Define: Age Of Consent

Age Of Consent
Age Of Consent
Quick Summary of Age Of Consent

The age of consent refers to the legal age at which an individual is considered capable of giving informed and voluntary consent to engage in sexual activity. This age varies between jurisdictions and may depend on factors such as the type of sexual activity, the age difference between partners, and whether or not there is consent from both parties. The age of consent laws are intended to protect minors from exploitation and ensure that sexual relationships are consensual and appropriate. Engaging in sexual activity with someone below the age of consent may constitute statutory rape or other criminal offences, even if the minor appears to consent. It’s important for individuals to be aware of the age of consent laws in their jurisdiction and to respect the boundaries and rights of others in sexual relationships.

What is the dictionary definition of Age Of Consent?
Dictionary Definition of Age Of Consent

Age of Consent: Noun 1. The legal age at which an individual is considered capable of giving informed consent to engage in sexual activities, typically determined by the jurisdiction’s laws and regulations. The age of consent varies across different countries and regions, and it is intended to protect individuals from exploitation or abuse by ensuring that they have the maturity and understanding necessary to make informed decisions regarding their sexual relationships. 2. The age at which an individual is legally permitted to engage in sexual activities with another person who is also above the age of consent. This age is established to prevent situations where one party may be taking advantage of the other’s lack of legal capacity to consent, particularly in cases involving minors or individuals who may be vulnerable due to their age or mental capacity. 3. The age of consent may also refer to the age at which an individual is considered legally capable of providing consent for other activities, such as medical procedures, marriage, or entering into contracts. These age limits are typically set to ensure that individuals have the necessary maturity and understanding to make decisions that may have significant consequences for their well-being and legal rights.

Full Definition Of Age Of Consent

The age at which a person may marry without parental approval. The age at which a female is legally capable of agreeing to sexual intercourse, so that a male who engages in sex with her cannot be prosecuted for statutory rape.

The mistaken belief that someone is actually at or above the age of consent is generally not a viable defence, even if the erroneous information was provided directly by the victim.

A person below the age of consent is sometimes called an infant or minor.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • American Psychological Association (APA):Age Of Consent. Retrieved April 28, 2024, from website: