Specific Gift

Specific Gift
Specific Gift
Full Overview Of Specific Gift

Writing a will is an important step in ensuring that one’s estate is distributed according to one’s wishes after one’s death. Specific gifts hold particular significance among the various types of bequests that can be included in a will.

At DLS Solicitors, we understand that understanding the nuances of specific gifts is essential for drafting wills and administering estates. This detailed overview aims to explain the concept of specific gifts, covering their definition, the legal framework governing them, the process of distributing specific gifts, potential complications, and the importance of professional support.

What is a Specific Gift?

A specific gift, also known as a specific legacy or specific bequest, is a particular item or asset that a testator (the person making the will) leaves to a named beneficiary. This type of gift is distinct from general bequests or residuary bequests. Specific gifts involve a clearly identified asset rather than a sum of money or a portion of the remaining estate. These gifts can include personal belongings, real estate, shares, or any other item that can be individually identified.

Examples of Specific Gifts

  • Personal Belongings: Jewellery, heirlooms, artworks, and collectables.
  • Real Estate: A particular house, piece of land, or property.
  • Financial Assets: Specific shares, bonds, or bank accounts.
  • Vehicles: Cars, boats, or other vehicles.
  • Other Assets: Any item of sentimental or monetary value that can be distinctly identified.

The legal framework governing specific gifts is primarily rooted in the principles of testamentary freedom and the interpretation of wills. Several key aspects of this framework include:

Testamentary Freedom

In England and Wales, testamentary freedom allows individuals to distribute their estate as they see fit, including making specific gifts to chosen beneficiaries. This freedom, however, is subject to certain legal constraints, such as the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975, which allows certain individuals to claim reasonable financial provision from the estate if they are not adequately provided for in the will.


For a specific gift to be valid, the asset must be clearly identifiable. The testator must describe the item with sufficient detail to distinguish it from other similar items. For example, specifying “my diamond ring” rather than just “a ring” ensures clarity and reduces the potential for disputes.

Ownership and Availability

The testator must own the asset at the time of their death for the specific gift to take effect. If the asset no longer exists or the testator no longer owns it, the specific gift typically fails, a principle known as ademption. Ademption occurs automatically, regardless of the testator’s intentions or whether the asset was sold, destroyed, or otherwise disposed of.

Conditions and Contingencies

Testators can impose conditions or contingencies on specific gifts. For example, a specific gift might only be valid if the beneficiary reaches a certain age or completes a particular task. Such conditions must be clearly stated in the will and must not be illegal or impossible to fulfil.

The Process of Distributing Specific Gifts

Distributing specific gifts involves several steps, which executors must follow to ensure that the testator’s wishes are honoured and that the estate is administered correctly.

Identifying Specific Gifts

The first step is to review the will and identify all specific gifts carefully. Executors must ensure that each gift is described clearly and distinguishable from similar items. This process may involve consulting the testator’s records or speaking with family members to verify the details of each gift.

Valuing Specific Gifts

Executors may need to obtain a professional valuation of specific gifts, particularly if the item has significant monetary value or if the estate is subject to inheritance tax. Accurate valuation ensures that the estate is administered fairly and that any necessary taxes are calculated correctly.

Locating Specific Gifts

Executors must locate the specific gifts within the estate. This may involve searching through the testator’s property, financial records, and other documentation to find the items. Executors should also ensure that the items are in good condition and have not been disposed of or destroyed.

Transferring Ownership

Once the specific gifts have been identified, valued, and located, executors must transfer ownership to the named beneficiaries. This process may involve transferring titles for real estate, transferring shares or financial assets, or physically delivering personal belongings. Executors should obtain a written acknowledgement from beneficiaries upon receipt of their specific gifts to maintain clear records.

Addressing Ademption

If a specific gift is no longer part of the estate due to ademption, executors must inform the affected beneficiary and adjust the estate distribution accordingly. Executors should consider whether the testator intended to provide an alternative gift or if the beneficiary should receive a portion of the residuary estate.

Potential Complications

Several complications can arise when dealing with specific gifts, which executors must navigate with care and sensitivity.

Disputes Over Identification

Beneficiaries may dispute the identification of specific gifts, particularly if the item is not described clearly in the will or if multiple similar items exist. Executors must ensure that the description in the will is matched accurately to the item in question, potentially seeking legal advice or mediation to resolve disputes.

Ademption Issues

Ademption can be a significant complication, especially if the specific gift was sold, destroyed, or otherwise disposed of without the testator’s knowledge. Executors must handle such situations sensitively, informing the affected beneficiary and determining whether an alternative arrangement can be made.

Conditional Gifts

Specific gifts with conditions or contingencies can complicate the distribution process. Executors must ensure that the conditions are met before transferring the gift, which may involve waiting for a beneficiary to reach a certain age or complete a specified task. Clear communication with beneficiaries is essential to managing expectations and ensuring compliance with the testator’s wishes.

Tax Implications

Specific gifts can have tax implications, particularly if they have significant monetary value or if the estate is subject to inheritance tax. Executors must ensure that any necessary taxes are calculated and paid correctly, seeking professional advice if needed to navigate complex tax issues.

Loss or Damage

If a specific gift is lost or damaged before distribution, executors must determine the appropriate course of action. This may involve repairing the item, replacing it if possible, or compensating the beneficiary from the residuary estate. Clear records and documentation are essential to managing such situations effectively.

The Role of Professional Support

Given the potential complexities involved in dealing with specific gifts, professional support can be invaluable for both testators and executors. Solicitors with expertise in wills and probate can provide essential assistance in several ways:

Drafting Clear Wills

For testators, solicitors can help draft clear and legally sound wills that accurately reflect their wishes and reduce the potential for disputes. This includes ensuring that specific gifts are described in sufficient detail and that any conditions or contingencies are clearly stated.

Navigating Legal Frameworks

Solicitors can guide executors through the legal frameworks governing specific gifts, ensuring compliance with testamentary freedom principles, ownership and availability requirements, and other relevant laws. This guidance helps prevent legal complications and ensures the estate is administered correctly.

Managing Disputes

If disputes arise over specific gifts, solicitors can provide mediation and legal representation to resolve conflicts effectively. Their expertise in conflict resolution can help ensure that beneficiaries’ concerns are addressed fairly and that the estate is distributed according to the testator’s wishes.

Handling Ademption

Solicitors can assist executors in handling ademption issues, determining whether alternative arrangements can be made or whether the affected beneficiary should receive a portion of the residuary estate. This support helps manage sensitive situations and ensures that beneficiaries are treated fairly.

Tax Planning

Expert advice on tax planning can help minimise the estate’s tax liabilities and ensure that specific gifts are distributed without unnecessary financial burden. Solicitors can assist with accurate tax calculations, compliance with HMRC requirements, and efficient estate administration.

Case Studies

To illustrate the practical application of specific gifts in wills, consider the following case studies:

Case Study 1: The Johnson Family

Mrs. Johnson left a will specifying several specific gifts, including her diamond ring to her daughter, Emily, and her collection of antique books to her son, James. The estate also included a family home and various financial assets.

  • Identifying Specific Gifts: The executors identified the diamond ring and antique books as the specific gifts outlined in the will.
  • Valuing Specific Gifts: Professional valuations were obtained for the diamond ring and the antique books to ensure accurate tax calculations.
  • Locating Specific Gifts: The diamond ring was found in Mrs. Johnson’s jewellery box, and the antique books were located in the family home.
  • Transferring Ownership: The diamond ring was given to Emily, and the antique books were given to James, with written acknowledgements obtained from both beneficiaries.

Case Study 2: The Brown Family

Mr. Brown’s will specified that his car should be given to his nephew, David, and his shares in a specific company should be given to his niece, Sarah. However, Mr. Brown sold the car before his death.

  • Identifying Specific Gifts: The executors identified the car and the shares as the specific gifts.
  • Handling Ademption: Since the car had been sold, the executors informed David of the ademption and provided an alternative arrangement by allocating a portion of the residuary estate to him.
  • Transferring Ownership: The shares were transferred to Sarah, with written acknowledgment obtained.

Case Study 3: The Smith Family

Ms. Smith’s will included a specific gift of her seaside cottage to her friend, Anne, and a condition that her niece, Laura, would inherit her pearl necklace only if she graduated from university.

  • Identifying Specific Gifts: The executors identified the seaside cottage and the pearl necklace as the specific gifts.
  • Verifying Conditions: The executors confirmed that Laura had graduated from university, fulfilling the condition for the pearl necklace.
  • Transferring Ownership: The seaside cottage was transferred to Anne, and the pearl necklace was given to Laura, with written acknowledgements obtained from both beneficiaries.


Specific gifts must be properly distributed in accordance with the testator’s wishes. Understanding the legal process, potential complications, and the distribution of specific gifts is essential for both testators and executors. Seeking professional support from solicitors with expertise in wills and probate can provide valuable assistance in drafting clear wills, navigating legal frameworks, managing disputes, handling ademption, and ensuring efficient estate administration.

At DLS Solicitors, we are dedicated to guiding our clients through the complexities of specific gifts with expertise and sensitivity. Whether you are drafting a will, administering an estate, or dealing with potential complications, our team of experienced solicitors is here to support you every step of the way. Our priority is to ensure that specific gifts are honoured and that the estate is distributed fairly and efficiently. We strive to provide the highest level of professional service to our clients.

Specific Gift FAQ'S

A specific gift in a will refers to a particular item or a specific sum of money that the testator (the person making the will) intends to leave to a named beneficiary. This could be anything from a piece of jewellery to a particular amount of money.

A specific gift is a designated item or sum of money identified in the will, while a general gift is not tied to a particular asset or item. For example, a specific gift might be “my gold watch to my brother,” whereas a general gift could be “£10,000 to my niece.”

Yes, a specific gift can fail if the item is not part of the estate at the time of the testator’s death. This could happen if the item has been sold, destroyed, or given away before the testator dies.

If a specific gift fails, it generally falls into the residue of the estate and is distributed according to the residual clause in the will. If there is no residual clause, it will be distributed according to intestacy rules.

Yes, a specific gift can be conditional, meaning it will only be given if certain conditions are met. For example, “I leave my car to my son if he graduates from university.”

A specific gift should be described clearly and precisely to avoid any ambiguity. This includes providing detailed descriptions of the item, including make, model, serial numbers if applicable, and any unique features.

Yes, a beneficiary can refuse a specific gift. If they do, the gift usually falls into the residue of the estate and is distributed according to the will’s residual clause.

A specific gift is taken out of the estate before the residuary estate is distributed. Therefore, the value of specific gifts can reduce the amount left in the residuary estate for distribution among residuary beneficiaries.

Yes, a testator can revoke a specific gift by updating their will. This is usually done by writing a new will or adding a codicil that expressly revokes the specific gift.

If you want to change a specific gift in your will, you should update your will by creating a new one or adding a codicil. It is advisable to seek legal advice to ensure the changes are valid and properly executed.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 16th July 2024.

Cite Term

To help you cite our definitions in your bibliography, here is the proper citation layout for the three major formatting styles, with all of the relevant information filled in.

  • Page URL:https://dlssolicitors.com/define/specific-gift/
  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Specific Gift. dlssolicitors.com. DLS Solicitors. October 23 2024 https://dlssolicitors.com/define/specific-gift/.
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Specific Gift. dlssolicitors.com. DLS Solicitors. https://dlssolicitors.com/define/specific-gift/ (accessed: October 23 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Specific Gift. dlssolicitors.com. Retrieved October 23 2024, from dlssolicitors.com website: https://dlssolicitors.com/define/specific-gift/
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Our team of professionals are based in Alderley Edge, Cheshire. We offer clear, specialist legal advice in all matters relating to Family Law, Wills, Trusts, Probate, Lasting Power of Attorney and Court of Protection.

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