Topic: Law

family law advice
Do I Need Specialist Family Law Advice?

Explore our concise overview to understand when seeking expert legal counsel becomes essential for resolving family-related matters. Trust DLS Solicitors for tailored advice and support in navigating complex family law issues.

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2nd October 2023
shared care
What Is “Shared Care”?

DLS Solicitors clarifies shared care, a custody arrangement where children divide time between separated parents. Explore our concise guide to grasp the legal considerations, benefits, and challenges of shared care arrangements.

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2nd October 2023
What Is Statutory Legacy?
What Is Statutory Legacy?

DLS Solicitors provides clarity on statutory legacy, a crucial aspect of estate law. Explore our concise guide to learn about the legal provision that ensures surviving spouses and civil partners receive a portion of the deceased's estate. Trust DLS Solicitors for expert insights into estate planning and inheritance matters.

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2nd October 2023
What’s The Difference Between A Lasting Power Of Attorney And A Deputyship Order?
What’s The Difference Between A Lasting Power Of Attorney And A Deputyship Order?

DLS Solicitors clarifies the distinction between Lasting Power of Attorney and Deputyship Orders. Our concise guide helps you navigate the legal nuances of these vital arrangements for decision-making. Gain clarity on their roles and responsibilities. For expert insights, explore our analysis now.

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2nd October 2023
child contact
Court And Child Contact – What Is The Process?

Here we provide insight into the process of child contact proceedings in court. Learn about the legal steps involved, from filing an application to attending hearings and reaching a resolution. Trust DLS Solicitors to offer expert guidance and support through this sensitive legal journey.

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2nd October 2023
undecided school
We Can’t Agree On A School; How Will The Court Rule?

Discover how courts handle disagreements over schooling with our insightful analysis. From navigating parental disputes to understanding legal precedents, our resource sheds light on this challenging issue. Trust DLS Solicitors to provide clarity and guidance in resolving school-related conflicts.

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2nd October 2023
child financial support
Can A Child Apply For Financial Support In Their Own Right?

DLS Solicitors delves into the question of whether children can independently apply for financial support. Explore our concise guide to understand the legal considerations and processes involved in children seeking financial assistance on their own behalf.

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2nd October 2023
family holiday
How Are Holidays Divided Between Separated Parents?

Here we provide essential guidance on dividing holidays between separated parents. We delve into the legal considerations and practical approaches for managing holiday arrangements, ensuring fairness and clarity for both parents and children. From negotiating schedules to addressing potential conflicts, trust us to offer valuable insights and support as you navigate this aspect of co-parenting.

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2nd October 2023
emotional affair
Is It Cheating To Have Emotional Affairs?

Delve into the complexities of emotional affairs with our informative exploration. Our analysis examines the nuances of these relationships, addressing questions of fidelity and trust. Gain clarity on this sensitive topic with DLS Solicitors' expert insights and guidance.

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2nd October 2023
child arrangements order
What Are My Options If My Child Arrangements Order Is Violated?

DLS Solicitors offers insight into your legal options if a Child Arrangements Order is violated. Explore our concise guide to understand the steps you can take to address breaches and protect your child's best interests.

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2nd October 2023