How To Modify A Child Arrangement Order: Steps To Take

How To Modify A Child Arrangement Order: Steps To Take
How To Modify A Child Arrangement Order: Steps To Take


Child arrangement orders, also known as custody orders or residence orders, are legal agreements that determine where a child will live and who will have contact with them. These orders are typically put in place when parents are unable to come to an agreement about the care and custody of their child.

Who Can Apply for a Child Arrangement Order?

In order to apply for a child arrangement order, you must be a parent, guardian, or person with parental responsibility for the child. This can include biological parents, adoptive parents, or stepparents who have been granted parental responsibility.

How to Apply for a Child Arrangement Order

To begin the process of obtaining a child arrangement order, you will need to submit an application to the family court. This can be done either online or by filling out a paper form and sending it to the court. The court will then consider your application and decide whether to issue the order.

Factors Considered by the Court

When making a decision about a child arrangement order, the court will take into account the best interests of the child. This means considering factors such as the child’s wishes and feelings, their relationship with each parent, and any risks to their welfare.

Contents of a Child Arrangement Order

If the court decides to grant a child arrangement order, it will outline where the child will live and when they will have contact with the non-resident parent. The order may also include provisions for holidays, special occasions, and any other specific arrangements that need to be made.

Changes to Child Arrangement Orders

It is important to note that child arrangement orders can be varied or revoked at any time if there is a change in circumstances. For example, if one parent wishes to move to a different location, the order may need to be amended to reflect this change.

Seeking Legal Advice

If you are having difficulty reaching an agreement with the other parent about the care and custody of your child, it may be helpful to seek the advice of a family law solicitor. They can provide guidance on the legal process and help you navigate the complexities of child arrangement orders.


Overall, child arrangement orders are designed to ensure that the best interests of the child are upheld and that they have a stable and loving environment in which to grow and thrive. By following the legal process and seeking the appropriate support, you can work towards a resolution that is in the child’s best interests.

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18th May 2024
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