Conditional Order

Conditional Order
Conditional Order
Full Overview Of Conditional Order

In family law, particularly in divorce proceedings, the Conditional Order (formerly known as the Decree Nisi in England and Wales) represents a critical stage. It is a judicial order indicating that the court is satisfied with the grounds for divorce presented by the petitioner but has not yet made the divorce final.

At DLS Solicitors, we strive to provide our clients with a thorough understanding of this legal instrument to ensure informed decision-making and effective management of divorce proceedings. This comprehensive overview explores the concept of a Conditional Order, its legal implications, processes, and the roles of solicitors in facilitating this stage of divorce.

What is a Conditional Order?

Definition and Role

A Conditional Order is a court order that confirms that the petitioner (the spouse who initiated the divorce) has satisfied the court that they have valid grounds for divorce. However, it is not the final stage of the divorce process. Instead, it serves as an interim step before the final order (formerly known as the Decree Absolute), which legally terminates the marriage.

Legal Framework

The legal framework governing Conditional Orders in England and Wales is embedded in the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 and the more recent Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020. These statutes outline the requirements for obtaining a divorce and the processes involved in securing a Conditional Order. Understanding these laws is crucial for ensuring compliance and navigating the divorce process effectively.

The Conditional Order Process

Filing the Petition

The divorce process begins with the petitioner filing a divorce petition at the family court. This document outlines the grounds for divorce and provides supporting evidence. The petition is then served on the respondent, who has the opportunity to acknowledge receipt and respond.

Respondent’s Acknowledgment

The respondent must acknowledge the petition, indicating whether they intend to contest the divorce. If the divorce is uncontested, the respondent will typically agree to the grounds cited by the petitioner, allowing the process to proceed more smoothly.

Application for a Conditional Order

Once the respondent has acknowledged the petition (or after a specified period if they do not respond), the petitioner can apply for a Conditional Order. This involves submitting an application form to the court, along with any additional evidence required to support the grounds for divorce.

Court Review and Hearing

The court reviews the application and the evidence provided. In most uncontested cases, this review is conducted without a hearing. However, a hearing may be scheduled if the judge has questions or if the divorce is contested. During the hearing, both parties may present their case, and the judge will decide whether to grant the Conditional Order.

Granting the Conditional Order

If the court is satisfied that the grounds for divorce have been met, it will issue the Conditional Order. This order indicates that the court agrees the marriage has irretrievably broken down but does not yet dissolve the marriage. There is a mandatory waiting period before the final order can be applied for, typically six weeks and one day.

Interim Legal Status

The Conditional Order changes the legal status of the marriage to an interim state. The parties are still legally married but are recognised by the court as being in the process of divorce. This interim status can affect various aspects of the parties’ lives, including financial arrangements and living situations.

Financial Settlements

While the Conditional Order does not finalise the divorce, it often prompts the resolution of financial matters. The parties may negotiate a financial settlement, which can be formalised through a court order. This settlement addresses the division of assets, spousal maintenance, and other financial obligations.

Child Arrangements

If the parties have children, the court will also consider child arrangements during the divorce process. This includes decisions about custody, visitation, and child support. While the Conditional Order itself does not determine these arrangements, it can influence the timing and urgency of resolving these matters.

The Role of Solicitors in the Conditional Order Process

Advising Clients

Solicitors play a crucial role in advising clients throughout the divorce process, including the Conditional Order stage. This involves:

  • Legal Guidance: Providing detailed advice on the legal grounds for divorce and the evidentiary requirements.
  • Document Preparation: Assisting in the preparation and submission of the divorce petition and application for a Conditional Order.
  • Strategic Advice: Advising on the best strategies for presenting the case to the court and negotiating settlements.

Facilitating Negotiations

In many cases, solicitors facilitate negotiations between the parties to reach amicable agreements on financial settlements and child arrangements. This involves:

  • Mediation: Arranging and facilitating mediation sessions to help the parties reach mutually acceptable agreements.
  • Drafting Agreements: Drafting settlement agreements that reflect the terms agreed upon by the parties and are enforceable by the court.
  • Representing Clients: Representing clients in negotiations and court hearings to ensure their interests are protected.

Ensuring Compliance

Solicitors ensure that all legal procedures are followed correctly and that the client’s rights are protected throughout the process. This includes:

  • Court Filings: Ensuring that all necessary documents are filed with the court in a timely manner.
  • Compliance with Orders: Advising clients on compliance with court orders and the implications of non-compliance.
  • Appeals and Modifications: Assisting clients with appeals or modifications of court orders if circumstances change or if there are grounds to challenge the court’s decision.

Practical Considerations for Obtaining a Conditional Order

Choosing the Right Grounds

Selecting the appropriate grounds for divorce is crucial for obtaining a Conditional Order. Considerations include:

  • Evidence Availability: Ensuring that there is sufficient evidence to support the chosen grounds.
  • Respondent’s Likely Response: Anticipating whether the respondent will contest the grounds and the implications for the divorce process.
  • Legal Advice: Seeking advice from a solicitor to determine the most suitable grounds based on the specific circumstances of the case.

Preparing Comprehensive Evidence

Providing comprehensive evidence is essential for convincing the court to grant a Conditional Order. This involves:

  • Detailed Documentation: Collecting and organising all relevant documents, such as emails, text messages, financial records, and witness statements.
  • Clear Presentation: Presenting the evidence clearly and coherently to support the grounds for divorce.
  • Legal Review: Having a solicitor review the evidence to ensure it meets the court’s requirements and addresses any potential weaknesses.

Timely and Accurate Filings

Ensuring that all filings are timely and accurate is critical for the smooth progression of the divorce process. This includes:

  • Meeting Deadlines: Adhering to all court-imposed deadlines for submitting documents and applications.
  • Accurate Information: Providing accurate and complete information in all filings to avoid delays or complications.
  • Professional Assistance: Engaging a solicitor to handle the filings and ensure compliance with legal requirements.

Preparing for Potential Hearings

While many Conditional Orders are granted without a hearing, it is important to be prepared for the possibility of a hearing. This involves:

  • Understanding the Process: Familiarising yourself with the court hearing process and what to expect.
  • Legal Representation: Engaging a solicitor to represent you at the hearing and present your case effectively.
  • Comprehensive Preparation: Preparing all necessary documents, evidence, and witness statements in advance of the hearing.

Digitalisation of Divorce Processes

The digitalisation of divorce processes is set to transform the way divorces are handled, including the application for Conditional Orders. Online platforms and digital tools can streamline the filing and submission of documents, reduce administrative burdens, and expedite the overall process. Staying informed of these advancements can help clients navigate the divorce process more efficiently.

Changes in Divorce Legislation

The legal framework governing divorce is continually evolving to address changing societal norms and priorities. Recent legislative changes, such as the introduction of no-fault divorce under the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020, reflect a shift towards simplifying the divorce process and reducing conflict. Staying informed of these changes is crucial for understanding their implications for obtaining a Conditional Order.

Focus on Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution

There is an increasing focus on mediation and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in divorce proceedings. These approaches can help parties reach amicable agreements on financial settlements and child arrangements, reducing the need for contentious court battles. Incorporating mediation and ADR into the divorce process can enhance outcomes and promote constructive communication.


A Conditional Order is a critical stage in the divorce process, serving as an interim step before the final dissolution of the marriage. Understanding the legal implications, processes, and practical considerations associated with obtaining a Conditional Order is essential for navigating divorce proceedings effectively.

At DLS Solicitors, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive legal services related to divorce and Conditional Orders. From advising clients on the appropriate grounds for divorce to facilitating negotiations and representing clients in court, our expertise ensures that our clients’ rights and interests are protected.

As the legal landscape continues to evolve, staying informed of technological advancements, legislative changes, and alternative dispute resolution methods will be crucial. Our commitment to continuous learning and adaptation enables us to offer the highest level of service and support to our clients, ensuring their success in navigating the complexities of divorce.

In conclusion, understanding and effectively managing the Conditional Order stage is crucial for progressing towards a final divorce. By leveraging our expertise and staying ahead of industry trends, DLS Solicitors is well-positioned to guide our clients through the challenges and opportunities associated with divorce, ensuring their success and well-being throughout the process.

Conditional Order FAQ'S

A Conditional Order is a court document confirming that you are entitled to a divorce. It is the second stage of the divorce process in the UK, following the application and before the Final Order (previously called the Decree Absolute).

You can apply for a Conditional Order after your spouse has responded to the divorce application and acknowledged receipt. If they do not respond, you may need to request a court hearing.

A Conditional Order confirms that the court sees no reason why you cannot divorce, whereas a Final Order legally ends the marriage. The Conditional Order is a necessary step before applying for the Final Order.

The timeline can vary, but it typically takes around 6 to 8 weeks from the time you apply for a Conditional Order, provided all paperwork is in order, and there are no complications.

Your spouse can contest the divorce itself at the response stage. If the divorce is contested, a hearing may be required. Once the court grants a Conditional Order, contesting it would typically require significant legal grounds.

In most cases, you do not need to attend court to obtain a Conditional Order if the divorce is uncontested and all paperwork is correctly filed. Attendance may be required if the divorce is contested.

After the Conditional Order is granted, you must wait a minimum of six weeks and one day before you can apply for the Final Order, which legally ends the marriage.

Yes, financial settlements and other ancillary reliefs can be addressed and ideally agreed upon before the Final Order is granted. It is advisable to get a financial agreement formalised by a court order.

No, you cannot remarry until the Final Order is granted. The Conditional Order does not legally end your marriage; it only confirms you are entitled to a divorce.

If you lose your Conditional Order document, you can request a copy from the court where the divorce proceedings were held. There may be a small fee for issuing a duplicate copy.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 16th July 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Conditional Order. DLS Solicitors. October 26 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Conditional Order. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: October 26 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Conditional Order. Retrieved October 26 2024, from website:
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