Intestacy Affidavit

Intestacy Affidavit
Intestacy Affidavit
Full Overview Of Intestacy Affidavit

In the field of estate law, when a person passes away without leaving a will, their assets and affairs are managed according to intestacy rules. The rules for distributing the estate of someone who dies without a will can be complex and vary depending on the jurisdiction. The intestacy affidavit is an essential document in this process. This overview provides a detailed understanding of the Intestacy Affidavit, including its purpose, the legal context, and the procedural steps involved in creating and using this document in British law.

What is an Intestacy Affidavit?

An Intestacy Affidavit is a sworn statement used to establish the rightful heirs of a deceased person who did not leave a will. This document plays a pivotal role in the administration of the deceased’s estate, serving as a legal declaration of the facts regarding the deceased’s family and relationships. It is typically required by probate courts to ensure that the distribution of the estate is carried out according to the laws of intestacy.

Purpose of an Intestacy Affidavit

The primary purpose of an Intestacy Affidavit is to provide a clear and accurate account of the deceased’s family tree and relationships. This information is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Identifying Heirs: The affidavit helps identify and confirm the rightful heirs entitled to inherit the deceased’s estate under intestacy rules.
  2. Facilitating Probate: It aids the probate court in understanding the family dynamics and relationships, thereby facilitating the administration process.
  3. Preventing Fraud: By requiring a sworn statement, the affidavit helps prevent fraudulent claims to the estate.
  4. Clarifying Distribution: It provides a clear basis for the distribution of assets, ensuring that the estate is divided according to the legal framework.

In the UK, the rules of intestacy are set out in the Administration of Estates Act 1925 and have been amended over the years. These rules determine who inherits the estate based on the deceased’s familial relationships. The Intestacy Affidavit is a crucial document, providing the necessary evidence to establish these relationships.

Key Legal Provisions

  • Spouse or Civil Partner: Under intestacy rules, the surviving spouse or civil partner is typically the primary beneficiary. However, the extent of their inheritance depends on the presence of other relatives, such as children or parents.
  • Children: If the deceased has children, they usually inherit a significant portion of the estate. If there is no surviving spouse or civil partner, the children inherit the entire estate.
  • Other Relatives: In the absence of a spouse, civil partner, or children, other relatives such as parents, siblings, and even more distant kin may inherit the estate.
  • Escheat to the Crown: If no eligible relatives exist, the estate may ultimately revert to the Crown.

Procedural Steps

Creating and utilising an Intestacy Affidavit involves several steps, each requiring careful attention to detail to ensure compliance with legal requirements.

Step 1: Gathering Information

The first step is to gather all relevant information about the deceased and their family. This includes:

  • Full name and address of the deceased
  • Date and place of death
  • Marital status at the time of death
  • Names and details of surviving family members, including spouses, children, parents, and siblings
  • Any previous marriages or civil partnerships
  • Information about the deceased’s estate, including assets and liabilities

Step 2: Drafting the Affidavit

Once the necessary information is collected, the affidavit must be drafted. This document should include:

  • Introduction: A statement identifying the affiant (the person making the affidavit) and their relationship to the deceased.
  • Details of the Deceased: Full details of the deceased, including their date of death, last known address, and marital status.
  • Family Details: A comprehensive account of the deceased’s family, including names, ages, relationships, and any pertinent details about previous marriages or children from different relationships.
  • Statement of Truth: A declaration that the information provided is true to the best of the affiant’s knowledge and belief.
  • Signature and Witness: The affidavit must be signed by the affiant and witnessed by a solicitor or notary public.

Step 3: Submission to the Probate Registry

The completed affidavit is then submitted to the probate registry along with other required documents, such as the death certificate and any necessary application forms for probate or letters of administration.

Step 4: Probate Process

Upon submission, the probate registry reviews the affidavit and accompanying documents. If satisfied with the information provided, they will grant probate or letters of administration, authorising the appointed administrator to manage and distribute the deceased’s estate according to intestacy rules.

Importance in Estate Administration

The Intestacy Affidavit is a crucial document in administering intestate estates. Its significance cannot be overstated, as it directly impacts the outcome of the estate distribution process. Here are some key reasons why this document is vital:

  1. Legal Validation: It provides the necessary legal validation for identifying heirs and ensuring that the estate is distributed correctly.
  2. Clarity and Transparency: The affidavit offers clarity and transparency, reducing potential disputes among family members and other claimants.
  3. Efficiency: By providing a structured and comprehensive account of the deceased’s family relationships, the affidavit helps expedite the probate process.
  4. Protection: The sworn statement is a formal declaration under oath, so it serves as a protective measure against fraudulent claims.

Challenges and Considerations

While the Intestacy Affidavit is a critical document, there are several challenges and considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Accuracy of Information: Ensuring the accuracy of the information provided in the affidavit is paramount. Any inaccuracies can lead to delays in the probate process or even legal disputes.
  2. Complex Family Dynamics: Drafting the affidavit can be particularly challenging in cases where the deceased had complex family dynamics, such as multiple marriages or estranged relatives.
  3. Legal Assistance: Given the legal complexities involved, seeking assistance from a solicitor with expertise in probate and estate administration is often advisable.
  4. Updating Information: If new information comes to light after the affidavit has been submitted, it may need to be updated or amended, which can further complicate the process.

Case Studies

To illustrate the practical application and importance of an Intestacy Affidavit, consider the following hypothetical case studies:

Case Study 1: Simple Family Structure

John Doe, a widower with two adult children, dies without a will. His estate includes a house, some savings, and personal belongings. The Intestacy Affidavit prepared by his daughter provides clear details about John’s family, including the names and addresses of his children. The probate process is straightforward, and the estate is distributed equally between the two children, as per intestacy rules.

Case Study 2: Complex Family Dynamics

Mary Smith dies intestate, leaving behind a complex family structure. She had three children from her first marriage, one child from a subsequent relationship, and a surviving spouse. The Intestacy Affidavit prepared by her eldest child details all relevant family relationships, including the previous marriage and the child from the subsequent relationship. The affidavit helps the probate court understand the family dynamics and ensures that the estate is distributed according to the law, with the spouse receiving the statutory share and the remainder divided among the children.

Case Study 3: Unclaimed Estate

George Brown dies without any known relatives. An extensive search by the appointed administrator fails to identify any eligible heirs. The Intestacy Affidavit, supported by thorough research and sworn statements from neighbours and acquaintances, confirms the absence of heirs. Consequently, the estate reverts to the Crown, as per intestacy rules.


An intestacy affidavit is a crucial document when dealing with the estate of someone who has passed away without a will. This document provides a detailed and sworn account of the deceased person’s family relationships. Its main role is to identify rightful heirs, facilitate the probate process, and ensure fair distribution of the estate. Accuracy and legal compliance are extremely important in this process. Dealing with intestacy law can be complex, especially when involving intricate family dynamics, so seeking professional legal assistance is highly recommended. At DLS Solicitors, we are dedicated to offering expert guidance and support in estate administration to help manage the process with confidence.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 9th July 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Intestacy Affidavit. DLS Solicitors. September 16 2024
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