Can I Use A Will Written Abroad?

Can I Use A Will Written Abroad?
Can I Use A Will Written Abroad?

Welcome to DLS Solicitors’ comprehensive guide on the complexities and considerations surrounding the use of a will written abroad. When dealing with international assets or family circumstances, it’s not uncommon to encounter wills drafted outside the UK. This document aims to provide clarity on the subject, ensuring you’re well-informed about your options and the legal implications.

Understanding the Validity of Foreign Wills in the UK

The acceptance of a foreign will in the UK largely hinges on its adherence to international laws and conventions, notably the Hague Convention of 1961. To be recognised, the will must comply with the legal requirements of the country where it was created, or alternatively, align with British legal standards, among other criteria. It’s essential to verify that the will has been correctly signed and witnessed as per the originating country’s legislation or as per the laws of England and Wales, Scotland, or Northern Ireland, depending on where in the UK the will is to be used.

Key Considerations for Foreign Wills

  • Location of Assets: It’s crucial to ascertain where the deceased’s assets are located. Assets situated abroad might be better served by a will drafted in the respective country, ensuring it aligns with local laws and practices.
  • Domicile vs. Residence: Understanding the difference between domicile and residence is vital. A person can live abroad (residence) yet still be considered domiciled in the UK, affecting how the will is interpreted and which taxes apply.
  • Multiple Wills: Holding separate wills for different jurisdictions can simplify the execution process. However, it’s imperative to ensure they don’t inadvertently revoke each other.

Executing a Foreign Will in the UK

Executing a will from another country within the UK requires careful planning. The process typically involves obtaining a Grant of Probate, which validates the will and authorises the executor to distribute the estate. In cases where the will doesn’t meet UK standards, it might be necessary to reapply for probate in the UK, which can complicate and lengthen the process.

Probate and Inheritance Tax Considerations

When a foreign will is involved, understanding the UK’s probate process and inheritance tax implications is crucial. The UK has treaties with some countries to avoid double taxation on estates, but this isn’t universally applicable. Seeking professional advice to navigate these complexities is advisable.

Seeking Professional Guidance

Given the intricacies of using a foreign will in the UK, consulting with legal experts who specialise in international estate planning is highly recommended. At DLS Solicitors, our team of experienced solicitors can provide tailored advice, ensuring your will is executed as intended, regardless of where it was originally drafted.

How DLS Solicitors Can Help

Our services include:

  • Evaluating the validity of your foreign will under UK law.
  • Guidance on probate and inheritance tax implications.
  • Assistance with drafting and executing multiple wills for assets in different jurisdictions.
  • Comprehensive estate planning to suit your international needs.


Using a will written abroad in the UK is feasible, but it requires careful consideration of various legal factors. By understanding the implications and seeking the right legal advice, you can ensure your estate is managed according to your wishes, regardless of the complexities involved.

For further assistance or to discuss your specific circumstances, please contact DLS Solicitors. Our team is here to provide the support and expertise you need.

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12th July 2024
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DLS Solicitors

Our team of professionals are based in Alderley Edge, Cheshire. We offer clear, specialist legal advice in all matters relating to Family Law, Wills, Trusts, Probate, Lasting Power of Attorney and Court of Protection.

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