What If The Will Is Ambiguous?

What If The Will Is Ambiguous?
What If The Will Is Ambiguous?

Welcome to DLS Solicitors, where we provide comprehensive guidance on estate planning, wills, and probate matters. One of the most complex issues that can arise during the probate process is dealing with an ambiguous will. An ambiguous will can lead to confusion, family disputes, and potentially lengthy legal battles, ultimately delaying the distribution of the estate. In this guide, we will explore the steps to take and the legal framework involved in resolving ambiguities in a will.

Identifying Ambiguity in a Will

An ambiguous will is one that is not clear in its language or intent, leading to multiple possible interpretations. Ambiguities in wills can be classified into two main types:

  • Patent Ambiguity: This is evident upon the face of the will, where the language used is vague, unclear, or contradictory.
  • Latent Ambiguity: This type of ambiguity arises from external circumstances or facts that make the terms of the will unclear. For example, if the will refers to a beneficiary or asset in a way that could apply to multiple people or items.

Legal Remedies for an Ambiguous Will

When faced with an ambiguous will, there are several legal remedies available. The chosen course of action will depend on the nature of the ambiguity and the specific circumstances of the case:

Construction Proceedings

Construction proceedings are a formal legal process where the court is asked to interpret the meaning of the will. The court will consider the wording of the will, the overall intentions of the testator (the person who made the will), and any relevant external evidence. This process can help clarify the testator’s intentions and determine how the estate should be distributed.


If it can be demonstrated that the ambiguity in the will arose due to a clerical error or a failure to understand the testator’s instructions, the court may order a rectification of the will. Rectification involves amending the will to reflect what the testator intended.

Seeking Professional Advice

Dealing with an ambiguous will can be a daunting and complicated process. It is strongly advised to seek professional legal advice to navigate the complexities involved. At DLS Solicitors, our team of experienced solicitors can provide expert guidance on interpreting ambiguous wills, representing clients in construction proceedings, and applying for rectification when necessary.

Preventing Ambiguity in Wills

To prevent the challenges associated with an ambiguous will, it is crucial to ensure that your will is drafted clearly and precisely. Here are some tips for creating a clear will:

  • Use straightforward language and avoid legal jargon.
  • Clearly identify beneficiaries and assets to prevent any confusion.
  • Review your will regularly and update it to reflect any changes in your circumstances or intentions.
  • Consult with a solicitor specialising in wills and estate planning to ensure your will accurately reflects your wishes.


An ambiguous will can create unnecessary stress and conflict for your loved ones after you are gone. Taking proactive steps to ensure your will is clear and consulting with legal professionals can help avoid ambiguity and ensure your wishes are honoured. If you are dealing with an ambiguous will, or wish to draft or review your will, DLS Solicitors are here to help. Contact us today for expert assistance and peace of mind.

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12th July 2024
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DLS Solicitors

Our team of professionals are based in Alderley Edge, Cheshire. We offer clear, specialist legal advice in all matters relating to Family Law, Wills, Trusts, Probate, Lasting Power of Attorney and Court of Protection.

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