Sale of Property Order

Sale of Property Order
Sale of Property Order
Full Overview Of Sale of Property Order

The Sale of Property Order plays a crucial role in the United Kingdom’s legal system, particularly in family law and financial settlements during divorce or civil partnership dissolution. This order allows for the sale of jointly owned property, ensuring a fair division of proceeds between the involved parties. This overview aims to provide a detailed understanding of sale of property orders, covering their legal framework, process, implications, and considerations for all parties involved.

What Is A Sale of Property Order?

A Sale of Property Order is a court order mandating the sale of a property and dictating the division of the sale proceeds between the parties. This order is typically sought when it is not feasible for either party to retain the property, such as the family home, due to financial constraints or when it is the fairest way to distribute the asset.

The sale of property orders is regulated by the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 and the Civil Partnership Act 2004. These Acts empower courts to issue orders facilitating the sale of property to achieve fair financial settlements after the dissolution of a marriage or civil partnership. The main goal is to ensure that both parties receive a just portion of the marital assets, considering their respective needs, contributions, and future financial prospects.

Situations Requiring a Sale of Property Order

Sale of Property Orders are often used in situations where:

  • Financial Settlements in Divorce: When couples divorce, the family home is often one of the most valuable assets. If neither party can afford to buy out the other’s interest or it is impractical for one party to retain the property, a Sale of Property Order ensures a fair asset distribution.
  • Civil Partnership Dissolution: Similar to divorce, the dissolution of a civil partnership may necessitate the sale of jointly owned property to achieve an equitable financial settlement.
  • Inheritance Disputes: In some cases, Sale of Property Orders may be used to resolve disputes over inherited property, ensuring fair distribution among beneficiaries.
  • Debt Resolution: If one or both parties have significant debts, the sale of property may be necessary to satisfy these obligations.

The Process of Obtaining a Sale of Property Order

The process of obtaining a Sale of Property Order involves several stages, each requiring careful assessment, legal procedures, and the involvement of various professionals.

Initial Assessment and Disclosure

The process starts with a thorough assessment of the marital assets. Both parties need to provide complete financial disclosure, including all assets, debts, income, and expenses. This transparency is crucial for the court to have a clear understanding of the financial situation and make well-informed decisions.

Negotiation and Mediation

Negotiation and mediation are vital in reaching an agreement on property division. Both parties, often with the help of their solicitors, discuss and negotiate the terms of the property sale and the distribution of the proceeds. Mediation can be especially useful in facilitating friendly agreements and reducing the need for contentious court proceedings.

Court Application

In the event that no agreement can be reached through negotiation and mediation, either party can request a sale of property order from the court. The application must contain detailed financial statements and supporting evidence. The court will evaluate the application based on several factors, including the welfare of any children involved, the financial needs and resources of both parties, their contributions to the marriage or civil partnership, and their future earning capacity.

Court Hearing

During the court hearing, both parties will present their arguments and evidence. The court will examine the financial circumstances, the needs of both parties, and the welfare of any children. Following this, the judge will make a decision on the Sale of Property Order, aiming to achieve a fair and equitable distribution of the proceeds from the property sale.

Factors Considered by the Court

When determining a Sale of Property Order, the court considers several key factors to ensure a fair and equitable distribution:

Welfare of Children

The welfare of any children involved is the court’s paramount consideration. Ensuring the children have a stable and secure home environment is a priority in the court’s decision-making process.

Financial Needs and Resources

The court assesses both parties’ financial needs and resources, including their income, earning capacity, property, and other financial assets. The aim is to ensure that both parties can meet their reasonable needs post-separation.

Standard of Living

The standard of living enjoyed during the marriage or civil partnership is considered, with the court aiming to ensure that both parties can maintain a similar standard of living post-separation.

Contributions to the Marriage or Civil Partnership

The court recognises financial and non-financial contributions made by each party during the marriage or civil partnership, including contributions to homemaking and childcare.

Future Earning Capacity

The future earning capacity of both parties is considered, including any potential for retraining or career advancement.

Benefits of Sale of Property Orders

Sale of Property Orders offers several benefits, providing a structured and legally binding framework for property division.

Fair Distribution of Assets

These orders ensure that the proceeds from the sale of property are divided fairly and equitably, considering both parties’ needs and contributions.

Financial Security

Sale of Property Orders provides financial security for both parties by ensuring they receive a fair share of the proceeds, enabling them to rebuild their lives post-separation.

Stability for Children

Sale of Property Orders help provide stability and continuity for children by addressing their housing needs.

Considerations and Challenges

While Sale of Property Orders provide essential financial protection, they also present several considerations and challenges that must be addressed.

Valuation of Property

Accurate valuation of the property is crucial to ensure a fair distribution. Disputes can arise over property valuations, requiring the involvement of professional valuers to provide impartial assessments.

Financial Complexity

The financial complexity of high-value assets or multiple properties can complicate the process. Careful financial planning and expert advice are necessary to navigate these complexities effectively.

Emotional Impact

Selling a family home can be emotionally challenging for both parties. Ensuring that both parties receive appropriate emotional support and counselling can help them cope with the stress and anxiety associated with the process.

Alternatives to Sale of Property Orders

While Sale of Property Orders are a vital mechanism for dividing property, alternative options may be more appropriate in certain situations.

Transfer of Property Orders

A Transfer of Property Order directs that a specific property be transferred from one party to the other. This is often used when one party is to retain the family home while the other party receives other assets or financial compensation.

Mesher Orders

A Mesher Order allows for the deferred sale of the family home. The property remains in joint ownership until a specified event occurs, such as the youngest child reaching adulthood or the remarriage of one party. This type of order is often used to provide stability for children.

Martin Orders

A Martin Order, similar to a Mesher Order, allows one party to remain in the family home for life or until a specific event, with the other party retaining a financial interest in the property. This type of order is used when one party needs to remain in the home, but the other party retains a future interest in the property’s value.

Navigating the complexities of Sale of Property Orders and alternative arrangements necessitates expert legal and financial advice. Engaging the services of solicitors and financial advisors is crucial to ensuring a fair and legally sound agreement.

Legal Advice

Solicitors are vital in guiding clients through the legal aspects of Sale of Property Orders. They assist in negotiating terms, drafting agreements, and representing clients in court if necessary. Legal advice ensures that the rights and interests of both parties are protected.

Financial Advice

Financial advisors provide valuable insights into the financial implications of Sale of Property Orders and other arrangements. They help clients understand the long-term impact on their financial security, including tax considerations, investment strategies, and retirement planning.

Case Studies and Practical Examples

To depict the practical application of Sale of Property Orders, consider the following case studies:

Case Study 1: Anna and Mark

Anna and Mark have been married for 20 years and have two children. They own a family home worth £500,000, which is their most valuable asset. During their divorce, neither party can afford to buy out the other’s interest in the home. The court issues a Sale of Property Order, directing that the property be sold and the proceeds divided equally. This arrangement ensures that both Anna and Mark receive a fair share of the property’s value and can move on with their lives.

Case Study 2: Emily and John

Emily and John decide to divorce after 15 years of marriage. They own multiple properties, including a family home and several investment properties. The court issues an Order for Sale for the investment properties, directing that the proceeds be divided equally. The family home is transferred to Emily, with a Mesher Order stipulating that it will be sold when their youngest child reaches 18, at which point the proceeds will be divided. This arrangement provides financial security for both parties and ensures stability for the children.

Enforcement of Sale of Property Orders

Ensuring compliance with Sale of Property Orders is essential for maintaining financial stability for both parties. Several legal remedies are available if one party fails to comply with the order:

Legal Action

If necessary, the recipient can take legal action to enforce the order, including applying for an enforcement order from the court. This may result in the court taking measures to ensure compliance, such as the seizure of assets or garnishment of wages.

Contempt of Court

Non-compliance with a Sale of Property Order can result in a finding of contempt of court. This can lead to fines or imprisonment for the non-compliant party.


The sale of property orders is an important part of settling finances after a divorce or the dissolution of a civil partnership. These orders provide financial protection and ensure a fair distribution of property. It’s essential to understand the legal framework, the process of obtaining and enforcing these orders, and their implications to make informed decisions.

It’s also important to consider alternative methods, such as Transfer of Property Orders, Mesher Orders, and Martin Orders, to determine the most suitable arrangement. Seeking expert legal and financial advice is crucial to ensuring a fair and sustainable financial settlement.

At DLS Solicitors, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive legal support and guidance to clients dealing with the complexities of sale of property orders. Our experienced team is here to assist with negotiations, court applications, and tailored advice to secure your financial future. Whether you are looking to obtain a sale of property order, enforce an existing order, or explore alternative arrangements, we are here to help you achieve the best possible outcome.

Sale of Property Order FAQ'S

A Sale of Property Order is a court order mandating the sale of property. This order can be issued in various legal contexts, such as during divorce or separation proceedings, to enforce debt repayment, or to resolve disputes between co-owners.

A Sale of Property Order can be granted in cases of divorce or civil partnership dissolution, to settle disputes between joint owners, to enforce a charging order, or to satisfy debts when a debtor fails to pay.

Parties such as spouses or civil partners in divorce proceedings, joint owners of a property, creditors holding a charging order, or individuals owed money can apply for a Sale of Property Order.

To apply for a Sale of Property Order, you need to file an application with the relevant court. This typically involves completing and submitting the appropriate forms, providing evidence to support the application, and paying a court fee.

The court considers factors such as the financial needs and resources of the parties involved, the welfare of any children, the conduct of the parties, the terms of any existing agreements, and the overall fairness of the order.

Yes, the party against whom the order is sought can contest the application. They can provide evidence and arguments to persuade the court that the sale should not proceed or that alternative arrangements should be considered.

The proceeds from the sale of the property are typically used to pay off any debts secured against the property, such as mortgages or charging orders. The remaining funds are then distributed according to the court’s instructions, which may include splitting the proceeds between co-owners or paying creditors.

If tenants are living in the property, the court will consider their rights and interests. Tenants may be given notice to vacate the property, and their tenancy rights will be taken into account when determining the terms of the sale.

Yes, a Sale of Property Order can be varied or discharged if circumstances change. Either party can apply to the court to modify or cancel the order, and the court will decide based on the new circumstances and the interests of justice.

The costs of obtaining a Sale of Property Order include court fees, legal fees for solicitors or barristers, and potential property valuation and sale costs. These costs can vary depending on the case’s complexity and the length of the legal proceedings.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 11th July 2024.

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