Probate Grant

Probate Grant
Probate Grant
Full Overview Of Probate Grant

A probate grant, also known simply as probate, is a crucial legal document in the management of a deceased person’s estate. It grants the executor or administrator the authority to handle and distribute the deceased’s assets according to their will or the rules of intestacy.

At DLS Solicitors, we recognise the complexities and significance of obtaining a probate grant. This comprehensive overview aims to provide a detailed understanding of what a probate grant entails, its components, the legal framework, and best practices to ensure a smooth and efficient process.

Exploring Probate Grants

A probate grant is an official document issued by the Probate Registry that confirms the legal authority of the executor (if there is a will) or administrator (if there is no will) to deal with the deceased’s estate. This document is essential for several reasons:

  1. Legal Authority: It grants the executor or administrator the legal power to act on behalf of the deceased’s estate.
  2. Asset Management: It allows the executor or administrator to collect, manage, and distribute the deceased’s assets.
  3. Debt Settlement: It enables the settlement of the deceased’s debts and obligations.
  4. Validation of Will: It confirms the will’s validity (if applicable) and ensures that the deceased’s wishes are followed.

Elements of a Probate Grant

Obtaining a probate grant involves several key components, each of which plays a crucial role in the overall process:

Application Form

The application form (PA1P for probate with a will, PA1A for letters of administration without a will) provides essential details about the deceased and the estate.

Death Certificate

An official copy of the death certificate must be submitted to confirm the death.

Original Will

The original will (if one exists) and any codicils must be submitted to the Probate Registry.

Inheritance Tax Forms

Depending on the value of the estate, inheritance tax forms (IHT205, IHT400) must be completed and submitted.

Executor’s Oath

The executor or administrator must take an oath or make a solemn declaration affirming their commitment to administer the estate according to the law.

Probate Fee

A fee is payable to the Probate Registry to process the application.

Example of a Probate Grant Application

An example of the components included in a probate grant application might involve:

  • Application Form PA1P: Providing details such as the deceased’s full name, date of birth, date of death, and last known address.
  • Death Certificate: An official copy confirming the death.
  • Original Will: The will signed by the deceased and witnessed appropriately.
  • IHT205 Form: Completed to report the estate’s value if it is below the inheritance tax threshold.
  • Executor’s Oath: Taken before a solicitor or commissioner for oaths.
  • Probate Fee: Payment of the required fee to the Probate Registry.

The process of obtaining a probate grant in the UK is governed by several key pieces of legislation and regulations to ensure that it is conducted properly and legally:

Administration of Estates Act, 1925

This act outlines the duties and responsibilities of personal representatives in administering an estate, including obtaining a probate grant.

Non-Contentious Probate Rules 1987

These rules set out the procedural requirements for obtaining probate or letters of administration, including the necessary forms and documentation.

Inheritance Tax Act 1984

This act governs the assessment and payment of inheritance tax, which is a crucial aspect of the probate process.

Trustee Act 1925

This act outlines the responsibilities of trustees, including executors and administrators, in managing and distributing the estate.

Best Practices for Obtaining a Probate Grant

To ensure that the process of obtaining a probate grant is handled smoothly and efficiently, it is essential to follow the best practices:

Accurate Documentation

Ensure all necessary documentation, including the original will, death certificate, and inheritance tax forms, is accurate and complete.

Professional Legal Advice

Seek professional legal advice to ensure the application meets all legal requirements and the process is conducted correctly.

Timely Notification

Notify all relevant parties, including beneficiaries and creditors, as soon as possible to avoid delays and potential disputes.

Executor’s Duties

Ensure that the executor or administrator understands their duties and responsibilities, including taking the oath and administering the estate according to the law.

Secure Storage

Keep the original will and all related documents in a secure location to prevent loss or damage.

Clear Communication

Maintain clear communication with beneficiaries and other interested parties to ensure transparency and avoid misunderstandings.

Challenges in Obtaining a Probate Grant

Obtaining a probate grant can present several challenges, particularly in ensuring that all legal requirements are met and that the process is completed efficiently:

Legal Requirements

  1. Meeting Legal Standards: Ensuring that all documents, including the will and inheritance tax forms, meet legal standards can be challenging, particularly if there are questions about the validity of the will or the value of the estate.
  2. Proving Authenticity: Proving the authenticity of the will, especially if there are disputes or allegations of fraud, can be complex and may require legal intervention.

Executor’s Responsibilities

  1. Understanding Duties: Executors or administrators may not fully understand their duties and responsibilities, which can lead to mistakes or delays in the administration of the estate.
  2. Oath or Declaration: Executors must take an oath or make a solemn declaration, which can be a formal and sometimes intimidating process.

Communication and Coordination

  1. Informing Interested Parties: Ensuring that all interested parties, including beneficiaries and creditors, are notified promptly and accurately can be challenging, particularly if there are many parties involved.
  2. Managing Disputes: Managing disputes or disagreements among beneficiaries or other interested parties can complicate the probate process and require legal resolution.

Role of Solicitors in Obtaining a Probate Grant

Solicitors play a crucial role in obtaining a probate grant, providing expertise and support to ensure that the process is handled correctly and efficiently. Their responsibilities include:

Legal Advice

Providing legal advice on the requirements for obtaining a probate grant and the responsibilities of the executor or administrator.

Document Preparation

Assisting with the preparation and submission of all necessary documentation to the Probate Registry.

Executor Support

Supporting the executor or administrator in understanding and fulfilling their duties, including taking the oath and administering the estate.

Notification and Communication

Helping to notify all relevant parties and manage communication to prevent disputes and delays.

Dispute Resolution

Mediating disputes and providing legal representation in contentious probate matters if necessary.

Case Study: Obtaining a Probate Grant

To illustrate the importance and effective handling of obtaining a probate grant, consider the following case study:


Mrs. Williams, a retired doctor, passed away, leaving a detailed will outlining the distribution of her estate, including specific bequests to her children and a donation to a medical research charity. Her will named her eldest son, Mark, as the executor.

Actions Taken

  1. Engagement of Solicitors: Mark engaged DLS Solicitors to assist with obtaining the probate grant and administering the estate.
  2. Verification of Will: The solicitors verified the authenticity of the will, ensuring that it met all legal requirements and was the last valid will made by Mrs. Williams.
  3. Document Preparation: All necessary documents, including the original will, death certificate, and inheritance tax forms, were prepared and reviewed by the solicitors.
  4. Executor’s Oath: Mark took the executor’s oath, affirming his commitment to administer the estate according to the will and the law.
  5. Notification of Parties: The solicitors helped notify all relevant parties, including beneficiaries and creditors, about the will and the commencement of the probate process.
  6. Submission to Probate Registry: The application for the probate grant, along with all necessary documentation, was submitted to the Probate Registry, and the grant of probate was obtained.


The effective handling of obtaining the probate grant, combined with professional legal assistance, ensured that:

  • The probate grant was obtained without delay or dispute.
  • Mark was formally recognised as the executor and granted the authority to administer the estate.
  • The estate was administered in accordance with Mrs. Williams’s wishes and the law.
  • Potential disputes and complications were avoided through clear communication and professional guidance.


A probate grant is a crucial part of the estate administration process, giving the executor or administrator the legal authority to handle and distribute the deceased person’s assets. It’s important to understand the different aspects of a probate grant, the legal framework governing its issuance, and the best practices for obtaining one to ensure a smooth and efficient administration of the estate.

At DLS Solicitors, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive support and guidance in obtaining probate grants. Our experienced team offers expert advice and professional assistance to ensure that all necessary steps are followed and that the probate grant is obtained in compliance with legal requirements.

The challenges of obtaining a probate grant, from meeting legal standards to managing communication with interested parties, can be effectively managed with the right support and resources. Whether it’s managing straightforward estate administration or complex arrangements, understanding the importance of a probate grant and its role in the probate process is crucial for navigating this critical aspect of post-mortem affairs.

Probate Grant FAQ'S

A Probate Grant, also known as a Grant of Probate, is a legal document issued by the court that gives an executor the authority to administer and distribute the deceased person’s estate according to their Will.

The executor(s) named in the deceased person’s Will need to apply for a Probate Grant. If there is no Will, a close relative or next of kin must apply for Letters of Administration.

A Probate Grant is required if the deceased person owned property or significant assets that need to be transferred or accessed. It is generally needed for estates with assets over a certain value, typically around £5,000 to £10,000, but this can vary depending on the institution holding the assets.

To apply for a Probate Grant, you need the original Will, the death certificate, a completed probate application form (PA1P for those with a Will or PA1A for those without), and an inheritance tax form (IHT205 or IHT400).

You can apply for a Probate Grant online through the UK government website or by submitting a paper application to the local Probate Registry along with the necessary documents and fees.

Yes, there is a fee for applying for a Probate Grant. The fee varies based on the value of the estate. As of 2024, the standard fee is £273 for estates over £5,000, but it’s best to check the current fees on the HM Courts & Tribunals Service website.

It typically takes around 8 weeks to receive a Probate Grant after submitting the application, provided there are no complications. Delays can occur if additional information is needed or if there are disputes.

Yes, a Probate Grant can be contested if there are grounds to believe that the Will is invalid, was made under duress, or if there is a more recent valid Will. Legal advice should be sought in such cases.

After receiving a Probate Grant, the executor is responsible for collecting and managing the deceased’s assets, paying any debts and taxes, and distributing the remaining estate to the beneficiaries according to the Will.

If new assets are discovered after the Probate Grant is issued, the executor may need to submit a supplementary application to the Probate Registry to amend the Grant of Probate to include the newly discovered assets.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 11th July 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Probate Grant. DLS Solicitors. October 23 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Probate Grant. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: October 23 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Probate Grant. Retrieved October 23 2024, from website:
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DLS Solicitors : Family Law Solicitors

Our team of professionals are based in Alderley Edge, Cheshire. We offer clear, specialist legal advice in all matters relating to Family Law, Wills, Trusts, Probate, Lasting Power of Attorney and Court of Protection.

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