Interim Order

Interim Order
Interim Order
Full Overview Of Interim Order

In the complex legal landscape, interim orders are crucial. Courts issue these orders at different stages of a legal case,, and they can have a big impact on the case’s direction and outcome. At DLS Solicitors, we understand how important interim orders are and how they can be strategically used to protect our client’s interests. This thorough overview will explain the nature, purpose, and practical effects of interim orders in the UK legal system, providing valuable insights for both legal professionals and clients.

Purpose of Interim Orders

An interim order is a temporary decision made by a court during a legal case. Its purpose is to deal with urgent issues or maintain the current situation until the case is fully resolved. Interim orders are not final judgements, but they are important for handling immediate matters that cannot wait until the trial is over.

Interim orders serve several purposes, including:

  1. Preventing irreparable harm: They protect parties from potential damage or loss that could occur if immediate action is not taken.
  2. Maintaining the Status Quo: Interim orders can preserve existing conditions or relationships, ensuring that the dispute’s subject matter remains intact until the case is resolved.
  3. Facilitating Fairness: They can provide temporary relief or measures ensuring fairness and equity between parties during litigation.

Types of Interim Orders

Interim orders can take various forms, each tailored to address specific needs and circumstances. Some of the most common types include:

Interim Injunctions

Interim injunctions are court orders that require a party to do or refrain from doing specific acts. These are often used to prevent ongoing or imminent harm.

  • Prohibitory Injunctions: These orders prevent a party from taking certain actions, such as selling property, disclosing confidential information, or continuing harmful behaviour.
  • Mandatory Injunctions: These require a party to take specific actions, such as repairing damage or complying with contractual obligations.

Interim Payments

Interim payments are awarded to provide a party with funds before the final determination of the case. These are commonly used in personal injury or compensation claims where the claimant requires immediate financial support.

Interim Possession Orders

In property disputes, interim possession orders can be granted to regain possession of property from trespassers or unlawful occupants. These orders provide a swift remedy to property owners while the main legal issues are being resolved.

Freezing Orders

A freezing order, also known as a Mareva injunction, prevents a party from dissipating or disposing of their assets. This is crucial in cases where there is a risk that a defendant might move assets out of the jurisdiction to avoid fulfilling potential judgements.

Search Orders

Search orders, or Anton Piller orders, allow a claimant to search a defendant’s premises and seize evidence without prior warning. These are typically granted in cases involving intellectual property theft, fraud, or other scenarios where evidence is at risk of being destroyed or concealed.

Interim Custody Orders

In family law, interim custody orders determine temporary custody arrangements for children pending the final decision of the court. These orders aim to ensure the welfare and stability of children during contentious custody disputes.

The issuance and enforcement of interim orders are governed by a robust legal framework in the UK, designed to balance the interests of all parties involved and ensure judicial fairness.

Civil Procedure Rules (CPR)

The Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) provide comprehensive guidelines for applying, issuing, and enforcing interim orders in civil cases. Key provisions include:

  • CPR Part 25: This section outlines the procedures for applying for interim orders, including the requirement for evidence, the criteria for granting such orders, and the conditions that may be attached to them.
  • CPR Part 3: This section grants courts the authority to manage cases proactively, including the power to issue interim orders as part of their case management functions.

Family Procedure Rules (FPR)

The Family Procedure Rules (FPR) govern the issuance of interim orders in family law cases. These rules emphasise the welfare of children and the equitable resolution of family disputes. Relevant provisions include:

Judicial Considerations

When deciding whether to grant an interim order, judges consider several factors, including:

  • Balance of Convenience: The court weighs the potential harm to both parties if the order is granted or refused, aiming to minimise overall harm.
  • Likelihood of Success: The applicant must demonstrate a reasonable prospect of success in the underlying case.
  • Urgency and Necessity: The need for immediate relief must be evident, and the order must be necessary to prevent irreparable harm or injustice.

Application and Procedure for Interim Orders

The process for obtaining an interim order involves several steps, each requiring careful preparation and strategic consideration.

Preparing the Application

An application for an interim order must be supported by strong evidence and a clear argument for the necessity of the order. Fundamental elements include:

  • Application Notice: This document outlines the nature of the order sought, the grounds for the application, and the evidence supporting it.
  • Supporting Affidavits: Affidavits or witness statements provide detailed factual and expert evidence to substantiate the application.
  • Draft Order: A draft of the proposed interim order is often submitted to guide the court.

Filing and Serving the Application

The application notice, supporting documents, and draft order must be filed with the court and served on the opposing party. However, applications can be made without notice to the other party in some cases, particularly when there is a risk of evidence being destroyed or assets being dissipated.

The Court Hearing

The court will schedule a hearing to consider the application. Both parties have the opportunity to present their arguments and evidence. In urgent cases, hearings can be expedited and may take place ex parte (without the opposing party’s presence).

The Court’s Decision

The court will issue its decision based on the merits of the application and the evidence presented. If the interim order is granted, the court may impose conditions, such as requiring the applicant to provide security for costs or undertaking to compensate the respondent for any losses incurred due to the order.

Strategic Considerations for Interim Orders

Interim orders can be powerful tools in litigation, but their strategic use requires careful planning and consideration.

Timing and Urgency

The timing of an application for an interim order is critical. Early applications can provide immediate relief and shape the course of litigation. However, premature or poorly-supported applications risk being dismissed, weakening the applicant’s position.

Evidence and Persuasion

Robust and persuasive evidence is essential for obtaining an interim order. This includes factual evidence and expert opinions that support the necessity and appropriateness of the order. At DLS Solicitors, we work closely with our clients to gather and present compelling evidence.

Balancing Risks and Benefits

The potential benefits of an interim order must be weighed against the risks. For instance, while a freezing order can prevent asset dissipation, it may also strain business relationships or trigger defensive actions by the opposing party. A thorough risk assessment is vital to making informed decisions.

Compliance and Enforcement

Securing an interim order is only part of the process; ensuring compliance and enforcing the order is equally important. This may involve monitoring the respondent’s actions, seeking enforcement assistance from the court, or taking additional legal steps if the order is breached.

Practical Implications and Case Studies

To illustrate the practical implications of interim orders, let’s examine a few case studies that highlight their strategic use in different contexts.

Prohibitory Injunction in Intellectual Property Dispute

In an intellectual property dispute, our client, a software company, discovered that a competitor was using proprietary algorithms without permission. We sought a prohibitory injunction to prevent further misuse and protect our client’s intellectual property.

Outcome: The court granted the injunction, ordering the competitor to cease using the disputed algorithms immediately. This preserved our client’s competitive advantage and provided leverage for negotiating a favourable settlement.

Interim Payment in Personal Injury Claim

Our client, a victim of a serious road traffic accident, required immediate financial support for medical expenses and rehabilitation. We applied for an interim payment while the personal injury claim was ongoing.

Outcome: The court awarded a substantial interim payment, enabling our client to access necessary medical treatments without financial strain. This interim relief significantly improved our client’s quality of life while the case proceeded.

Freezing Order in Fraud Case

In a complex fraud case, our client suspected that the defendant was attempting to transfer assets overseas to avoid potential judgements. We applied for a freezing order to prevent asset dissipation.

Outcome: The court issued a freezing order, effectively immobilising the defendant’s assets. This secured our client’s potential recovery and pressured the defendant into meaningful settlement negotiations.


DLS Solicitors understands that interim orders are not just procedural tools, but strategic instruments that can significantly impact legal proceedings. Whether securing immediate financial relief, protecting intellectual property, or preserving assets, interim orders provide crucial interim solutions that protect our clients’ interests.

Successfully applying and enforcing interim orders requires thorough preparation, strong evidence, and a deep understanding of the legal framework. Our commitment to excellence ensures that we utilise these orders effectively, delivering the best possible outcomes for our clients in their legal battles.

As the legal landscape evolves, the importance of interim orders remains undiminished. By recognising their nuances and strategic potential, legal practitioners and clients can navigate complex litigation with greater confidence and success. DLS Solicitors is ready to guide our clients through this intricate process, ensuring their rights and interests are vigorously protected at every stage.

Interim Order FAQ'S

An interim order is a temporary court order issued during legal proceedings, intended to provide immediate relief or maintain the status quo until a final decision is made. It can address various issues, such as child custody, financial support, or property possession.

An interim order can be granted at any stage of legal proceedings when urgent or immediate action is required. The court will consider whether there is a pressing need for temporary relief pending a final hearing.

Common types of interim orders include interim maintenance orders, interim child arrangements orders, interim possession orders, interim injunctions, and interim care orders.

To apply for an interim order, a party must file an application with the court, often accompanied by a supporting statement or affidavit outlining the reasons for the request. The court may schedule a hearing to consider the application.

Courts consider factors such as the urgency of the matter, potential harm or prejudice to the parties involved, the likelihood of success in the main proceedings, and the balance of convenience.

An interim order typically lasts until the final hearing or until the court issues a further order. The duration is determined by the specifics of the case and the type of order issued.

Yes, an interim order can be appealed, but it usually requires permission from the court. Appeals must be based on grounds such as a legal error, a procedural irregularity, or new evidence that could significantly affect the outcome.

Non-compliance with an interim order can result in enforcement actions by the court, such as fines, asset seizure, or even imprisonment in some cases. The aggrieved party can apply to the court for enforcement measures.

Yes, an interim order can be varied or discharged if circumstances significantly change or if it is shown that the original order was based on incorrect information. Applications to vary or discharge an order must be made to the court.

Interim orders have legal effect but are temporary and intended to address immediate needs or issues. They do not have the finality of a final order, which resolves the substantive issues of the case.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 11th July 2024.

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  • American Psychological Association (APA):Interim Order. Retrieved October 23 2024, from website:
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