Financial Settlement

Financial Settlement
Financial Settlement
Full Overview Of Financial Settlement

A financial settlement is an important part of the legal process that follows the end of a marriage or civil partnership. At DLS Solicitors, we understand the complexities involved in negotiating and finalising financial settlements. This detailed guide aims to provide an overview of the financial settlement process, its legal framework, and strategic considerations to ensure fair and equitable outcomes for all parties involved.

What Are Financial Settlements?

In a financial settlement, the assets, liabilities, and financial resources are divided between parties after a divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership. The aim is to achieve a fair distribution that takes into account the needs and circumstances of both parties, ensuring their financial stability and security as they move forward with their lives.

The legal framework for financial settlements in England and Wales is primarily governed by the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 and the Civil Partnership Act 2004. These statutes provide the courts with broad discretion to make financial orders based on principles of fairness, needs, and contributions. Additionally, case law and judicial precedents play a significant role in shaping the application and interpretation of these principles.

Fundamental Principles in Financial Settlements

The courts consider several key principles when determining financial settlements, ensuring that the outcomes are fair and just.


The primary consideration is the financial needs of both parties, including housing, living expenses, and any special requirements. The courts strive to ensure that both parties can maintain a reasonable standard of living post-separation.


In some cases, one party may be entitled to compensation for contributions made to the marriage or civil partnership. This can include non-financial contributions such as homemaking and childcare, which may have affected their earning potential.


The principle of sharing involves the equitable division of marital assets acquired during the relationship. This does not necessarily mean equal division, but rather a fair distribution based on the circumstances of the case.


While the parties’ conduct is generally not considered, in exceptional cases where conduct is deemed gross and inequitable, it may influence the financial settlement.

Types of Financial Orders

The courts can make various types of financial orders to address the financial needs and circumstances of the parties. These orders can be broadly categorised into capital orders, income orders, and pension orders.

Capital Orders

Capital orders involve the transfer or adjustment of assets and property. Key types of capital orders include:

  • Property Adjustment Orders: These orders dictate the transfer, sale, or settlement of property. They can require one party to transfer their interest in a property to the other or to a third party, such as a child of the family.
  • Lump Sum Orders: These orders require one party to pay the other a specified lump sum of money. Lump sum payments can address immediate financial needs or compensate for disparities in asset distribution.
  • Settlement of Property Orders: These orders arrange the use or settlement of property to provide accommodation or income for one party or a child.

Income Orders

Income orders focus on ongoing financial support and maintenance. They include:

  • Periodical Payments Orders (Maintenance): These orders require one party to make regular payments to the other for financial support. Depending on the parties’ needs and circumstances, maintenance payments can be temporary or long-term.
  • Secured Provision Orders: These orders mandate the payment of maintenance secured against assets, ensuring ongoing support even if the payer defaults.

Pension Orders

Pension orders address the division of pension assets, which can be a significant part of the financial settlement. Types of pension orders include:

The Financial Settlement Process

The process for achieving a financial settlement involves several stages, each requiring careful preparation and strategic consideration. At DLS Solicitors, we guide our clients through each step, ensuring they understand their rights and options.

Initial Steps

  1. Financial Disclosure: Both parties are required to provide full and frank disclosure of their financial circumstances. This includes details of income, assets, liabilities, and expenses. Financial disclosure is typically made using Form E, a comprehensive document that outlines each party’s financial situation.
  2. Negotiation and Mediation: Before resorting to court proceedings, parties are encouraged to negotiate and mediate their financial arrangements. Mediation can be a cost-effective and amicable way to reach a settlement without the need for litigation.

Court Proceedings

The financial settlement process proceeds to court if negotiations fail to produce an agreement. The process involves several stages:

  1. Application: The process begins with one party (the applicant) filing a Form A with the court, formally requesting financial orders. The court then sets a timetable for the proceedings.
  2. First Directions Appointment (FDA): The first court hearing is the FDA, where the judge reviews the case and issues directions for further disclosure, valuations, and expert reports if necessary. The aim is to identify the issues in dispute and plan the next steps.
  3. Financial Dispute Resolution (FDR) Hearing: The FDR is a without-prejudice hearing, meaning the discussions and negotiations cannot be used as evidence in later stages. The judge provides an indication of the likely outcome, encouraging the parties to reach a settlement. While the judge’s indication is not binding, it serves as valuable guidance for both parties.
  4. Final Hearing: At the final hearing, both parties present their evidence and arguments, and the judge makes a binding decision on the financial orders if the parties are unable to settle at the FDR.

Factors Considered by the Court

The court considers various factors when determining financial settlements, as outlined in Section 25 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973. These factors include:

  • Welfare of Any Children: The court prioritises the welfare of any children involved, ensuring their needs are met.
  • Income and Earning Capacity: The court assesses the income, earning capacity, and financial resources of each party, including potential future earnings.
  • Financial Needs and Obligations: The court evaluates each party’s financial needs, obligations, and responsibilities.
  • Standard of Living: The standard of living enjoyed by the parties during the marriage is considered.
  • Age and Health: The age and health of each party are considered, as these factors can impact their financial needs and earning capacity.
  • Contributions: The court recognises both financial and non-financial contributions made by each party to the family, including homemaking and childcare.
  • Conduct: In rare cases, the court may consider the conduct of the parties if it is deemed gross and inequitable to disregard it.
  • Value of Any Benefits Lost: The court considers the loss of any potential benefits, such as pension rights, that one party may suffer as a result of the divorce.

Strategic Considerations

Successfully navigating a financial settlement requires strategic planning and expert legal advice. At DLS Solicitors, we work closely with our clients to develop effective strategies tailored to their unique circumstances.

Early Settlement

Where possible, we encourage early settlement through negotiation and mediation. Early settlement can save time, reduce legal costs, and minimise the emotional stress of prolonged litigation. We help our clients engage in constructive negotiations, aiming to reach a fair and mutually acceptable agreement.

Comprehensive Financial Disclosure

It is important to provide full and accurate financial disclosure to ensure a fair settlement. We help our clients prepare comprehensive and transparent financial disclosures, including all relevant documents and information. Incomplete or inaccurate disclosure can result in delays, extra costs, and unfavourable court rulings.

Valuation of Assets

Accurate valuation of assets is crucial for achieving a fair distribution, which includes property, businesses, investments, and pensions. We collaborate with reputable valuers and financial experts to ensure that all assets are accurately assessed and valued.

Consideration of Future Needs

When negotiating or litigating financial settlements, it’s crucial to consider the current financial situation and future needs and contingencies. This includes future income potential, retirement planning, and the needs of any dependent children. We assist our clients in planning for the future, guaranteeing that financial arrangements are sustainable and fair.

Legal Representation and Advocacy

Effective legal representation is crucial for achieving favourable outcomes in financial settlement cases. Our experienced solicitors provide strong advocacy by presenting compelling arguments and evidence to support our clients’ positions. We ensure that our client’s interests are protected and that they receive a fair share of the matrimonial assets.

Case Studies

o illustrate the practical implications of financial settlements, let’s examine a few case studies:

High-Net-Worth Divorce

After 20 years of marriage, John and Sarah, a high-net-worth couple, decided to divorce. John, a successful entrepreneur, owned significant business assets, while Sarah had focused on homemaking and raising their children. During the financial settlement proceedings, comprehensive financial disclosure and expert valuations were crucial in determining the value of John’s business interests. The court awarded Sarah a substantial lump sum payment, property adjustment orders, and a pension sharing order, ensuring a fair distribution of assets and financial security for both parties.

Short Marriage with Disparity in Earnings

After three years of marriage, Emily, a high-earning professional, financially supported David while he pursued further education. When they separated, David sought financial support and a share of Emily’s assets. The court took into account the brief duration of the marriage and the large difference in their incomes. Despite awarding David a one-time payment and temporary support, the court acknowledged Emily’s significant contributions and potential for future earnings.

Complex Property Division

Michael and Laura, a couple with multiple properties and investments, faced a complex financial settlement case. Their properties included a family home, rental properties, and a holiday home abroad. Accurate valuation and detailed financial disclosure were essential to resolving the property division. The court issued property adjustment orders, allowing Michael to retain the family home and one rental property, while Laura received the remaining rental properties and the holiday home. The court’s decision ensured a fair and balanced distribution of assets.

Navigating the complexities of financial settlements requires expert legal assistance and guidance. At DLS Solicitors, we offer a range of services to support clients in all aspects of financial settlements, including:

Legal Advice and Consultation

Our experienced solicitors provide personalized legal advice on the financial settlement process, assisting clients in understanding their rights, options, and potential outcomes. We support clients throughout every stage, from initial disclosure to final settlement or court decision.

Mediation and Negotiation

We assist clients in exploring mediation and negotiation as alternatives to court proceedings. Our solicitors facilitate constructive discussions, aiming to achieve amicable settlements that meet our clients’ needs and objectives.

Court Representation

We provide robust representation and advocacy for clients who require court intervention throughout the financial settlement process. Our solicitors are experienced in presenting compelling arguments and evidence, ensuring our clients’ interests are protected.

Financial Planning and Asset Protection

We help clients plan for their financial future, considering both immediate and long-term needs. Our solicitors advise on asset protection, tax implications, and pension planning, ensuring that financial arrangements are sustainable and beneficial.


At DLS Solicitors, we understand that financial settlements are more than just legal processes. They are critical steps towards achieving financial stability and security following the breakdown of a marriage or civil partnership. Our commitment to providing expert guidance, personalised advice, and robust legal support ensures that our clients can navigate the complexities of financial settlements with confidence and clarity.

Whether you are seeking to resolve financial matters amicably through negotiation or require court intervention to achieve a fair outcome, our team at DLS Solicitors is here to assist you. We are dedicated to protecting your interests and helping you achieve a fair and equitable distribution of assets, ensuring you can move forward with financial security and peace of mind.

Financial Settlement FAQ'S

A financial settlement is an agreement reached between divorcing spouses regarding the division of their financial assets and liabilities. It covers aspects such as property division, spousal maintenance, child maintenance, pensions, and other financial matters.

Yes, it is advisable to have a financial settlement legally formalised, even if both parties agree on everything. This ensures the agreement is legally binding and prevents either party from making future financial claims.

A financial settlement can be reached through negotiation between the parties, mediation, collaborative law, or by applying to the court for a financial order. Legal advice is recommended to ensure fairness and legal compliance.

The court considers several factors, including the financial needs and resources of both parties, the length of the marriage, contributions made by each party, the standard of living during the marriage, and the needs of any children.

A consent order is a legal document that formalises an agreed-upon financial settlement and makes it legally binding. A judge must approve it to ensure that the agreement is fair and reasonable.

A financial settlement can be varied under certain circumstances, such as a significant change in financial circumstances or if new information comes to light. However, changing a settlement can be complex and requires court approval.

If one party fails to comply with the financial settlement, the other party can apply to the court for enforcement. The court has various powers to ensure compliance, including garnishing wages, seizing assets, and charging orders on property.

Yes, spousal maintenance can be part of a financial settlement. It is a payment made by one spouse to the other to provide financial support, which can be temporary or long-term, depending on the circumstances.

Pensions can be divided through pension sharing orders, pension attachment orders, or offsetting. Pension sharing splits the pension benefits between the spouses, while pension attachment allows for payments from the pension to the ex-spouse. Offsetting considers the value of the pension when dividing other assets.

While reaching a financial settlement without a solicitor is possible, seeking legal advice is highly advisable. A solicitor can ensure that the settlement is fair, complies with legal requirements, and is formalised correctly to prevent future disputes.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 11th July 2024.

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