Topic: Family Law

If I Refuse Mediation Will It Go Against Me In Court?

Discover the impact of declining mediation with DLS Solicitors. Gain insights on how it may affect your case in court. Explore our expert guidance on navigating legal disputes effectively. Learn more today.

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14th May 2024
What is a Specific Issue Order?
What is a Specific Issue Order?

Demystify the legal intricacies of specific issue orders with DLS Solicitors. Our comprehensive guide explores the purpose, process, and implications of these court orders in family law matters. Whether resolving disputes over child-rearing decisions or other specific issues, gain clarity on how specific issue orders can provide legal resolution and guidance.

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13th May 2024
first registrations
What Are My Rights to Property after Separation in England and Wales?

Discover your property rights after separation in England and Wales with our informative guide. Learn about entitlements, legal considerations, and steps to protect your interests during this challenging time.

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8th May 2024
family separation mediation
Mediation in Family Separation: Everything You Need To Know

Discover the benefits and process of mediation in family separation with DLS Solicitors. Learn how mediation offers a constructive alternative to resolving disputes related to finances, child arrangements, and other matters in a collaborative and amicable manner. Our experienced team can guide you through the mediation process, promoting effective communication and reaching mutually beneficial agreements for all parties involved.

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25th April 2024
child contact
Child Contact With The Non-Resident Parent: Think Practically

Explore practical considerations for child contact with the non-resident parent with DL Solicitors. Learn about effective strategies and legal insights to facilitate positive and consistent contact arrangements that prioritise the well-being of children during and after divorce or separation. Our experienced team can provide tailored guidance and support to help navigate child contact issues with sensitivity and practicality.

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25th April 2024
Rights For Fathers To See Their Children In The UK
Rights For Fathers To See Their Children In The UK

The issue of a father’s rights to spend regular time with his children often makes headlines, and unfortunately, there are stories of fathers being denied access after divorce or separation. I recently represented two fathers who were initially denied contact with their children, but we were able to turn things around so that the children

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24th April 2024
Understanding Your Rights When Living With A Partner Who Owns The House
Understanding Your Rights When Living With A Partner Who Owns The House

Understand your rights when living with a partner who owns the house with DLS Solicitors. Learn about legal considerations and rights for cohabiting couples, including property ownership and financial implications. Our experienced team can provide guidance and support to help you navigate your rights and responsibilities while living with a partner.

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24th April 2024
family holiday
What Constitutes Reasonable Access For Fathers In The UK?

Learn about reasonable access for fathers in the UK with DLS Solicitors. Discover what constitutes reasonable access arrangements for non-resident fathers to maintain meaningful relationships with their children. Our experienced team can provide legal guidance and support to help fathers navigate child contact issues effectively.

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24th April 2024
What Constitutes A Void Or Voidable Marriage In The UK?
What Constitutes A Void Or Voidable Marriage In The UK?

Explore what constitutes a void or voidable marriage in the UK with DL Solicitors. Learn about the legal grounds and implications for declaring a marriage as void or voidable, including reasons such as non-consummation, bigamy, or incapacity. Our experienced team can provide legal guidance and support to navigate marriage annulment processes effectively. Contact us for personalised advice on marriage validity issues.

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24th April 2024
How To Split Up When You Own A House Together
How To Split Up When You Own A House Together

Learn how to navigate property division when you own a house together with DLS Solicitors. Explore essential considerations and legal steps involved in dividing jointly owned property during separation or divorce. Our experienced team can provide guidance and support to help you achieve a fair and equitable division of assets.

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24th April 2024