Agricultural Occupancy Condition

Agricultural Occupancy Condition
Agricultural Occupancy Condition
Full Overview Of Agricultural Occupancy Condition

At DLS Solicitors, we recognise the intricacies and importance of agricultural property law, especially concerning conditions that affect land use and occupation. One such condition is the Agricultural Occupancy Condition (AOC), also known as an agricultural tie.

This comprehensive overview aims to provide a detailed understanding of what an AOC is, its legal framework, its implications for property owners and potential buyers, and practical advice for managing properties subject to this condition.

What is an Agricultural Occupancy Condition?

An Agricultural Occupancy Condition (AOC) is a planning restriction attached to a property, limiting its occupancy to individuals employed or last employed in agriculture or forestry. Local planning authorities (LPAs) impose this condition to ensure that housing in rural areas is available to agricultural workers who need to live close to their place of employment. Properties with an AOC are often considered “tied” to agricultural use.

The legal framework for AOCs in the UK is rooted in planning law, particularly the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. Local planning authorities have the discretion to impose AOCs when granting planning permission for residential development in rural areas. The key objective is to control rural development and preserve the countryside, ensuring that housing remains available and affordable for agricultural workers.

Planning Policy Context

National and local planning policies play a significant role in the application and enforcement of AOCs. Key policy documents include:

  1. National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF): The NPPF provides overarching guidance on planning policies, including the need to support a prosperous rural economy and maintain the countryside’s character.
  2. Local Development Plans: Each local planning authority has its own development plan, which outlines specific policies and criteria for rural housing and the imposition of AOCs.

Main Elements of an Agricultural Occupancy Condition

To understand the practical implications of an AOC, it is essential to consider its key elements:

  1. Occupancy Restriction: An AOC’s primary element is the restriction limiting occupancy to individuals employed or last employed in agriculture or forestry.
  2. Agricultural Definition: The term “agriculture” is broadly defined and includes activities such as farming, horticulture, livestock breeding, and forestry.
  3. Enforcement: Local planning authorities are responsible for monitoring compliance with AOCs and taking necessary enforcement action.
  4. Appeals and Variations: Property owners can apply to have an AOC removed or varied under certain circumstances, subject to approval by the local planning authority.

Implications of an Agricultural Occupancy Condition

An AOC has significant implications for property owners, potential buyers, and the agricultural community:

  1. Property Value: Properties subject to an AOC often have a lower market value than comparable properties without such a restriction, reflecting the limited pool of potential buyers.
  2. Mortgage and Financing: Obtaining a mortgage for a property with an AOC can be challenging, as lenders may perceive it as a higher risk due to the occupancy restriction.
  3. Resale and Marketability: The resale market for properties with an AOC is more limited, requiring sellers to find buyers who meet the occupancy criteria.
  4. Compliance and Enforcement: Property owners must ensure compliance with the AOC, as failure to do so can result in enforcement action by the local planning authority.

Case Studies

To illustrate the practical implications of an Agricultural Occupancy Condition, consider the following case studies:

Compliance and Enforcement

Mr. and Mrs. Green purchased a rural property subject to an AOC. Although they initially complied with the condition, Mr. Green later took a job outside of agriculture. The local planning authority issued an enforcement notice requiring the Greens to either comply with the AOC or vacate the property. DLS Solicitors assisted the Greens in appealing the enforcement notice, arguing that they had made efforts to find agricultural work and had specific circumstances warranting leniency. The appeal was successful, allowing the Greens to remain in the property under a revised condition.

Removing an AOC

Ms. Patel inherited a farmhouse subject to an AOC but was not involved in agriculture. She wanted to sell the property but found the AOC significantly limited her market. DLS Solicitors helped Ms. Patel apply to the local planning authority to remove the AOC. They provided evidence demonstrating that there was no longer a need for agricultural worker housing in the area and that the property had been unsuccessfully marketed to eligible buyers. The application was approved, enhancing the property’s marketability and value.

Purchasing a Property with an AOC

Mr. Brown, an agricultural worker, found a property subject to an AOC that was ideal for his family. However, due to the occupancy condition, he faced difficulties securing a mortgage. DLS Solicitors worked with Mr. Brown and a specialist lender to obtain financing, ensuring all parties understood the AOC and Mr. Brown’s eligibility. Mr. Brown successfully purchased the property, fulfilling his need for housing close to his place of employment.

Managing Properties with an Agricultural Occupancy Condition

Managing a property with an AOC involves understanding and complying with the occupancy restrictions and exploring potential avenues for varying or removing the condition if necessary.

Compliance with the AOC

  1. Verification of Employment: Ensure that occupants meet the employment criteria defined in the AOC. This typically involves verification of current or past employment in agriculture or forestry.
  2. Regular Monitoring: Property owners should regularly review their compliance with the AOC and keep records of occupants’ employment status.
  3. Communication with LPA: Maintain open communication with the local planning authority to address any concerns or potential issues regarding compliance.

Applying for Variation or Removal

Property owners may sometimes seek to vary or remove an AOC. This process involves:

  1. Application to LPA: Submit an application to the local planning authority, providing evidence to support the request for variation or removal.
  2. Supporting Evidence: Gather evidence demonstrating the change in circumstances, such as the lack of demand for agricultural worker housing or unsuccessful marketing efforts to eligible buyers.
  3. Consultation and Review: The local planning authority will consult relevant stakeholders and review the application, considering the broader planning policy context.
  4. Decision and Appeal: If the application is denied, property owners can appeal the decision, providing further evidence and arguments to support their case.

Managing properties with an AOC presents several challenges, but understanding future trends can help property owners navigate these complexities:

  1. Evolving Agricultural Practices: Changes in agricultural practices and technology may impact the demand for agricultural worker housing, influencing the relevance of AOCs.
  2. Housing Market Pressures: Increasing housing market pressures and affordability issues may prompt local planning authorities to reconsider the necessity of AOCs in certain areas.
  3. Policy Revisions: Potential revisions to national and local planning policies could affect the imposition, enforcement, and removal of AOCs, requiring property owners to stay informed about regulatory changes.

Role of Solicitors in Managing Agricultural Occupancy Conditions

Solicitors play a crucial role in managing properties with AOCs, offering services such as:

  1. Legal Advice: Providing expert advice on the implications of AOCs, compliance requirements, and potential strategies for variation or removal.
  2. Application Assistance: Assisting with preparing and submitting applications to vary or remove AOCs, including gathering and presenting supporting evidence.
  3. Dispute Resolution: Representing clients in disputes with local planning authorities, including appeals against enforcement notices or application refusals.
  4. Property Transactions: Advising on the purchase or sale of properties subject to AOCs, ensuring that all parties understand the condition and its implications.


An Agricultural Occupancy Condition is a significant planning restriction with substantial implications for property owners, potential buyers, and the agricultural community. Understanding the legal framework, key elements, and practical implications of AOCs is essential for managing properties subject to this condition effectively.

At DLS Solicitors, we are dedicated to providing expert legal advice and support in all matters related to Agricultural Occupancy Conditions. Our team of experienced solicitors is equipped to handle the complexities of AOCs, ensuring your property interests are protected and your legal obligations are met.

Whether you are a property owner seeking to comply with an AOC, a buyer interested in purchasing a property with such a condition, or someone looking to vary or remove an AOC, DLS Solicitors can provide the guidance and support you need. With our expertise, you can navigate the legal landscape of agricultural occupancy conditions with confidence, ensuring that your rights are upheld and your interests are safeguarded.

Agricultural Occupancy Condition FAQ'S

An Agricultural Occupancy Condition (AOC) is a planning restriction placed on certain rural properties, limiting occupancy to individuals who are primarily employed in agriculture or forestry.

AOCs are imposed to ensure that housing in rural areas is available for agricultural workers who need to live close to their place of employment. This helps support the agricultural sector and prevent the use of these properties for general housing.

Typically, individuals who qualify to live in a property with an AOC are those employed full-time in agriculture or forestry, their dependents, or retired agricultural workers who were last employed in such a capacity.

Yes, it is possible to apply to the local planning authority to remove an AOC, but it requires demonstrating that there is no longer a need for such a condition, often through evidence of marketing the property to agricultural workers at a reduced price without success.

Properties with an AOC typically have a lower market value compared to similar properties without such a condition, due to the restricted pool of potential buyers.

The process involves submitting a formal application to the local planning authority, providing evidence that the condition is no longer necessary. This may include marketing the property to eligible occupants at a reduced price for a specified period, usually 12 months.

Breaching an AOC by allowing someone who does not meet the criteria to occupy the property can result in enforcement action by the local planning authority, including legal proceedings and potential fines.

Yes, an AOC can sometimes be varied to make it less restrictive. This involves applying to the local planning authority and demonstrating a need for the variation, which might include changing the condition to cover a broader range of rural occupations.

Compliance with an AOC can be proven by providing evidence of employment in agriculture or forestry, such as employment contracts, pay slips, or a letter from an employer confirming the nature and duration of employment.

In some cases, local planning authorities may grant temporary exemptions to AOCs, such as allowing family members to occupy the property for a limited period or if the occupant becomes unable to work in agriculture due to illness or injury.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 23rd July 2024.

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