Conditional Gift

Conditional Gift
Conditional Gift
Full Overview Of Conditional Gift

Conditional gifts in estate planning allow testators to impose specific conditions on the distribution of their assets. These conditions must be met for the gift to be received, providing a degree of control over how and when the assets are allocated.

At DLS Solicitors, we understand the complexities of drafting and enforcing conditional gifts. This overview will explore the legal foundations, practical applications, and considerations surrounding conditional gifts, ensuring that executors, beneficiaries, and testators are well-informed.

What are Conditional Gifts?

A conditional gift is a provision in a will that becomes effective only if specific conditions are met. These conditions may serve various purposes, such as encouraging certain behaviours, securing the well-being of beneficiaries, or safeguarding the assets of the person making the will. Conditions can be categorised as precedent (to be met before the gift becomes effective) or subsequent (the gift is revoked if a condition arises after the gift has become effective).

The Wills Act 1837

The main law that covers wills in England and Wales is the Wills Act 1837. Although the Act does not specifically mention conditional gifts, the fundamental principles of testamentary freedom permit individuals making wills (testators) to place conditions on their bequests. However, these conditions cannot go against public policy or be impossible to fulfil.

Case Law

Several legal precedents guide the enforceability of conditional gifts. Courts generally uphold conditions that are clear, reasonable, and possible to achieve. However, conditions that are vague, illegal, or against public policy may be deemed invalid.

Types of Conditional Gifts

Conditions Precedent

A condition precedent is a requirement that must be met before the beneficiary can receive the gift. For instance, a person creating a will might leave a gift to a grandchild with the condition that the grandchild must graduate from university. If this condition is not fulfilled, the gift will not be given.

Conditions Subsequent

A condition subsequent involves a scenario where a gift is given initially but can be revoked if a specific event occurs. For example, a bequest to a beneficiary might stipulate that the gift is forfeited if the beneficiary engages in certain activities, such as substance abuse.

Practical Applications of Conditional Gifts

Encouraging Education

A common use of conditional gifts is to encourage education. A testator may stipulate that a gift is contingent upon the beneficiary attaining a specific level of education or completing a degree. This can serve as motivation for younger beneficiaries to pursue higher education and achieve academic success.

Ensuring Responsible Behaviour

Conditional gifts can also be used to promote responsible behaviour. For example, a person making a will might leave a substantial gift to someone, but with the condition that the person keeps a job for a certain period of time or shows financial responsibility. This can help ensure that the recipient uses the gift wisely.

Protecting Vulnerable Beneficiaries

When the beneficiaries are minors or have disabilities, conditional gifts can be set up to provide continuous support while ensuring that the assets are managed responsibly. Conditions may involve appointing a trustee to oversee the assets until the beneficiary reaches a certain age or accomplishes specific milestones.

Drafting Conditional Gifts

Clarity and Specificity

The language used in drafting conditional gifts must be clear and specific. Ambiguity can lead to disputes and potential invalidation of the condition. For example, specifying “completion of a recognised degree at an accredited university” is clearer than merely stating “upon graduation.”

Legal Advice

Given the complexity of conditional gifts, seeking legal advice is essential. A solicitor can help draft enforceable, reasonable conditions, that are in line with the testator’s intentions. This ensures that the conditional gifts achieve their intended purpose without legal complications.

Enforcing Conditional Gifts

Role of Executors

Executors play a critical role in enforcing conditional gifts. Before distributing the assets, they must verify that the stipulated conditions have been met. This might involve obtaining evidence, such as academic transcripts, employment records, or other relevant documentation.

Dispute Resolution

Disputes may occur if beneficiaries or other parties contest the terms of their fulfilment. In these situations, the courts may need to interpret the will and decide whether the conditions can be enforced. Clearly written conditions can help reduce the risk of disputes.

Case Studies

Educational Condition

Consider a will that includes a conditional gift of £50,000 to a grandchild, contingent upon completing a bachelor’s degree by age 25. If the grandchild meets this condition, they receive the gift. If not, the gift might either lapse or be redirected to another beneficiary, as specified in the will.

Behavioural Condition

A testator leaves property to a nephew under the condition that the nephew abstains from illegal drug use for ten years. The executor is tasked with monitoring compliance, which might involve periodic checks or requiring the nephew to provide evidence of sobriety. If the condition is breached, the gift is revoked, and the property is redistributed according to the will’s provisions.

Public Policy and Legality

Certain conditions that go against public policy or are illegal cannot be enforced. For instance, a condition that requires a beneficiary to divorce their spouse or engage in unlawful activities would be considered void. For a condition to be upheld, it must adhere to both legal and ethical standards.

Impossibility and Vagueness

Unattainable or overly vague conditions may be deemed invalid. For example, a condition that requires a beneficiary to complete an impossible task, such as “discovering a new element,” would be considered impossible. Similarly, vague conditions such as “living a good life” lack the specificity required for enforcement.

Impact on Beneficiaries

Financial Planning

Beneficiaries who receive conditional gifts should consider the implications for their financial planning. Understanding the conditions attached to the gift can help them make informed decisions about their education, career, and personal conduct.

Emotional Considerations

Conditional gifts may emotionally pressure beneficiaries, compelling them to meet conditions for financial benefits. Executors should handle this with sensitivity and provide support.

Best Practices for Testators

Reflecting Intentions

Testators should ensure that the conditions reflect their true intentions and are not overly burdensome or unreasonable. Where appropriate, consulting with family members and beneficiaries can help align the conditions with realistic expectations.

Reviewing and Updating Wills

Regularly reviewing and updating the will is essential to ensuring that the conditions remain relevant and achievable. Life circumstances, such as changes in education systems or beneficiary situations, can affect the practicality of the conditions.


Conditional gifts offer a flexible and powerful tool for testators to influence their beneficiaries’ future behaviour and welfare. However, drafting and enforcing these gifts requires careful consideration and legal expertise. At DLS Solicitors, we are committed to providing comprehensive support to testators, executors, and beneficiaries in navigating the complexities of conditional gifts. Whether planning your estate or administering a will, our experienced team ensures that your intentions are honoured and that the process is handled professionally and carefully.

If you have any questions or need assistance with conditional gifts or any other aspect of estate planning and administration, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are dedicated to helping you achieve peace of mind and secure the future for your loved ones.

Conditional Gift FAQ'S

A Conditional Gift is a gift that becomes effective only if a specific condition is met. The donor specifies an event or action that must occur before the recipient can receive the gift.

In a will, a Conditional Gift is a bequest that is dependent on the occurrence of a specified condition. If the condition is not met, the gift may lapse or be distributed according to alternative instructions in the will.

An example might be a gift of a sum of money to a beneficiary on the condition that they graduate from university by a certain age. If the beneficiary does not meet this condition, they do not receive the gift.

Yes, Conditional Gifts are generally enforceable if the conditions are clear, legal, and possible to fulfill. The condition must be specific and not vague or ambiguous.

If the condition is not met, the gift does not take effect. The property or asset may then be distributed according to the residuary clause of the will or passed to an alternative beneficiary as specified by the donor.

Yes, conditions can be challenged if they are deemed to be illegal, impossible, or against public policy. Additionally, beneficiaries may contest the condition if it is ambiguous or unclear.

Conditions can be precedent (must occur before the gift takes effect) or subsequent (the gift takes effect immediately but can be revoked if a condition occurs later). Examples include educational achievements, marriage, or reaching a certain age.

The donor can revoke or amend a Conditional Gift while they are alive, provided they have the mental capacity to do so. Once the donor passes away, the terms of the will or trust become binding.

The condition should be clearly and precisely stated to avoid ambiguity. It should include the specific event or action required, any relevant timeframes, and what happens if the condition is not met.

A Conditional Gift is dependent on a specific condition being met for the beneficiary to receive the gift. A Discretionary Trust, on the other hand, gives trustees the discretion to decide how and when to distribute the assets to the beneficiaries, often without specific conditions.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 11th July 2024.

Cite Term

To help you cite our definitions in your bibliography, here is the proper citation layout for the three major formatting styles, with all of the relevant information filled in.

  • Page URL:
  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Conditional Gift. DLS Solicitors. September 16 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Conditional Gift. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: September 16 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Conditional Gift. Retrieved September 16 2024, from website:
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Our team of professionals are based in Alderley Edge, Cheshire. We offer clear, specialist legal advice in all matters relating to Family Law, Wills, Trusts, Probate, Lasting Power of Attorney and Court of Protection.

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