Adoption Order

Adoption Order
Adoption Order
Full Overview Of Adoption Order

Adoption is a legal process that permanently transfers all parental rights and responsibilities from the birth parents or current guardians to the adoptive parents. An adoption order is a judicial decree that finalises this process, formally recognising the adoptive parents as the child’s legal parents.

This overview aims to provide a detailed understanding of adoption orders, covering the legal framework, the process of obtaining an adoption order, the roles of various parties involved, and the implications for all parties. At DLS Solicitors, we strive to offer comprehensive guidance to families navigating the complexities of adoption.

Definition and Purpose

When an adoption order is granted, the rights and responsibilities of the child’s birth parents are legally transferred to the adoptive parents. This means that the adoptive parents become the child’s legal parents, assuming all associated rights and responsibilities, while the child’s legal relationship with the birth parents is severed. The main goal of an adoption order is to secure a stable, permanent home for a child when their birth parents are unable or unwilling to provide care for them.

There are several important pieces of legislation that govern adoption in the UK:

  • The Adoption and Children Act 2002: This Act is the principal piece of legislation governing adoption in England and Wales. It outlines the procedures for adoption and the requirements that must be met for an adoption order to be granted.
  • The Children Act 1989: This Act provides the overarching framework for the welfare of children, including provisions relevant to adoption.
  • The Adoption Agencies Regulations 2005: These regulations set out the duties of adoption agencies in assessing and approving prospective adopters and managing the adoption process.

Core Principles

Several core principles underpin the adoption process:

  1. Welfare of the Child: The child’s welfare is the paramount consideration in all decisions relating to adoption. This principle is enshrined in the Adoption and Children Act of 2002 and the Children Act of 1989.
  2. Best Interests: Adoption should only be pursued if it is in the child’s best interests. This involves considering the child’s needs, the ability of the adoptive parents to meet those needs, and the likely impact of the adoption on the child.
  3. Consent: The consent of the birth parents is typically required for an adoption order unless the court determines that dispensing with consent is in the child’s best interests.

The Adoption Process

Initial Steps

The adoption process begins with the identification of a child in need of adoption and the assessment of prospective adoptive parents.

  1. Referral and Initial Assessment: Local authorities may refer children for adoption, often following a care order or other child protection proceedings. Prospective adopters undergo an initial assessment by an adoption agency to determine their suitability.
  2. Preparation and Training: Approved prospective adopters participate in preparation and training sessions to equip them with the knowledge and skills needed for adoption.
  3. Approval Process: The adoption agency conducts a thorough assessment, including home visits, interviews, and background checks. The agency’s decision is reviewed by an adoption panel, which makes a recommendation. The final decision rests with the agency’s decision-maker.

Matching and Placement

Once prospective adopters are approved, the matching process begins.

  1. Matching: The adoption agency works to match the child with suitable adoptive parents. This involves considering the child’s needs, the adopters’ capabilities, and specific preferences or requirements.
  2. Introductions and Placement: Introductions between the child and prospective adopters are arranged after identifying a match. If successful, the child is placed with the adopters, initially under a temporary arrangement.

Applying for an Adoption Order

Following the placement, the adoptive parents can apply for an adoption order.

  1. Application: The adopters must wait at least ten weeks after the child is placed with them before applying to the court for an adoption order. The application includes various documents, such as the child’s birth certificate, placement order, and reports from the adoption agency.
  2. Court Proceedings: The court reviews the application and may hold a hearing to consider the evidence and assess whether the adoption is in the child’s best interests. This may involve contributions from the adoption agency, social workers, and, in some cases, the birth parents.
  3. Adoption Order: If the court is satisfied that the adoption is in the child’s best interests, it will issue an adoption order. This legally transfers parental rights and responsibilities to the adoptive parents.

Roles and Responsibilities

Prospective Adoptive Parents

Prospective adoptive parents play a crucial role throughout the adoption process.

  1. Preparation and Training: They must participate in preparation and training to understand the adoption process and the needs of adopted children.
  2. Assessment: They undergo a rigorous assessment to evaluate their suitability and capacity to meet the child’s needs.
  3. Ongoing Support: They should engage with ongoing support and resources provided by adoption agencies to ensure the child’s successful integration into their family.

Adoption Agencies

Adoption agencies facilitate the adoption process and support both the child and prospective adoptive parents.

  1. Assessment and Approval: Agencies assess and approve prospective adopters, ensuring they meet the necessary criteria.
  2. Matching and Placement: They match children with suitable adopters and manage the placement process.
  3. Post-Adoption Support: Agencies provide post-adoption support to help families navigate challenges and ensure the child’s well-being.

Legal Professionals

Legal professionals, including solicitors and barristers, play a vital role in the adoption process.

  1. Legal Advice and Representation: They provide legal advice and representation to prospective adoptive parents, birth parents, and children involved in the adoption process.
  2. Application and Court Proceedings: They assist with preparing and submitting adoption applications and represent parties in court proceedings.
  3. Ensuring Compliance: They ensure that all legal requirements are met and that the adoption process complies with relevant legislation.

Implications of Adoption Orders

For the Child

An adoption order has significant implications for the child.

  1. Legal Status: The child becomes the legal child of the adoptive parents, severing all legal ties with the birth parents.
  2. Identity and Belonging: Adoption can give the child a sense of identity and belonging within a stable, permanent family environment.
  3. Emotional and Psychological Impact: Adoption can have both positive and negative emotional and psychological impacts, depending on the child’s experiences and the support they receive.

For the Adoptive Parents

Adoptive parents gain full parental rights and responsibilities upon the issuance of an adoption order.

  1. Parental Rights: They have the same rights and responsibilities as biological parents, including making decisions about the child’s upbringing, education, and welfare.
  2. Legal Recognition: The adoption order legally recognises their parental status, offering security and stability for the family.
  3. Support and Resources: Adoptive parents may access ongoing support and resources from adoption agencies and local authorities to address any challenges that arise.

For the Birth Parents

The issuance of an adoption order has profound implications for the birth parents.

  1. Loss of Parental Rights: Birth parents lose all legal rights and responsibilities for the child, including the right to contact and make decisions about the child’s welfare.
  2. Emotional Impact: The loss of parental rights can be emotionally challenging for birth parents, requiring support and counselling to navigate their feelings of grief and loss.
  3. Contact Arrangements: In some cases, contact arrangements may be agreed upon, allowing for some level of ongoing communication between the child and birth parents, depending on the child’s best interests.

Practical Considerations

Preparing for Adoption

Prospective adoptive parents should carefully consider several practical aspects when preparing for adoption.

  1. Financial Preparation: Adoption can involve various costs, including legal fees, home study expenses, and post-adoption support. Prospective adopters should ensure they are financially prepared.
  2. Home Environment: Creating a supportive and nurturing home environment is crucial for the child’s successful integration into the family.
  3. Emotional Readiness: Adoption can be emotionally demanding. Prospective adopters should ensure they are emotionally ready and have access to support networks.

Post-Adoption Support

Post-adoption support is essential for the long-term success of the adoption.

  1. Support Services: Adoptive families should engage with support services offered by adoption agencies, local authorities, and charities. These services can include counselling, support groups, and educational resources.
  2. Continued Training: Ongoing training and education can help adoptive parents understand and address the unique challenges associated with adoption.
  3. Open Communication: Maintaining open communication within the family about adoption can help the child understand their identity and feel secure in their adoptive home.

Navigating the legal aspects of adoption requires careful attention to detail.

  1. Legal Advice: Engaging a solicitor with expertise in adoption law can help ensure compliance with all legal requirements and facilitate a smooth adoption process.
  2. Documentation: Accurate and thorough documentation is essential for the adoption application and court proceedings. Prospective adopters should keep detailed records of all relevant information.
  3. Court Procedures: Understanding court procedures and timelines can help manage expectations and reduce stress during adoption.


Adoption is a life-changing process that offers children the opportunity to grow up in a loving and stable family environment.

At DLS Solicitors, we are committed to supporting families through every step of the adoption journey, from initial assessments to post-adoption support. Understanding the legal framework, the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved, and the practical considerations can help prospective adopters navigate the complexities of adoption with confidence and clarity. By prioritising the welfare and best interests of the child, we aim to facilitate successful adoptions that provide lasting benefits for children and families alike.

Adoption Order FAQ'S

An adoption order is a legal decree that transfers all parental rights and responsibilities from the child’s birth parents or any other guardians to the adoptive parents. Once the order is granted, the adoptive parents become the child’s legal parents, as if the child were born to them.

To apply for an adoption order, you must be 21 or older. You can be single, married, in a civil partnership, or an unmarried couple. You must have lived in the UK for at least one year before applying.

The process involves several steps:

  1. Initial enquiry and assessment by an adoption agency.
  2. Preparation and training.
  3. A thorough assessment process and home study.
  4. Matching with a child.
  5. Placement of the child with you.
  6. Applying to the court for an Adoption Order.
  7. Attending a court hearing where the judge will decide whether to grant the order.

The entire process can take several months to years, depending on various factors, including the case’s complexity and court availability. Typically, after a child is placed with you, it takes about six months to a year to obtain the adoption order.

In most cases, the birth parent’s consent is required for an adoption order. However, the court can dispense with their consent if it believes that the adoption is in the child’s best interests and the parents are unable or unwilling to provide proper care.

Yes, birth parents and legal guardians have the right to challenge the adoption order in court. However, once the order is granted, it is very difficult to overturn unless there was fraud, a significant procedural error, or a grave injustice.

Once an adoption order is granted, the adoptive parents gain full parental rights and responsibilities. The child is treated by law as if they were born to the adoptive parents, and their legal ties with their birth family are severed.

Yes, adopted children have the right to access information about their birth parents once they reach the age of 18. They can apply for their original birth certificate and contact details for their birth family through the adoption agency.

Adoptive families can access various forms of support, including counselling, support groups, financial assistance, and post-adoption services offered by local authorities and adoption agencies.

Yes, same-sex couples have the same rights as heterosexual couples to adopt in the UK.

They must go through the same assessment and approval process as any other prospective adopters.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 11th July 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Adoption Order. DLS Solicitors. October 23 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Adoption Order. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: October 23 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Adoption Order. Retrieved October 23 2024, from website:
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