Civil Partnership

Civil Partnership
Civil Partnership
Full Overview Of Civil Partnership

Civil partnerships have become an integral part of the legal landscape in the United Kingdom, offering couples an alternative to marriage with similar legal recognition and benefits.

At DLS Solicitors, we understand the importance of providing comprehensive legal support and guidance for individuals entering or dissolving a civil partnership. This overview aims to clarify the concept, legal framework, and practical implications of civil partnerships, offering valuable insights for individuals considering this form of union.

What is a Civil Partnership?

A civil partnership is a legally recognised union between two individuals, granting them rights and responsibilities akin to those of marriage. Introduced by the Civil Partnership Act 2004, civil partnerships were initially available only to same-sex couples. However, since the introduction of the Civil Partnerships, Marriages and Deaths (Registration etc) Act 2019, opposite-sex couples can also enter into civil partnerships.

Key Features of Civil Partnership

  • Legal Recognition: Civil partnerships confer legal recognition of the relationship, providing similar rights and obligations to those of married couples.
  • Equality: Civil partnerships ensure equality in terms of legal status, regardless of the gender or sexual orientation of the partners.
  • Non-Religious: Civil partnerships are purely civil in nature, with no religious connotations or ceremonies required.

Establishing a Civil Partnership

The process of forming a civil partnership involves several legal steps and requirements. At DLS Solicitors, we guide our clients through each stage to ensure compliance with legal obligations and a smooth establishment of their partnership.

Notice of Intent

Both individuals must give notice of their intention to enter into a civil partnership at their local register office. This notice must be given in person, at least 29 days before the intended date of the partnership formation. During this period, the notice is displayed publicly to allow for any objections.

Conditions and Requirements

Several conditions must be met for a civil partnership to be valid:

  • Age: Both partners must be at least 16 years old. Individuals under 18 require parental consent.
  • Capacity: Both partners must have the mental capacity to understand the nature of the civil partnership.
  • Relationship: The partners must not be closely related.
  • Existing Marriages or Partnerships: Neither partner can already be married or in a civil partnership.


The civil partnership must be registered at an approved venue, such as a register office or a venue licenced for civil partnership ceremonies. The registration process involves the presence of both partners, a registrar, and two witnesses. The signing of the civil partnership schedule formalises the union.

Entering into a civil partnership grants partners a range of legal rights and responsibilities similar to those of marriage. These include:

Financial Rights and Obligations

  • Property Rights: Civil partners have equal rights to occupy the shared home and can acquire joint ownership of property.
  • Financial Support: Partners are legally obligated to provide financial support for each other during the partnership.
  • Inheritance: Civil partners are entitled to inherit from each other under intestacy rules, similar to married couples.

Parental Rights

Civil partners have the same parental responsibilities and rights as married couples. This includes the ability to adopt children jointly and to have parental responsibility for each other’s children.

Tax and Pension Benefits

  • Tax Benefits: Civil partners are eligible for various tax benefits, such as income tax allowances, inheritance tax exemptions, and capital gains tax reliefs.
  • Pension Rights: Civil partners have rights to state and occupational pensions, including survivor benefits.

Legal Protections

Civil partners benefit from legal protections in areas such as domestic violence, next-of-kin status, and medical decision-making.

Dissolution of Civil Partnership

The dissolution of a civil partnership involves a legal process akin to divorce. At DLS Solicitors, we provide expert advice and representation to clients seeking to dissolve their civil partnerships.

Grounds for Dissolution

A civil partnership can be dissolved on the following grounds:

  • Irretrievable Breakdown: This is the sole ground for dissolution and must be proven through one of four facts: unreasonable behaviour, desertion for two years, two years separation with consent, or five years separation without consent.

Dissolution Process

The dissolution process involves several stages:

  • Application: One partner (the applicant) must file a dissolution petition with the court, stating the grounds for dissolution.
  • Acknowledgement: The other partner (the respondent) must acknowledge receipt of the petition.
  • Conditional Order: If the court is satisfied that the partnership has irretrievably broken down, it will issue a conditional order (previously known as a decree nisi).
  • Final Order: After a mandatory waiting period, the applicant can apply for a final order (previously known as a decree absolute), which formally dissolves the partnership.

Financial Settlements and Arrangements

Civil partners must also resolve financial matters upon dissolution, including the division of assets, property, and maintenance. The court can make various orders, such as:

  • Property Adjustment Orders: Determining the distribution of property and assets.
  • Maintenance Orders: Establishing financial support for one partner.
  • Pension Sharing Orders: Dividing pension benefits between partners.

Practical Implications and Considerations

Understanding the practical implications of entering a civil partnership is crucial for making informed decisions. Here are some considerations to keep in mind:

Emotional and Personal Considerations

  • Commitment: Entering into a civil partnership signifies a significant commitment akin to marriage. Both partners must discuss their expectations and ensure they are ready for this legal commitment.
  • Family Dynamics: The decision to enter a civil partnership can impact family dynamics and relationships. Open communication with family members and loved ones is important to navigate any potential challenges.

Financial Planning

  • Joint Finances: Civil partners often manage their finances jointly, including shared bank accounts, investments, and property ownership. Having clear agreements and understanding the legal implications of joint financial management is crucial.
  • Prenuptial Agreements: While not as common as in marriages, prenuptial agreements can benefit civil partners, especially if they have significant assets or children from previous relationships. These agreements outline the division of assets in case of dissolution and can provide clarity and protection for both partners.

Legal Documentation

  • Wills and Estate Planning: Even though civil partners have inheritance rights under intestacy rules, it is advisable to have a legally valid will. This ensures that the distribution of assets aligns with the partners’ wishes and can help avoid potential disputes.
  • Power of Attorney: Granting each other lasting power of attorney can ensure that partners can make important decisions on each other’s behalf in cases of incapacity.

Case Studies

To illustrate the practical implications of civil partnerships, let’s explore a few case studies:

Same-Sex Couple

Jack and Liam, a same-sex couple, decided to enter into a civil partnership after being in a relationship for several years. They chose civil partnership over marriage for personal reasons. By entering into a civil partnership, they gained legal recognition of their relationship, enabling them to make medical decisions for each other and inherit property without additional legal hurdles. They also benefited from tax advantages and pension rights.

Opposite-Sex Couple

Emma and James, an opposite-sex couple, opted for a civil partnership instead of marriage due to their preference for a non-religious union. They appreciated the equal legal status and rights provided by a civil partnership. Upon Emma’s death, James inherited their home and other assets without the need for probate, thanks to the right of survivorship.

Dissolution and Financial Settlement

Sophie and Alex, civil partners, decided to dissolve their partnership after ten years due to irretrievable breakdown. During the dissolution process, they amicably resolved their financial matters. The court issued a property adjustment order, allowing Sophie to retain the family home while Alex received a pension sharing order. This ensured both partners’ financial stability post-dissolution.

Navigating the complexities of civil partnerships requires expert legal assistance and guidance. At DLS Solicitors, we offer a range of services to support individuals in all aspects of civil partnership, including:

Legal Advice and Consultation

Our experienced solicitors provide tailored legal advice on the benefits and implications of civil partnerships, helping clients make informed decisions that align with their goals and circumstances.

Documentation and Registration

We assist with preparing and registering all necessary legal documents to establish a civil partnership, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and protecting our client’s interests.

Dispute Resolution

In the event of disputes or dissolution, our solicitors offer expert mediation and dispute resolution services. They aim to achieve amicable solutions while preserving relationships and ensuring fair outcomes.

Estate Planning

We provide comprehensive estate planning services, incorporating civil partnership arrangements into broader strategies that address our clients’ financial and testamentary objectives.


At DLS Solicitors, we understand that a civil partnership is more than just a legal status; it is a significant personal commitment that affects various aspects of life. Our commitment to providing expert guidance, personalised advice, and strong legal support ensures that our clients can navigate the complexities of civil partnerships with confidence and clarity.

Whether you are considering entering into a civil partnership, seeking to understand its legal implications, or dealing with dissolution and financial settlements, our team at DLS Solicitors is here to assist you. We are dedicated to protecting your interests and helping you achieve your relationship and legal goals, ensuring that a civil partnership serves as a beneficial and effective arrangement for all involved.

Civil Partnership FAQ'S

A civil partnership is a legally recognised relationship between two people, providing similar legal rights and responsibilities to marriage. It is available to both same-sex and opposite-sex couples in the UK.

To form a civil partnership, both partners must give notice of their intention to register the partnership at a local register office. After a waiting period of 28 days, the partnership can be registered at a civil partnership ceremony.

Civil partners have similar legal rights to married couples, including rights to property, inheritance, tax benefits, pensions, and parental responsibilities.

Yes, civil partners have the same rights as married couples to adopt children. They can jointly adopt or adopt their partner’s children.

A civil partnership can be dissolved through a process similar to divorce. One partner must apply to the court for a dissolution order, citing one of the following grounds: unreasonable behaviour, separation for at least two years (with consent), separation for at least five years (without consent), or desertion for at least two years.

The main differences between a civil partnership and a marriage are the formation process and terminology. However, the legal rights and responsibilities are largely the same. Civil partnerships do not involve a religious ceremony, whereas marriages often do.

Yes, in England, Wales, and Scotland, civil partners can convert their partnership into a marriage. The process involves attending a register office and completing the necessary paperwork.

Recognition of civil partnerships varies by country. Some countries recognise UK civil partnerships, while others do not. If you plan to live or travel abroad, it is advisable to check the specific laws of the country in question.

If one civil partner dies, the surviving partner has the same inheritance rights as a spouse in a marriage. This includes the right to inherit property, pensions, and other benefits.

Yes, a civil partnership can be annulled if it is found to be legally void or voidable. Grounds for annulment include one partner already being married or in a civil partnership, lack of consent, or the partnership not being consummated (which is not required for civil partnerships but can be a ground for annulment if relevant).


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 11th July 2024.

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