Advocates’ Meeting

Advocates’ Meeting
Advocates’ Meeting
Full Overview Of Advocates’ Meeting

Advocates’ meetings are essential to the legal process, particularly in criminal and family law proceedings. These meetings provide a platform for legal representatives to discuss case details, streamline issues, and facilitate efficient case management.

At DLS Solicitors, we aim to offer a comprehensive overview of advocates’ meetings, exploring their purpose, structure, benefits, and practical considerations. This guide is intended to inform legal professionals, clients, and stakeholders about the significance and procedural aspects of advocates’ meetings in the UK legal system.

What is an Advocates' Meeting?

An advocates’ meeting is a formal or informal gathering of legal representatives (advocates) involved in a case, typically held before a court hearing or trial. These meetings aim to discuss the case, identify key issues, agree on procedural matters, and explore potential resolutions. Advocates’ meetings are prevalent in both criminal and family law contexts, though their application can extend to other areas of law as well.

Key Characteristics of Advocates' Meetings

  • Pre-Hearing Discussion: Advocates’ meetings usually occur before court hearings or trials to prepare for the proceedings.
  • Case Management: They facilitate effective case management by identifying and resolving procedural and substantive issues.
  • Collaboration: These meetings promote collaboration among legal representatives to streamline the legal process and enhance judicial efficiency.

Purpose and Objectives

Streamlining Issues

One of the primary objectives of advocates’ meetings is to streamline the issues to be addressed during the hearing or trial. By identifying and narrowing down the key issues, advocates can ensure that court time is used efficiently and that the proceedings focus on the most critical aspects of the case.

Facilitating Disclosure

Advocates’ meetings provide an opportunity for the parties to discuss and agree on disclosure matters. This includes sharing relevant documents, evidence, and witness statements to ensure that both sides have access to the necessary information for the case.

Promoting Settlement

In some instances, advocates’ meetings can facilitate discussions about potential settlements or resolutions without the need for a full trial. By exploring alternative dispute resolution options, such as mediation or negotiation, parties can achieve a more expedient and cost-effective resolution.

Enhancing Case Management

Effective case management is crucial for ensuring that legal proceedings are conducted efficiently and fairly. Advocates’ meetings contribute to this by enabling the parties to agree on procedural matters, such as timelines, witness lists, and expert evidence.

Structure and Process

Timing and Frequency

The timing and frequency of advocates’ meetings can vary depending on the complexity and nature of the case. These meetings typically occur:

  1. Pre-Trial: Before the commencement of a trial or major hearing.
  2. Post-Disclosure: After the exchange of disclosure documents to discuss and clarify evidence.
  3. Pre-Hearing: Before significant interim hearings to address procedural and substantive issues.


The participants in an advocates’ meeting usually include:

  1. Legal Representatives: Solicitors and barristers representing the parties involved in the case.
  2. Court Officials: In some instances, court officials or case managers may attend to facilitate discussions and ensure compliance with court procedures.
  3. Clients: While clients do not typically attend advocates’ meetings, their interests and instructions are represented by their legal representatives.

Agenda and Preparation

The agenda for an advocates’ meeting is typically determined by the nature of the case and the specific issues to be addressed. Common agenda items include:

  1. Case Overview: Summarising the key facts and issues of the case.
  2. Disclosure: Discussing the exchange of documents and evidence.
  3. Witnesses: Agreeing on witness lists and the scope of their testimonies.
  4. Expert Evidence: Discussing the need for expert witnesses and the scope of their reports.
  5. Procedural Matters: Addressing procedural issues, such as timelines, court dates, and interim applications.
  6. Settlement Discussions: Exploring potential settlement options or alternative dispute resolution methods.

Effective preparation for an advocates’ meeting is essential. Legal representatives should review all relevant documents, evidence, and case law to ensure they are well-informed and ready to engage in meaningful discussions.

Conducting the Meeting

Advocates’ meetings are typically conducted in a collaborative and constructive manner. Key elements of a successful meeting include:

  1. Open Communication: Encouraging open and transparent communication among the parties.
  2. Focused Discussion: Keeping discussions focused on the agenda items and key issues.
  3. Problem-Solving: Adopting a problem-solving approach to resolve disputes and procedural issues.
  4. Documentation: Recording the outcomes and agreements reached during the meeting for future reference.

Benefits of Advocates' Meetings

Efficiency and Time-Saving

Advocates’ meetings contribute to the efficiency of the legal process by streamlining issues and resolving procedural matters before they reach the court. This can save valuable court time and resources, reducing the overall duration of legal proceedings.


By promoting early resolution of issues and potential settlements, advocates’ meetings can reduce legal costs for the parties involved. This is particularly beneficial in complex cases where prolonged litigation can be financially burdensome.

Enhanced Case Management

Effective case management is a cornerstone of the judicial system. Advocates’ meetings enhance case management by ensuring that all parties are well-prepared and that the proceedings are conducted in a structured and organised manner.

Improved Client Outcomes

Clients benefit from the improved efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the legal process. Early resolution of issues and potential settlements can lead to more favourable and timely outcomes for clients.

Reduced Conflict

Advocates’ meetings provide a platform for constructive dialogue and collaboration among legal representatives. This can reduce conflict and animosity between the parties, fostering a more amicable resolution of disputes.

Challenges and Considerations

Scheduling and Logistics

Scheduling advocates’ meetings can be challenging, particularly in complex cases with multiple parties and legal representatives. Effective coordination and planning are essential to ensure that meetings are conducted at appropriate times and locations.

Confidentiality and Privacy

Maintaining confidentiality and privacy during advocates’ meetings is crucial. Legal representatives must ensure that discussions and documents exchanged during the meeting are kept confidential and are not disclosed without proper authorisation.

Client Representation

While clients do not typically attend advocates’ meetings, their interests must be effectively represented by their legal representatives. This requires clear communication between the lawyer and the client to ensure that the client’s instructions and preferences are accurately conveyed during the meeting.

Follow-Up and Implementation

The agreements and outcomes reached during advocates’ meetings must be documented and implemented effectively. This requires diligent follow-up and coordination to ensure that the parties comply with the agreed-upon terms and procedures.

Practical Tips for Conducting Effective Advocates' Meetings


  1. Review Documents: Thoroughly review all relevant documents, evidence, and case law before the meeting.
  2. Set an Agenda: Prepare a clear agenda outlining the key issues to be discussed.
  3. Client Instructions: Ensure that you have clear instructions from your client regarding their preferences and priorities.


  1. Open Dialogue: Foster open and transparent communication among the parties.
  2. Active Listening: Practice active listening to understand the perspectives and concerns of other parties.
  3. Clarity: Ensure that discussions are clear and focused on the agenda items.


  1. Collaborative Approach: Adopt a collaborative and problem-solving approach to resolve disputes and procedural issues.
  2. Flexibility: Be flexible and open to alternative solutions and compromises.
  3. Focus on Outcomes: Keep the focus on achieving practical and effective outcomes for the case.


  1. Record Agreements: Document all agreements and outcomes reached during the meeting.
  2. Follow-Up: Ensure that there is a clear follow-up plan to implement the agreed-upon terms and procedures.
  3. Client Communication: Communicate the outcomes of the meeting to your client and seek their approval for any significant decisions.

Case Studies

Criminal Trial Preparation

In a complex criminal case involving multiple defendants, an advocates’ meeting was held to discuss key issues and procedural matters before the trial. The legal representatives agreed on the disclosure of evidence, the order of witnesses, and the timeline for submissions. The trial proceeded more efficiently by streamlining these issues, saving valuable court time and resources.

Family Law Dispute

In a contentious family law dispute over child custody, an advocates’ meeting provided a platform for the legal representatives to discuss potential settlements and alternative dispute resolution options. Through constructive dialogue and negotiation, the parties reached an agreement that prioritised the child’s best interests, avoiding a prolonged and adversarial court battle.

Civil Litigation

In a civil litigation case involving a commercial contract dispute, an advocates’ meeting was held to discuss the key legal and factual issues. The legal representatives agreed on the scope of expert evidence and the timetable for witness statements. This facilitated a more organised and efficient trial, allowing the judge to focus on the substantive issues in the case.


Advocates’ meetings are a vital component of the legal process, promoting efficiency, collaboration, and effective case management. By providing a platform for legal representatives to discuss and resolve key issues before court proceedings, these meetings contribute to the smooth functioning of the judicial system and the achievement of fair and timely outcomes for clients.

At DLS Solicitors, we recognise the importance of advocates’ meetings and are committed to providing expert guidance and support to our clients throughout the legal process. Whether you are involved in a criminal trial, family law dispute, or civil litigation, our experienced team is here to assist you in navigating the complexities of the legal system and achieving successful outcomes.

By adhering to best practices in preparation, communication, problem-solving, and documentation, legal professionals can maximise the benefits of advocates’ meetings and ensure that their clients’ interests are effectively represented. Understanding the significance and procedural aspects of advocates’ meetings is essential for all stakeholders in the legal process, fostering a more efficient, collaborative, and just legal system.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 10th July 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Advocates’ Meeting. DLS Solicitors. October 26 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Advocates’ Meeting. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: October 26 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Advocates’ Meeting. Retrieved October 26 2024, from website:
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