Topic: Law

The Importance Of Seeking Legal Advice When Ending A Civil Partnership
The Importance Of Seeking Legal Advice When Ending A Civil Partnership

Divorce in the UK is governed by the Civil Partnership Act 2004, which allows couples in a civil partnership to legally end their relationship through a process known as dissolution. A Detailed Guide to Dissolving a Civil Partnership in the UK Grounds for Dissolution Before applying for the dissolution of your civil partnership, you must

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18th May 2024
Common Reasons For Seeking A Prohibited Steps Order
Common Reasons For Seeking A Prohibited Steps Order

A Prohibited Steps Order (PSO) is a court order that prevents a parent from taking certain actions in relation to their child without the permission of the court or the other parent. This type of order is typically used in cases where one parent is concerned that the other parent may take a specific action

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18th May 2024
Challenges And Opportunities In Implementing Public Law Outline
Challenges And Opportunities In Implementing Public Law Outline

Public Law Outline (PLO) Public Law Outline (PLO) is a set of guidelines used by the family courts in England and Wales to manage public law cases involving children. These cases usually involve local authorities intervening in the lives of children and families to safeguard the welfare of the children. PLO sets out the procedures

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18th May 2024
Understanding The Benefits And Drawbacks Of Sole Custody
Understanding The Benefits And Drawbacks Of Sole Custody

What is Sole Custody? Sole custody, also known as full custody, is a legal arrangement in which one parent has the exclusive right to make major decisions about the upbringing of a child. This includes decisions about the child’s education, healthcare, and general welfare. The parent with sole custody is typically responsible for the day-to-day

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18th May 2024
Common Myths About Joint Custody Debunked
Common Myths About Joint Custody Debunked

Introduction Joint custody, also known as shared custody, is a common arrangement in family law where both parents share the responsibilities of raising their child or children after a separation or divorce. This guide will provide you with all the information you need to know about joint custody in the UK, including the legal framework,

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18th May 2024
Legal Rights For Unmarried Couples: What You Need To Know
Legal Rights For Unmarried Couples: What You Need To Know

Introduction Unmarried couples, also known as cohabiting couples, have become increasingly common in the UK. While marriage used to be the norm, more and more couples are choosing to live together without getting married. However, it’s important for unmarried couples to understand their legal rights and responsibilities in order to protect themselves and their assets.

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18th May 2024
Legal Protections For Children: Navigating Child Law
Legal Protections For Children: Navigating Child Law

Child law, also known as family law or juvenile law, is a branch of law that deals with legal issues relating to children and their families. It covers a wide range of topics, including child custody, child support, adoption, guardianship, and protection from abuse and neglect. Child law is designed to protect the rights and

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18th May 2024
The Importance Of A Legal Guardian For Adults With Disabilities
The Importance Of A Legal Guardian For Adults With Disabilities

In the United Kingdom, a legal guardian is an individual appointed to take care of a minor or an incapacitated adult. The role of a legal guardian is to make decisions on behalf of the person under their care, ensuring their well-being and best interests are protected. This guide will provide an in-depth look at

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18th May 2024
The Importance Of Legal Representation In Court Of Protection Proceedings
The Importance Of Legal Representation In Court Of Protection Proceedings

The Court of Protection is a specialist court in the United Kingdom that deals with decisions for people who lack the mental capacity to make decisions for themselves. It was established under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and has the authority to make decisions on behalf of individuals who are unable to make decisions about

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18th May 2024
Co-Parenting With Respect: Communication Strategies For Positive Collaboration
Co-Parenting With Respect: Communication Strategies For Positive Collaboration

Co-parenting is a parenting arrangement in which both parents play an active role in raising their children, even though they are no longer together as a couple. This type of arrangement can be beneficial for children as it allows them to have strong relationships with both parents, even if they are not living together. In

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18th May 2024