Advocate Depute

Advocate Depute
Advocate Depute
Full Overview Of Advocate Depute

In the context of the Scottish legal system, the role of the Advocate Depute is pivotal in the administration of criminal justice. As a unique position within the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS), the Advocate Depute is responsible for prosecuting serious crimes, guiding investigations, and providing legal expertise.

This comprehensive overview by DLS Solicitors explores Advocate Deputes’ role, responsibilities, and significance, offering insights into their contribution to the Scottish judicial system.

What is an Advocate Depute?

An Advocate Depute is a senior prosecutor in Scotland appointed by the Lord Advocate, who is the head of the COPFS. These advocates are usually members of the Faculty of Advocates, although solicitors with extensive experience in criminal law can also be appointed. Advocate Deputes are tasked with prosecuting serious criminal cases in the High Court of Justiciary and providing legal advice on complex legal matters.

Key Characteristics of an Advocate Depute

  1. Senior Prosecutorial Role: Advocate Deputes handle the prosecution of the most serious criminal cases in Scotland, including homicide, rape, and serious fraud.
  2. Legal Expertise: They provide authoritative legal advice and guidance to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service.
  3. Investigative Oversight: Advocate Deputes play a crucial role in guiding criminal investigations, ensuring they are conducted lawfully and effectively.

Appointment and Qualifications

Appointment Process

Advocate Deputes are appointed by the Lord Advocate, usually for a fixed term, although this can be extended. The rigorous selection process involves assessing the candidate’s legal knowledge, prosecutorial experience, and suitability for handling high-profile cases.


To be considered for the role of an Advocate Depute, candidates typically need to meet the following qualifications:

  1. Membership of the Faculty of Advocates: Most Advocate Deputes are Advocates (barristers) who have been called to the Scottish Bar.
  2. Extensive Legal Experience: Candidates should have substantial experience in criminal law, either as an advocate or a solicitor specialising in criminal prosecution.
  3. Demonstrated Competence: Proven competence in handling complex legal matters and managing high-pressure situations are essential.

Responsibilities and Duties

Advocate Deputes’ responsibilities are varied and demanding, encompassing a broad range of prosecutorial and advisory duties.

Prosecuting Serious Crimes

Advocate Deputes are primarily responsible for prosecuting serious criminal cases in the High Court of Justiciary. Their duties in this regard include:

  1. Case Preparation: Thoroughly preparing cases for trial, including reviewing evidence, drafting indictments, and formulating legal strategies.
  2. Court Representation: Representing the Crown in court, presenting evidence, examining and cross-examining witnesses, and making legal arguments.
  3. Sentencing Recommendations: Advising the court on appropriate sentencing, considering the severity of the offence and legal precedents.

Guiding Criminal Investigations

Advocate Deputes provide crucial oversight and guidance during criminal investigations. Their involvement ensures that investigations are conducted properly and that legal standards are maintained.

  1. Legal Advice: Offering legal advice to investigators on evidence gathering, search warrants, and interview procedures.
  2. Review of Evidence: Reviewing the evidence collected to determine whether there is sufficient basis for prosecution.
  3. Decision Making: Deciding whether to prosecute in high-profile or complex cases, balancing public interest and legal sufficiency.

Advisory Role

Advocate Deputes serve as legal advisors within the COPFS, contributing their expertise to various legal matters.

  1. Policy Development: Assisting in the development of prosecutorial policies and guidelines.
  2. Training and Mentoring: Providing training and mentorship to less experienced prosecutors, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the COPFS.
  3. Legal Opinions: Drafting legal opinions on complex or novel legal issues, guiding the Crown’s approach to such matters.

The role of the Advocate Depute is integral to the effective functioning of the Scottish legal system. Their contributions have far-reaching implications for justice, public confidence, and the rule of law.

Ensuring Justice

Advocate Deputes are critical in ensuring justice is served in serious criminal cases. Through meticulous case preparation and skilled courtroom advocacy, they help secure convictions for offenders and ensure that the legal process is fair and just.

Upholding Legal Standards

Advocate deputes uphold the highest standards of legal practice by providing legal oversight during investigations and prosecutions. Their involvement helps prevent miscarriages of justice and maintains the criminal justice system’s integrity.

Public Confidence

The work of advocate deputes bolsters the public’s confidence in the legal system. Their commitment to impartiality, fairness, and legal excellence reinforces trust in the justice system and its ability to protect society.

Challenges Faced by Advocate Deputes

The role of an Advocate Depute is not without its challenges. The demanding nature of the job, coupled with the high stakes involved in prosecuting serious crimes, presents several difficulties.

High Pressure and Stress

Handling serious criminal cases, often involving distressing and violent crimes, can be highly stressful. Advocate Deputes must maintain their composure and effectiveness under intense pressure, both in and out of the courtroom.

Complex Legal Issues

Advocate Deputes frequently deal with complex legal issues that require deep legal knowledge and analytical skills. Navigating intricate legal arguments and ensuring compliance with legal standards can be challenging.

Public and Media Scrutiny

High-profile cases attract significant public and media attention. Advocate Deputes must manage the expectations and scrutiny that come with such exposure, ensuring that their actions uphold the principles of justice and fairness.

Balancing Workload

The volume of serious cases handled by Advocate Deputes can be substantial. Balancing a heavy workload while maintaining the quality of legal work and meeting deadlines requires exceptional organisational skills and dedication.

Case Studies and Examples

Homicide Prosecution

An Advocate Depute was assigned to prosecute a complex homicide case involving multiple defendants and extensive forensic evidence. Through meticulous preparation and skilful presentation of evidence, the Advocate Depute secured convictions for all defendants, demonstrating their critical role in delivering justice.

Serious Fraud Investigation

In a case of serious financial fraud, an Advocate Depute provided legal guidance to investigators from the initial stages. Their expertise in economic law and evidence handling ensured the investigation was thorough and legally sound. The subsequent prosecution resulted in a significant conviction, highlighting the importance of their advisory role.

Policy Development

An Advocate Deputy contributed to the development of new prosecutorial guidelines for handling domestic abuse cases. By incorporating their frontline experience and legal knowledge, they helped create a policy that enhanced the effectiveness of prosecutions and supported victims more effectively.


The role of the Advocate Depute is a cornerstone of the Scottish criminal justice system. Their responsibilities in prosecuting serious crimes, guiding investigations, and providing legal expertise are crucial to the effective administration of justice. As DLS Solicitors, we recognise the significance of Advocate Deputes and their contributions to upholding legal standards, ensuring justice, and maintaining public confidence in the legal system.

The challenges faced by Advocate Deputes, including high pressure, complex legal issues, and public scrutiny, underscore the importance of their role. Despite these challenges, their commitment to legal excellence and justice remains unwavering, reinforcing the integrity of the Scottish legal system.

Whether involved in high-profile prosecutions, intricate legal advisory roles, or the development of prosecutorial policies, Advocate Deputes are essential in shaping Scotland’s criminal justice landscape. Their work impacts individual cases and contributes to broader legal principles and public trust.

At DLS Solicitors, we are dedicated to supporting the legal profession and fostering a deeper understanding of the roles that underpin our justice system. The Advocate Depute exemplifies the dedication, expertise, and commitment required to navigate the complexities of criminal law and ensure that justice is served. Through continued recognition and support of their role, we can uphold the values of fairness, integrity, and excellence that define the Scottish legal system.

Advocate Depute FAQ'S

An Advocate Depute is a senior lawyer appointed by the Lord Advocate in Scotland to prosecute serious criminal cases in the High Court of Justiciary and to represent the Crown in certain civil cases.

Advocate Deputes are responsible for leading prosecutions in serious criminal cases, such as homicide, rape, and major fraud. They also provide legal advice to the police and other agencies on complex criminal matters.

Advocate Deputes are appointed by the Lord Advocate, who is the chief legal officer of the Scottish Government and the Crown in Scotland. Appointments are typically made from among experienced advocates or solicitors with rights of audience in the High Court.

A Procurator Fiscal is responsible for prosecuting cases in the lower courts and conducting initial investigations, whereas an Advocate Depute handles more serious and complex cases in the High Court of Justiciary.

Yes, in addition to criminal cases, Advocate Deputes may represent the Crown in certain civil matters, particularly those involving public interest or government actions.

The Lord Advocate oversees the work of Advocate Deputes and provides guidance on legal and procedural matters. The Lord Advocate also makes the appointments and can assign specific cases to individual Advocate Deputes.

While the decision to prosecute is typically within the discretion of the Advocate Depute, it can be challenged through judicial review if it is believed to be unlawful, irrational, or procedurally improper.

Advocate Deputes are usually experienced lawyers who have demonstrated expertise in criminal law and procedure. They are typically advocates (members of the Faculty of Advocates) or solicitors with rights of audience in the High Court.

Advocate Deputes operate under the supervision of the Lord Advocate and the Solicitor General for Scotland. They have a degree of independence in prosecuting cases but must adhere to the policies and guidelines set by their supervising officers.

Preparation involves reviewing evidence, advising on legal issues, drafting indictments, liaising with police and other investigative agencies, and presenting the case in court. Advocate Deputes must ensure that they have a thorough understanding of the facts and legal principles relevant to the case.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 16th July 2024.

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