions and decisions during their tenure, despite the temporary nature of their appointments. They are expected to uphold ethical standards, fulfil their duties responsibly, and act in the best interests of the organisation or institution they serve.


In conclusion, the concept of ad interim plays a vital role in addressing temporary needs, vacancies, or transitions in various domains, including administrative, legal, diplomatic, and governance spheres. Interim arrangements provide temporary solutions and continuity of operations until permanent solutions or decisions can be established. While ad interim appointments serve important functions, they also present implications and considerations related to their temporary nature, limited authority, and transitional periods. By understanding the concept of ad interim and its applications, organisations, institutions, and authorities can effectively navigate transitions and address immediate needs while working towards permanent solutions and long-term stability.

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This glossary post was last updated: 9th April, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Ad Interim. DLS Solicitors. April 29, 2024
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  • American Psychological Association (APA):Ad Interim. Retrieved April 29, 2024, from website: