Predatory Marriage

Predatory Marriage
Predatory Marriage
Full Overview Of Predatory Marriage

Predatory marriage is a term that describes a situation where one party, often an older or vulnerable individual, is manipulated or coerced into marriage by another party who seeks to gain financially or otherwise exploit the vulnerable individual. This phenomenon raises significant legal, ethical, and societal concerns.

It is crucial for solicitors at DLS Solicitors to understand the complexities and implications of predatory marriage in order to advise and protect our clients effectively.

What is Predatory marriage?

Predatory marriage typically involves a younger, often more calculating individual targeting an older person, usually with diminished mental capacity, for the purpose of marriage. The motives behind such marriages are predominantly financial, aiming to inherit the victim’s estate, access pensions, or secure residency status. Key characteristics include:

  1. Age Disparity: Significant age differences between the parties are common, with the older party being more vulnerable.
  2. Mental Capacity: The targeted individual often has impaired mental capacity due to age, illness, or disability, making them more susceptible to manipulation.
  3. Coercion and Deception: The perpetrator may use deceit, emotional manipulation, or undue influence to coerce the victim into marriage.
  4. Isolation: The perpetrator often isolates the victim from family and friends to exert greater control and prevent intervention.

The legal framework surrounding predatory marriage in the UK involves various statutes and principles, including marriage laws, capacity assessments, and protective measures. Key legal considerations include:

  1. Marriage Act 1949 and Matrimonial Causes Act 1973: These statutes govern the legality of marriage in the UK, outlining requirements for valid consent and the capacity to marry.
  2. Mental Capacity Act 2005: This act provides a framework for assessing an individual’s decision-making capacity, including the capacity to marry. Under this act, a person must understand the nature and consequences of marriage to provide valid consent.
  3. Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007: While primarily aimed at combating forced marriage, this act can also apply to predatory marriage cases where coercion or undue influence is evident.

Implications for Victims

The implications of predatory marriage for victims are profound and multifaceted. Beyond the immediate emotional and psychological harm, victims and their families face significant legal and financial consequences:

  1. Inheritance and Estate Planning: Predatory marriage can significantly alter the distribution of the victim’s estate. Under UK law, marriage revokes any existing will, meaning the spouse often inherits a substantial portion of the estate under intestacy rules.
  2. Capacity and Consent: If a marriage is found to have taken place without valid consent due to a lack of capacity, it may be declared void or voidable. However, challenging the validity of a marriage posthumously can be complex and costly.
  3. Emotional and Psychological Impact: Victims often experience emotional trauma, isolation, and a loss of autonomy. Families may also suffer distress, conflict, and a sense of helplessness.

Case Law and Notable Examples

Several notable cases have highlighted the legal challenges and ramifications of predatory marriage. Understanding these precedents is essential for navigating similar cases:

  1. Re E (An Alleged Patient) (2014): This case involved an elderly woman with dementia who was married to a significantly younger man. The court found that the woman lacked the capacity to consent to the marriage, rendering it void.
  2. Re DMM (2020): In this case, the Court of Protection ruled that an elderly man with Alzheimer’s lacked the capacity to marry. The marriage was annulled, and the court emphasised the need for robust capacity assessments.
  3. Birmingham City Council v. SK (2020): This case underscored the importance of safeguarding measures, as the court intervened to protect a vulnerable individual from a predatory marriage.

Protective Measures and Best Practices

Preventing predatory marriage requires a proactive and multi-faceted approach. Solicitors, family members, and authorities must collaborate to safeguard vulnerable individuals.

Key protective measures and best practices include:

  1. Capacity Assessments: It is crucial to ensure thorough and regular capacity assessments for elderly or vulnerable individuals. Qualified professionals should conduct these assessments and consider the individual’s ability to understand and consent to marriage.
  2. Safeguarding Protocols: Implementing robust safeguarding protocols within care homes, medical facilities, and social services can help identify and prevent predatory marriage attempts. Training staff to recognise signs of coercion and manipulation is essential.
  3. Legal Interventions: Utilising legal mechanisms such as Forced Marriage Protection Orders (FMPOs) and applications to the Court of Protection can provide immediate and long-term protection for at-risk individuals.
  4. Public Awareness and Education: Raising public awareness about predatory marriage and its signs can empower communities to identify and report suspicious behaviour. Educational campaigns targeting older adults and their families can also enhance vigilance.
  5. Family Involvement: Encouraging open communication and family members’ involvement in the lives of vulnerable individuals can serve as a deterrent to predatory behaviour. Families should be informed about the risks and legal recourses available.

Role of Solicitors

As solicitors, our role in addressing predatory marriages is critical. We must provide comprehensive legal advice, representation, and advocacy to protect the interests of vulnerable clients.

Our responsibilities include:

  1. Advisory Services: advising clients and their families about the risks of predatory marriage and the importance of capacity assessments, safeguarding measures, and legal protections.
  2. Legal Representation: Representing clients in court proceedings to challenge the validity of a predatory marriage, seek annulments, or obtain protective orders.
  3. Estate Planning: Assisting clients with estate planning to ensure their assets are protected and their wishes are honoured. This may include drafting wills, setting up trusts, and advising on the impact of marriage on inheritance.
  4. Advocacy and Awareness: Advocating for policy changes, participating in public awareness campaigns to combat predatory marriage, and collaborating with other professionals and organisations to enhance protective measures and support for victims.


Predatory marriage is a complex and insidious issue that poses significant challenges for vulnerable individuals, their families, and legal professionals. By understanding the legal framework, implications, and protective measures associated with predatory marriage, solicitors can play a pivotal role in safeguarding the interests and well-being of those at risk.

At DLS Solicitors, we are committed to providing expert legal advice and representation to protect our clients from the harms of predatory marriage. Our approach encompasses thorough capacity assessments, robust safeguarding protocols, and proactive legal interventions. By staying informed about case law developments and best practices, we can effectively navigate the complexities of predatory marriage and advocate for vulnerable individuals’ rights and interests.

Through collaboration with families, authorities, and communities, we can enhance protective measures and prevent the exploitation of vulnerable individuals. Predatory marriage not only undermines the dignity and autonomy of the victim but also poses significant legal and financial ramifications. As legal professionals, we must remain vigilant, compassionate, and proactive in addressing this pressing issue, ensuring that justice and protection prevail for those most at risk.

Predatory Marriage FAQ'S

A predatory marriage is a situation where an individual intentionally marries a vulnerable person, often an elderly individual with diminished mental capacity, primarily to gain access to their estate or financial assets.

A predatory marriage can significantly impact the victim’s estate because, under UK law, marriage automatically revokes any previous wills. This means the new spouse may inherit a substantial portion or all of the estate if the victim dies intestate (without a new will).

Legal measures include ensuring that vulnerable individuals have up-to-date wills, creating Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA) for health and welfare and for property and financial affairs, and seeking legal advice on safeguarding measures to protect the vulnerable person’s assets.

Yes, a marriage can be annulled if it is proven that one party lacked the mental capacity to consent to the marriage. An annulment can be sought on the grounds of lack of capacity, duress, or fraud.

Mental capacity is crucial in challenging a predatory marriage. If it can be demonstrated that the victim lacked the mental capacity to understand the nature and implications of the marriage, the marriage may be declared void or voidable.

Family members can intervene by gathering evidence of the victim’s lack of capacity, seeking medical assessments, and consulting a solicitor to explore legal options such as annulment, setting up a Lasting Power of Attorney, or applying to the Court of Protection for a protective order.

The Court of Protection can make decisions on behalf of individuals who lack the mental capacity to do so themselves. In cases of suspected predatory marriage, the court can intervene to protect the vulnerable person’s assets and welfare and may appoint a deputy to manage their affairs.

If the vulnerable individual has the mental capacity to make a new will, it is advisable to do so immediately to protect their estate. Legal advice should be sought to ensure the will is valid and reflects the individual’s true intentions.

Evidence required may include medical assessments of the victim’s mental capacity, witness statements regarding the circumstances of the marriage, financial records showing suspicious transactions, and any communication indicating undue influence or coercion.

If a predatory marriage is annulled or set aside, the predator may lose any inheritance rights and could face legal actions such as fraud charges or civil claims for restitution. Additionally, they may be subject to scrutiny and potential penalties under elder abuse laws.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 16th July 2024.

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Our team of professionals are based in Alderley Edge, Cheshire. We offer clear, specialist legal advice in all matters relating to Family Law, Wills, Trusts, Probate, Lasting Power of Attorney and Court of Protection.

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