Family Arrangements

Family Arrangements
Family Arrangements
Full Overview Of Family Arrangements

At DLS Solicitors, we specialise in probate and estate planning, providing frequent advice to clients on the importance and complexities of family arrangements. These arrangements, while often informal and flexible, require careful consideration and proper legal oversight. This ensures that all parties’ interests are protected and that the arrangements serve their intended purposes. This guide aims to provide an in-depth overview of family arrangements, covering their definitions, benefits, potential challenges, and legal considerations.

Explaining Family Arrangements

A family arrangement is an agreement among family members to resolve disputes, redistribute assets, or restructure family relationships and obligations. These arrangements can take various forms, from informal agreements to more structured legal contracts. The primary aim is maintaining harmony within the family, avoiding litigation, and ensuring that each member’s needs and wishes are respected.

Types of Family Arrangements

  1. Property and Asset Distribution: Agreements on how family properties and assets will be divided among members.
  2. Caregiving and Support: Arrangements regarding the care and support of elderly or disabled family members.
  3. Business Succession: Plans for the transition of family-owned businesses to the next generation.
  4. Inheritance Disputes: Agreements to settle disputes over the distribution of an estate.

Benefits of Family Arrangements

Preservation of Family Harmony

One of the most significant benefits of family arrangements is the preservation of family harmony. By reaching a mutual agreement, families can avoid the emotional and financial strain of legal disputes. This is particularly important in matters of inheritance and estate distribution, where emotions can run high.

Flexibility and Customisation

Family arrangements offer a level of flexibility that formal legal proceedings often lack. Families can tailor their agreements to suit their specific needs and circumstances, ensuring that the arrangement is fair and satisfactory to all parties involved.


Compared to lengthy and expensive court battles, family arrangements are typically more cost-effective. By negotiating and reaching an agreement outside of court, families can save significant legal fees and related expenses.

Speed and Efficiency

Family arrangements can be concluded much more quickly than formal legal processes. This efficiency helps to reduce the stress and uncertainty that often accompany unresolved family disputes.

While family arrangements are often informal, it is crucial to consider the legal implications to ensure that the agreement is binding and enforceable. Here are some key legal considerations:

Formalising the Agreement

To ensure that a family arrangement is legally binding, it is advisable to formalise the agreement in writing. A written agreement should clearly outline the terms of the arrangement, the parties involved, and their respective obligations and rights. This document can serve as a reference in the event of future disputes.

Independent Legal Advice

It is essential that all parties involved in a family arrangement seek independent legal advice. This ensures that each party fully understands their rights and obligations under the agreement and that their interests are adequately protected.

Consideration of Existing Wills and Trusts

Family arrangements should be carefully coordinated with existing wills and trusts. Any changes to asset distribution or estate planning should be reflected in these legal documents to avoid conflicts and ensure that the arrangement is honoured after the death of a family member.

Tax Implications

Family arrangements can have significant tax implications, particularly in terms of inheritance tax and capital gains tax. It is crucial to seek professional tax advice to understand the potential tax consequences and to structure the arrangement in the most tax-efficient manner.

Common Challenges in Family Arrangements

Despite their many benefits, family arrangements can also present challenges. Understanding these potential pitfalls can help families navigate the process more effectively.

Disagreements and Conflicts

Reaching a consensus can be difficult, especially in families with complex dynamics or long-standing disputes. Open communication and, if necessary, mediation can help resolve conflicts and facilitate a fair agreement.

Enforcement of the Agreement

Even with a formalised agreement, enforcing a family arrangement can be challenging if one party fails to honour their obligations. Including dispute resolution mechanisms, such as arbitration or mediation, in the agreement can provide a framework for resolving such issues.

Changing Circumstances

Family arrangements must be flexible enough to accommodate changing circumstances, such as the birth of new family members, changes in financial status, or shifts in family relationships. Regular reviews and updates to the arrangement can help ensure it remains relevant and effective.

Legal Validity

Ensuring the legal validity of a family arrangement is crucial. If the agreement does not comply with legal requirements or fails to consider all relevant factors, it may be challenged and invalidated. Seeking professional legal advice during the drafting process can help avoid such issues.

Steps to Creating a Family Arrangement

Creating a family arrangement involves several steps, from initial discussions to formalising the agreement. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the process:

Step 1: Initiate Discussions

The first step is to initiate discussions among family members. These discussions should be open and honest, allowing each member to express their needs, concerns, and wishes. It is important to create a supportive environment where everyone feels heard and respected.

Step 2: Identify Key Issues

Identify the key issues that the family arrangement needs to address. This may include the distribution of assets, caregiving responsibilities, business succession, or resolving inheritance disputes. Clearly defining the issues will help focus the discussions and ensure that all relevant factors are considered.

Step 3: Seek Professional Advice

Engage professional advisors, such as solicitors, financial advisors, and tax experts, to provide guidance and support throughout the process. Their expertise can help ensure that the arrangement is legally sound, financially viable, and tax-efficient.

Step 4: Negotiate and Reach Agreement

Negotiate the terms of the family arrangement, seeking to reach a consensus that is fair and satisfactory to all parties involved. This may involve compromise and flexibility, as well as a willingness to consider the needs and interests of others.

Step 5: Formalise the Agreement

Once an agreement is reached, formalise it in writing. The written agreement should clearly outline the terms, the parties involved, and their respective rights and obligations. All parties should review the document and seek independent legal advice before signing.

Step 6: Implement and Review

Implement the terms of the family arrangement and monitor its progress. Regular reviews and updates can help ensure that the arrangement remains effective and relevant as circumstances change. Open communication and a willingness to adapt are critical to the long-term success of the arrangement.

Case Studies of Family Arrangements

To illustrate the practical application of family arrangements, here are two case studies:

Case Study 1: Resolving an Inheritance Dispute

The Smith family faced a dispute over the distribution of their late father’s estate. The father had left a will, but some family members felt that the distribution was unfair. The siblings decided to negotiate a family arrangement to avoid a legal battle. With the help of solicitors and mediators, they reached an agreement that adjusted the distribution to reflect the needs and contributions of each sibling. The formalised agreement preserved family harmony and ensured a fair resolution.

Case Study 2: Business Succession Planning

The Patel family owned a successful family business. The parents wanted to retire and pass the business to their children, but there were concerns about the children’s readiness and the fairness of the transition. The family engaged solicitors and business advisors to develop a family arrangement. The arrangement included a phased transition plan, training and support for the children, and provisions for the parents’ financial security. This structured approach facilitated a smooth succession and preserved the business for future generations.

The Role of DLS Solicitors in Family Arrangements

At DLS Solicitors, we understand the complexities and sensitivities involved in family arrangements. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing expert guidance and support to help families navigate these challenges and achieve mutually beneficial agreements. Here are some of the services we offer:

Mediation and Dispute Resolution

We provide mediation services to help families resolve disputes and reach amicable agreements. Our skilled mediators facilitate open communication and negotiation, helping to bridge gaps and find common ground.

Legal Drafting and Advice

Our solicitors are experts in drafting legally sound family arrangements. We ensure that the agreements comply with all relevant legal requirements and accurately reflect the intentions of the parties involved. We also provide independent legal advice to each party to ensure that their rights are protected.

Tax and Financial Planning

Our team includes tax and financial advisors who can provide expert advice on the tax implications of family arrangements. We help families structure their agreements in a tax-efficient manner and plan for the financial future of all parties involved.

Ongoing Support

We offer ongoing support to help families implement and review their arrangements. Regular reviews ensure that the arrangements remain relevant and effective as circumstances change. Our team is always available to provide guidance and assistance whenever needed.


Family arrangements are a valuable tool for managing family relationships, distributing assets, and resolving disputes. By fostering open communication, flexibility, and mutual respect, families can create agreements that meet their needs and preserve harmony. However, it is essential to consider the legal, financial, and tax implications of these arrangements and to seek professional advice to ensure their validity and effectiveness.

At DLS Solicitors, we are committed to helping families navigate the complexities of family arrangements. Whether you are planning for the future, resolving a dispute, or managing a family business transition, our team of experienced solicitors and advisors is here to support you every step of the way. With our expertise and dedication, you can achieve a family arrangement that protects your interests and promotes lasting harmony within your family.

Family Arrangements FAQ'S

A family arrangement is an agreement among family members to resolve disputes or allocate assets and responsibilities without going to court. These agreements can address various issues, such as property distribution, care arrangements, and inheritance matters.

Family arrangements can be legally binding if they are documented properly, often in the form of a deed of family arrangement, and all parties have provided informed consent. It’s advisable to have the agreement drafted or reviewed by a solicitor to ensure its enforceability.

A deed of family arrangement is a legal document that formalises an agreement between family members. It is often used to vary the terms of a deceased person’s Will or the distribution under the rules of intestacy, with the consent of all beneficiaries involved.

Family arrangements are commonly used to resolve disputes over inheritance, to redistribute assets for tax planning purposes, to make provision for family members not adequately provided for in a Will, or to reorganise family property ownership.

Yes, for a family arrangement to be effective and legally binding, all relevant family members who have an interest in the matter must agree to the terms of the arrangement.

Yes, a family arrangement can override the terms of a Will if all beneficiaries agree to the changes. This is typically done through a deed of variation, which allows the beneficiaries to redistribute the estate in a way that differs from the original Will.

Benefits include avoiding lengthy and costly court disputes, preserving family relationships, allowing for flexible and personalised solutions, and potentially achieving tax savings through strategic asset redistribution.

Family arrangements themselves are not subject to inheritance tax, but the redistribution of assets as a result of the arrangement could have tax implications. It is important to seek tax advice when drafting a family arrangement.

Yes, family arrangements can be challenged if there is evidence of undue influence, lack of informed consent, or if the agreement was not executed properly. Courts can set aside family arrangements that are found to be unjust or improperly formed.

While it is not legally required to have a solicitor, it is highly recommended to ensure the arrangement is fair, legally sound, and properly documented. A solicitor can provide valuable guidance and help prevent future disputes.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 11th July 2024.

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DLS Solicitors : Family Law Solicitors

Our team of professionals are based in Alderley Edge, Cheshire. We offer clear, specialist legal advice in all matters relating to Family Law, Wills, Trusts, Probate, Lasting Power of Attorney and Court of Protection.

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