Top 10 Things You Can Do To Help Your Property Case Progress Smoothly

property case
Top 10 Things You Can Do To Help Your Property Case Progress Smoothly

Are you about to buy your first home? Perhaps you are selling your first property and moving into a new home. No matter the logistics, conveyancing processes can seem daunting at times, That’s why it’s important to have a conveyancer on your side that you can trust.

What is conveyancing?

Conveyancing is the legal process that is necessary in order to transfer a property from one owner to another. Although it sounds simple enough, there can be complications and hurdles thrown in with the work involved, which may result in delays beyond your conveyancers control.

How can you ensure your case progresses smoothly?

  1. Ensure you check every document and report sent to you. When purchasing your new home, there are a number of different documents and forms you’ll be sent in order to progress with your case. To be certain that you don’t miss any important information, it is vital that you read over these, paying close attention to all details.
  2. Return legal documents promptly and correctly signed. The quicker you are to respond to any documents that require your participation to be completed, the easier it will be for your conveyancer to progress onto the next stage of the process.
  3. Be prepared! No property case is the same; it’s essential to stay grounded with your expectations and assist your conveyancer in any way you can. By having all documentation prepared and ready before you choose your property, you can cut off extra time usually spent waiting during the process.
  4. Finances Prepared: There will come a time during the process when the constant requirement for cash is never end. It’s important to have your finances prepared for any sudden fees that crop up.
  5. Be realistic about completion dates. Conveyancing transactions can involve multiple of people, meaning that waiting on documents and updates can rest on the actions of other people. Be realistic about timings during the transaction; it’s important to stay
  6. Have your mortgage & surveys in place as early as possible. Applying for a mortgage can be a long process alone; scheduling this in advance can assist with any inconveniences that may occur. As a first step, make a decision on how much money you can afford to borrow before securing your agreement and starting the search for your property.
  7. If you make separate arrangements with your seller or buyer, advise your conveyancer as soon as possible. It’s vital that your conveyancer is kept in the loop at all times in order to keep your case running as smoothly as possible. Communication is key!
  8. Don’t delay if inconveniences occur. At times, conveyancing processes can throw a number of curve balls your way. These could include concerns raised by searches or issues with your survey results. Your conveyancer will be with you every step of the way, but it’s important to take action swiftly in order to avoid delays.
  9. Research your conveyancer! Cheapest doesn’t always mean what is right for you. Finding a conveyancer you trust is essential to feeling comfortable during your property case. Research your conveyancer before settling on a suitable candidate.
  10. Don’t bombard your conveyancer. It is tempting to pick up the phone and chase up your case at least once a day, but conveyancing transactions aren’t as simple as your conveyancer pushing through the work. It is important to know how your case is progressing, but with the right conveyancer, they will keep you in the loop at all times and ensure you are always up-to-date.

We’re here to help

In the majority of instances, a residential conveyancing matter is fairly straightforward with minimal hiccups. However, it is no guarantee that some cases won’t come with challenges and hurdles to face along the way. Having an experienced conveyancing team on your side will assist you in making sure your case is being handled by the right people.

Here at DLS Solicitors, our expert and specialist conveyancing team offers a complete and practical service tailored to you, no matter what your case involves.

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22nd February 2024
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Our team of professionals are based in Alderley Edge, Cheshire. We offer clear, specialist legal advice in all matters relating to Family Law, Wills, Trusts, Probate, Lasting Power of Attorney and Court of Protection.

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