The Importance Of Legal Representation In Court Of Protection Proceedings

The Importance Of Legal Representation In Court Of Protection Proceedings
The Importance Of Legal Representation In Court Of Protection Proceedings

The Court of Protection is a specialist court in the United Kingdom that deals with decisions for people who lack the mental capacity to make decisions for themselves. It was established under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and has the authority to make decisions on behalf of individuals who are unable to make decisions about their health, welfare, or financial affairs.

Who is the Court of Protection for?

The Court of Protection is for individuals who lack mental capacity to make decisions for themselves. This could be due to a variety of reasons, such as dementia, learning disabilities, brain injuries, or mental health issues. The court is responsible for making decisions in the best interests of these individuals and appointing deputies to make decisions on their behalf.

Applying to the Court of Protection

If you believe that someone you know lacks mental capacity and needs assistance with decision-making, you can apply to the Court of Protection on their behalf. The application process can be complex and it is recommended to seek legal advice to ensure that all necessary documentation is completed correctly.

Types of Applications

There are several types of applications that can be made to the Court of Protection, including:

  • Health and welfare decisions
  • Property and financial affairs decisions
  • Statutory wills
  • Disputes about the registration of enduring or lasting powers of attorney

The Mental Capacity Assessment

As part of the application process, a mental capacity assessment will be carried out to determine whether the individual lacks the mental capacity to make decisions for themselves. This assessment is usually conducted by a healthcare professional or social worker and will assess the individual’s ability to understand, retain, and weigh information to make decisions.


If the Court of Protection determines that an individual lacks mental capacity to make decisions, they may appoint a deputy to make decisions on their behalf. Deputies can be family members, friends, or professionals such as solicitors. Deputies are required to act in the best interests of the individual and must comply with the Mental Capacity Act 2005.

Types of Deputies

There are two types of deputies that can be appointed by the Court of Protection:

  • Property and financial affairs deputy
  • Health and welfare deputy

Deputy Responsibilities

Deputies have a range of responsibilities, including:

  • Managing the individual’s finances
  • Making decisions about the individual’s health and welfare
  • Keeping detailed records of decisions made on behalf of the individual
  • Seeking advice from healthcare professionals and other professionals when necessary


If you are unhappy with a decision made by the Court of Protection, you have the right to appeal the decision. This can be done by submitting an appeal to the Court of Protection within a specified timeframe. It is important to seek legal advice before appealing a decision to ensure that you have a strong case.


The Court of Protection plays a crucial role in protecting the rights of individuals who lack mental capacity to make decisions for themselves. It ensures that decisions are made in the best interests of these individuals and appoints deputies to act on their behalf. If you need assistance with decision-making for someone who lacks mental capacity, the Court of Protection can provide the necessary support and guidance.

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18th May 2024
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DLS Solicitors

Our team of professionals are based in Alderley Edge, Cheshire. We offer clear, specialist legal advice in all matters relating to Family Law, Wills, Trusts, Probate, Lasting Power of Attorney and Court of Protection.

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