
Full Overview Of Remaindermen

At DLS Solicitors, we understand that property law can often seem complex and impenetrable. One concept that frequently arises within this domain is remaindermen. Though this term sounds somewhat arcane, it is integral to understanding certain property interests, particularly in the context of trusts and life estates. In this overview, we aim to demystify the concept of remaindermen, providing a comprehensive and accessible explanation of their role and significance within the legal landscape of England.

Definition and Context

A remainderman (plural: remaindermen) is a person who is entitled to inherit property or assets after the termination of a preceding estate. This preceding estate is often a life estate, where another individual, known as the life tenant, has the right to use the property during their lifetime. Upon the death of the life tenant, the property then passes to the remainderman.

The concept of remaindermen is pivotal in the realm of estate planning and trust law. It allows for the property to be managed and utilised by one party for a specified period (often their lifetime), with the assurance that the property will eventually pass to another party (the remainderman) thereafter.

Historical Background

The notion of remaindermen has deep roots in English common law, dating back to the feudal system. Historically, land ownership was a key indicator of wealth and social standing. To ensure that land remained within a family or a designated lineage, legal mechanisms such as life estates and remainder interests were developed. These mechanisms allowed landowners to control the succession of their property, thereby preserving familial wealth across generations.

The legal framework surrounding remaindermen in England is primarily governed by the Law of Property Act 1925 and the Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996 (TLATA). These statutes have modernised and clarified the rules around property ownership, trusts, and the rights of remaindermen, ensuring that these principles align with contemporary legal standards and societal norms.

Role of Remaindermen in Estate Planning

Life Estates and Remaindermen

In estate planning, a life estate is a common method for managing property distribution. It allows an individual, known as the life tenant, to use and enjoy the property during their lifetime. When the life tenant passes away, the property does not become part of their estate but instead goes directly to the remainderman.

For example, a property owner may leave their home to their spouse for the spouse’s lifetime (making the spouse the life tenant). When the spouse passes away, the property then goes to their children (the remaindermen). This arrangement ensures that the surviving spouse has a place to live for their lifetime and ensures that the property ultimately passes to the next generation.

Trusts and Remaindermen

Trusts can benefit multiple parties. The remaindermen, for example, are beneficiaries who receive the trust property after the life tenants or prior beneficiaries have been taken care of. Trusts are flexible legal tools that help manage and distribute assets based on the settlor’s wishes. They are commonly used for asset protection, providing for family members, and managing tax responsibilities.

For example, a trust might be set up to provide income to a spouse while they are alive, with the trust’s remaining assets going to the children after the spouse’s passing. In this case, the spouse is the life tenant, receiving income from the trust, while the children are the remaindermen, entitled to the trust’s assets after the spouse’s death.

Tax Implications

It’s important to consider the tax implications when designating remaindermen, especially regarding inheritance tax (IHT). When a property is passed to a remainderman after the death of a life tenant, there may be IHT implications based on the estate value and the relationship between the parties involved.

Proper estate planning, which can include the use of life estates and trusts, can help reduce potential tax liabilities. By structuring the transfer of assets in a tax-efficient manner, it’s possible to maximise the value of the estate that eventually goes to the remaindermen.

Rights of Remaindermen

Remaindermen hold a future interest in the property or assets, which becomes a present interest upon the termination of the preceding estate. While they do not have the right to possess or use the property during the life tenant’s lifetime, they have certain legal rights protecting their future interest.

  1. Protection of Property: Remaindermen have the right to ensure that the life tenant does not commit waste, meaning that the life tenant should not significantly damage or devalue the property. If the life tenant were to neglect the property or use it in a manner that diminishes its value, the remainderman could seek legal recourse.
  2. Accountability: Remaindermen have the right to be informed about the management of the property. In the context of a trust, trustees are obligated to act in the best interests of all beneficiaries, including remaindermen, and to provide them with relevant information about the trust’s administration.

Responsibilities of Remaindermen

While remaindermen primarily hold future interests, they also bear certain responsibilities, particularly in relation to the upkeep and eventual transfer of the property.

  1. Maintenance and Repairs: Although the life tenant is usually responsible for the day-to-day maintenance and minor repairs of the property, significant repairs and improvements may fall under the purview of the remainderman. This ensures that the property is preserved and remains in good condition for future use.
  2. Property Taxes and Insurance: The financial responsibilities associated with property ownership, such as property taxes and insurance, can be complex in the context of a life estate. Typically, the life tenant covers these expenses during their lifetime, but in certain situations, the remainderman may also have to contribute, especially for long-term investments like insurance policies.

Practical Considerations

Drafting Legal Documents

When drafting legal documents that involve remaindermen, precision and clarity are paramount. It is essential to clearly define the interests of both life tenants and remaindermen, including the conditions under which the property will transfer and the rights and responsibilities of each party.

  1. Wills and Trusts: Detailed provisions should be included in wills and trusts to outline the succession of property and the role of remaindermen. This includes specifying the exact property or assets involved, the duration of the life estate, and any conditions that might affect the remainderman’s interest.
  2. Life Estate Deeds: A life estate deed is a legal document that transfers property to a life tenant for their lifetime, with the remainder interest passing to the remainderman upon the life tenant’s death. This deed must be carefully drafted to avoid any ambiguity and to ensure that the intentions of the property owner are fully realised.

Resolving Disputes

Disputes between life tenants and remaindermen can arise, particularly if there is a perception of mismanagement or conflicting interests. Resolving these disputes often requires a nuanced understanding of property law and the specific terms of the life estate or trust.

  1. Mediation and Negotiation: In many cases, disputes can be resolved through mediation and negotiation, allowing the parties to reach a mutually acceptable agreement without resorting to litigation. This approach is often less adversarial and can preserve familial relationships.
  2. Litigation: If mediation fails, litigation may be necessary to protect the rights of the remainderman. Legal action can compel a life tenant to adhere to their responsibilities or seek compensation for any damage or devaluation of the property.

Planning for the Future

Effective estate planning involves anticipating and addressing potential issues that may affect remaindermen. This includes considering the financial and personal circumstances of the remaindermen, as well as any potential changes in the life tenant’s situation.

  1. Financial Planning: It is important to assess the financial implications for remaindermen, including potential tax liabilities and the costs associated with property maintenance. Financial planning can help ensure that remaindermen are prepared to assume ownership and manage the property effectively.
  2. Contingency Planning: Life is unpredictable, and contingency planning is crucial. This may involve setting up provisions for what should happen if the life tenant or remainderman predeceases the other, or if the property becomes uninhabitable. Having clear plans in place can prevent future disputes and ensure a smooth transition of property.


Remaindermen play a critical role in managing and succeeding property interests, particularly within the context of life estates and trusts. Understanding the rights and responsibilities of remaindermen is vital for effective estate planning and asset preservation across generations. At DLS Solicitors, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive legal guidance to ensure that the interests of all parties involved are protected, and that property transfers are conducted smoothly and efficiently.

By carefully considering the needs and circumstances of both life tenants and remaindermen, and by drafting clear and precise legal documents, we can help our clients navigate the complexities of property law with confidence and clarity. Whether you are establishing a life estate, creating a trust, or seeking to resolve a dispute, our experienced legal team is here to provide the support and expertise you need.

Remaindermen FAQ'S

A remainderman is a person who inherits or is entitled to inherit property upon the termination of a life estate or another limited estate. When the current holder of the life estate (the life tenant) passes away, the property passes to the remainderman.

A life tenant has the right to use and benefit from the property during their lifetime but cannot dispose of the property. A remainderman, on the other hand, has an interest in the property that takes effect after the life tenant’s death, at which point they gain full ownership.

Yes, a remainderman can sell or transfer their interest in the property even before the life tenant’s death. However, the buyer would only gain full ownership after the life tenant’s interest terminates.

Suppose the remainderman dies before the life tenant. In that case, the remainderman’s interest in the property typically passes to their heirs or as directed by their will, unless the trust or will creating the life estate specifies otherwise.

During the life tenant’s lifetime, the remainderman has a future interest in the property but generally does not have the right to use or control it. The life tenant is responsible for maintaining the property and cannot commit waste that would devalue the remainderman’s interest.

Yes, a remainderman can take legal action if the life tenant is committing waste or mismanaging the property in a way that reduces its value. This can include seeking an injunction to prevent further damage or requesting compensation for any loss in value.

A remainderman’s interest is established through a legal document, such as a will or trust deed, which specifies that the property will pass to the remainderman upon the termination of the life estate or other limited estate.

Yes, a remainderman can have tax implications, particularly regarding inheritance tax (IHT) and capital gains tax (CGT). The remainderman may be liable for IHT upon the life tenant’s death if the property’s value exceeds certain thresholds. CGT may apply if the remainderman sells the property.

Yes, a life tenant and remainderman can agree to sell the property together. This would require mutual consent and typically result in the proceeds being divided according to the value of each party’s interest.

If the property is subject to a mortgage, the life tenant is generally responsible for maintaining the mortgage payments during their lifetime. Upon the termination of the life estate, the remainderman inherits the property subject to any remaining mortgage obligations, unless otherwise specified in the mortgage agreement or legal documents.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 11th July 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Remaindermen. DLS Solicitors. October 23 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Remaindermen. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: October 23 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Remaindermen. Retrieved October 23 2024, from website:
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