The Role Of Postnuptial Agreements In Estate Planning For Married Couples

The Role Of Postnuptial Agreements In Estate Planning For Married Couples
The Role Of Postnuptial Agreements In Estate Planning For Married Couples


Increasingly, married couples in the United Kingdom are discovering a growing trend of contractual agreements known as postnuptial agreements or more casually referred to as ‘postnups.’ These types of contracts are designed to help manage all prior and prospective financial connections between spouses throughout their marriage and following any potential dissolution. This comprehensive guide aims to demystify the concept of postnuptial agreements, defining what they are, why you might need one, how they work, and more.

Understanding The Definition of a Postnuptial Agreement

Simply put, a postnuptial agreement is a voluntary contract willingly entered into by an already-married couple. It outlines how their shared and individual assets would be divided if they were ever to divorce or separate legally. Much like prenuptial agreements (which are entered into before marriage), ‘postnups’ have the potential to cover a wide range of matters.

These include but aren’t limited to, property distribution, financial obligations towards one another, spousal support payments, etc. However, it’s worth mentioning that these contracts do not typically address issues such as child custody or access arrangements.

The Reasons Behind Opting For A Postnuptial Agreement

There are myriad reasons why couples might elect to draft a postnup. Here we delve into some of the most common scenarios:

Change in Financial Circumstances:

If your economic situation has seen significant changes since your wedding day—for example, receiving an unexpected inheritance or successfully selling a business venture—it could be wise to consider creating a postnup.

To Protect Separate Assets:

Should you possess personal assets that you wish to keep distinct from marital property (family heirlooms or gifts received solely by one spouse during the marriage, for instance), these can be specified within a postnup.

Safeguarding Children’s Future:

In cases where there are children from previous relationships involved, a well-structured postnup can ensure their future inheritance rights remain protected regardless of circumstances.

Assurance and Peace of Mind:

Having clear agreements on finances and assets can help significantly reduce potential conflicts surrounding money matters. It provides peace of mind for both parties involved, knowing that there is a plan in place should the worst happen.

Creating a Postnuptial Agreement

While it’s possible to draft your own agreement using free resources readily available online, hiring legal representation is advisable due to the complexity usually involved in these documents. Below, we’ve detailed the steps involved in creating a sound postnuptial agreement:

Hire a solicitor.

The recommended best practice is that each party have separate legal representation. This ensures that the agreement remains fair and balanced and avoids any future allegations of coercion or duress.

Full Financial Disclosure:

Both parties are required to disclose their financial circumstances entirely. This includes all assets, liabilities, income and expectations from inheritances.


The solicitors will negotiate terms on behalf of their clients. The negotiation process is based upon the couple’s individual wishes and needs.

Drafting the Agreement:

Once terms have been agreed upon, your solicitor(s) will draft the postnuptial agreement accordingly.

Reviewing and Signing:

After thorough review by both parties and their respective solicitors, if all terms are satisfactory, then the document is signed off officially.

The Enforceability of Postnuptial Agreements

While there are no specific laws in England & Wales guaranteeing that postnuptial agreements will be enforced by courts in the event of divorce, they are taken very seriously. This is thanks to the case law precedent set by Radmacher v Granatino (2010). If it can be proven that both parties entered into the agreement freely with full understanding and without any undue pressure or influence, it is likely to be upheld unless it would result in an unfair outcome for the party or child involved.


Postnuptial agreements can serve as an effective tool for couples seeking to manage financial matters during their marriage and after potential separation or divorce. However, due to the complex nature of these agreements and significant potential implications involved, it’s advisable to seek expert legal advice when considering one.

Please note: This guide offers general advice only and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult a qualified family lawyer if you wish to enter into a postnuptial agreement.

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18th May 2024
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DLS Solicitors

Our team of professionals are based in Alderley Edge, Cheshire. We offer clear, specialist legal advice in all matters relating to Family Law, Wills, Trusts, Probate, Lasting Power of Attorney and Court of Protection.

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