Define: Affiliation Proceeding

Affiliation Proceeding
Affiliation Proceeding
Quick Summary of Affiliation Proceeding

A court hearing to determine whether a man against whom the action is brought is the father of an illegitimate child and thus legally bound to provide financial support for the child.

What is the dictionary definition of Affiliation Proceeding?
Dictionary Definition of Affiliation Proceeding

Affiliation Proceeding refers to a legal process in which an individual or entity seeks to establish a formal relationship or connection with a particular organisation, group, or institution. This proceeding typically involves submitting an application or request to the relevant authority, providing necessary documentation, and undergoing a review or evaluation process to determine eligibility for affiliation. The purpose of an affiliation proceeding can vary, ranging from joining a professional association, becoming a member of a trade union, or gaining recognition as an affiliated partner of a business or organisation. The outcome of the proceeding may result in the granting of affiliation status, which often entails certain rights, privileges, and responsibilities as defined by the affiliating entity.

Full Definition Of Affiliation Proceeding

An affiliation proceeding is a legal process used to determine the relationship between two entities, typically a parent company and its subsidiary. This proceeding is initiated when there is a dispute or uncertainty regarding the control and ownership of the subsidiary.

During an affiliation proceeding, the court examines various factors to determine the level of control exerted by the parent company over the subsidiary. These factors may include the degree of ownership, the appointment of directors and officers, the financial support provided, and the overall management and operation of the subsidiary.

The purpose of an affiliation proceeding is to establish whether the subsidiary should be treated as a separate legal entity or as an extension of the parent company. This determination is crucial for various legal and financial matters, such as liability, taxation, and regulatory compliance.

The court’s decision in an affiliation proceeding can have significant implications for both the parent company and the subsidiary. If the court determines that the subsidiary is an independent entity, it will be treated as such for legal and financial purposes. On the other hand, if the court finds that the subsidiary is under the control of the parent company, it may be subject to the same liabilities and obligations as the parent company.

Overall, an affiliation proceeding is a legal mechanism used to clarify the relationship between a parent company and its subsidiary, ensuring that both entities are treated appropriately under the law.

Formerly referred to as bastardy actions or proceedings in many jurisdictions, as of 2003, these were called paternity or filiation proceedings. In several states, these proceedings are governed in part by the Uniform Parentage Act, first adopted by the Commissioners on Uniform Laws in 1973. The purpose of the act is to identify natural fathers through a paternity test so that a court may order child support obligations against them.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Affiliation Proceeding. DLS Solicitors. April 29, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Affiliation Proceeding. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 29, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Affiliation Proceeding. Retrieved April 29, 2024, from website: