Counter Affidavit

Counter Affidavit
Counter Affidavit
Full Overview Of Counter Affidavit

Affidavits are important in the legal field as they are used to present facts and assertions under oath. They serve as evidence in various legal proceedings. Sometimes, the statements made in an affidavit need to be challenged or responded to. This is where a counter-affidavit is used. A counter-affidavit is a sworn statement that addresses the claims made in an initial affidavit, offering a different perspective or disputing the assertions made.

This comprehensive overview is intended to explain the purpose, structure, and procedural details of a counter-affidavit in the context of British law, for the benefit of legal professionals and the general public.

What is a Counter-Affidavit?

A counter affidavit, also known as a rebuttal affidavit, is a written statement made under oath that contradicts or challenges the assertions made in an original affidavit. It is typically filed by the opposing party in a legal dispute to provide their side of the story, introduce new evidence, or clarify misunderstandings. The counter affidavit serves to ensure that the court has a balanced view of the facts before making a decision.

Purpose of a Counter Affidavit

The primary purposes of a counter affidavit include:

  1. Rebuttal of Claims: To directly refute or challenge the assertions made in the original affidavit.
  2. Presentation of New Evidence: To introduce new facts or evidence that may not have been included in the original affidavit.
  3. Clarification: To clarify any ambiguities or misunderstandings that may have arisen from the original affidavit.
  4. Balance of Perspectives: To ensure that the court has a comprehensive and balanced view of the facts from both parties involved in the dispute.

In the UK, affidavits and counter-affidavits are commonly used in civil litigation, family law cases, and other legal proceedings where sworn statements are required. The Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) provide the framework for using and submitting affidavits and counter-affidavits in legal proceedings. Understanding this context is crucial for effectively drafting and utilising counteraffidavits.

Key Legal Provisions

  • Civil Procedure Rules (CPR): The CPR outlines the procedures for submitting affidavits and counter-affidavits in civil cases and provides guidance on these documents’ format, content, and timing.
  • Oath and Affirmation: Like affidavits, counter-affidavits must be made under oath or affirmation, ensuring the veracity of the statements.
  • Evidential Value: Counter affidavits hold significant evidential value in legal proceedings, providing the court with additional information and perspectives.

Procedural Steps

Creating and submitting a counter affidavit involves several steps, each requiring careful attention to detail to ensure compliance with legal standards.

Step 1: Reviewing the Original Affidavit

Before drafting a counter affidavit, it is essential to thoroughly review the original affidavit. This review should focus on:

  • Identifying the key assertions and claims made in the original affidavit.
  • Highlighting any inaccuracies, inconsistencies, or omissions.
  • Gathering evidence and information to counter these assertions.

Step 2: Gathering Evidence

Once the original affidavit has been reviewed, the next step is to gather evidence and information that supports the counter affidavit. This may include:

  • Documentary evidence such as emails, contracts, or official records.
  • Witness statements from individuals who can corroborate the facts presented in the counter affidavit.
  • Expert opinions or reports that provide additional context or support.

Step 3: Drafting the Counter Affidavit

With the necessary evidence in hand, the drafting of the counter affidavit can commence. The document should include:

  • Introduction: A statement identifying the affiant (the person making the counter affidavit) and their relationship to the case.
  • Response to Assertions: A detailed response to each key assertion made in the original affidavit, providing evidence and arguments to counter these claims.
  • Presentation of New Evidence: Any new evidence or information that was not included in the original affidavit should be clearly presented.
  • Statement of Truth: A declaration that the information provided is true to the best of the affiant’s knowledge and belief.
  • Signature and Witness: The counter affidavit must be signed by the affiant and witnessed by a solicitor or notary public.

Step 4: Submission to the Court

The completed counter-affidavit must be submitted to the court within the stipulated timeframe. This typically involves filing the document with the court registry and serving a copy on the opposing party.

Step 5: Court Consideration

Once submitted, the court will consider the counter-affidavit alongside the original affidavit and other evidence presented. The court’s evaluation of these documents will be crucial in the decision-making process.

Counter affidavits are indispensable in legal proceedings for several reasons:

  1. Ensuring Fairness: They provide an opportunity for both parties to present their side of the story, ensuring a fair and balanced hearing.
  2. Evidentiary Value: Counter affidavits add significant evidentiary value by introducing new facts and perspectives.
  3. Clarification of Facts: They help clarify and correct any inaccuracies or misunderstandings from the original affidavit.
  4. Strengthening Arguments: By providing additional evidence and arguments, counter affidavits can strengthen a party’s position in the dispute.

Challenges and Considerations

While counter affidavits are crucial, there are several challenges and considerations to bear in mind:

  1. Timeliness: It is essential to submit the counter affidavit within the specified timeframe to avoid delays or dismissal.
  2. Accuracy and Veracity: Ensuring the accuracy and truthfulness of the statements made in the counter affidavit is paramount, as false statements can lead to legal repercussions.
  3. Complexity of Evidence: Gathering and presenting complex evidence can be challenging and may require expert assistance.
  4. Legal Assistance: Given the legal complexities involved, seeking professional legal assistance in drafting and submitting a counter affidavit is often advisable.

Case Studies

To illustrate the practical application and significance of counter-affidavits, consider the following hypothetical case studies:

Case Study 1: Civil Litigation

Jane Doe files a lawsuit against her former business partner, alleging breach of contract. In her affidavit, she claims that her partner failed to deliver services as agreed. The partner, in response, files a counter affidavit refuting Jane’s claims. He provides evidence of completed work and communication records showing Jane’s satisfaction with the services. The court considers both affidavits before making a decision, ultimately finding in favour of the partner based on the evidence presented in the counter affidavit.

Case Study 2: Family Law

In a custody dispute, John Smith submits an affidavit claiming that his ex-wife, Mary, is unfit to care for their children due to her alleged substance abuse. Mary files a counter affidavit denying these allegations. She provides statements from her doctor and a drug test report to prove her sobriety. The counter affidavit helps the court see Mary’s side of the story and results in a more balanced custody arrangement.

Case Study 3: Employment Dispute

An employee, Sarah, files a wrongful termination lawsuit against her employer, alleging discrimination. The employer’s affidavit asserts that Sarah was terminated for performance issues. Sarah files a counter affidavit providing performance reviews and emails from her manager praising her work. The counter affidavit highlights the inconsistencies in the employer’s claims, aiding in a favourable settlement for Sarah.


A counter affidavit is a crucial document in legal proceedings. It is a powerful tool used to challenge claims, present new evidence, and clarify facts. Its importance in ensuring fairness, providing evidentiary value, and strengthening legal arguments cannot be overstated. Drafting and submitting a counter affidavit requires meticulous attention to detail, accuracy, and compliance with legal standards.

For individuals involved in legal disputes, it is essential to understand the significance of a counter affidavit and the procedural steps involved. At DLS Solicitors, we are dedicated to providing expert guidance and support in all legal documentation matters, including the preparation and submission of counter-affidavits. Our team of experienced solicitors is committed to ensuring that your side of the story is effectively and accurately presented, helping you navigate the complexities of the legal system with confidence and clarity.

Counter Affidavit FAQ'S

A Counter Affidavit is a written statement made under oath by a party in a legal proceeding to dispute or respond to the claims made in an initial affidavit submitted by the opposing party.

A Counter Affidavit is used in legal proceedings when a party wants to respond to the facts or assertions made in an initial affidavit. It is commonly used in civil litigation, family law cases, and other disputes requiring sworn statements.

A Counter Affidavit is prepared by the responding party, usually with the assistance of their solicitor. It must clearly state the facts being disputed, provide evidence or arguments to counter the original affidavit, and be sworn before a commissioner for oaths or a solicitor.

A Counter Affidavit should include the case title and number, the name and address of the deponent (person making the affidavit), a detailed response to each point in the original affidavit, supporting evidence, and a statement of truth.

A Counter Affidavit has the same legal weight as the original affidavit. It serves to challenge or rebut the statements made by the opposing party and is considered by the court when making its decision.

A Counter Affidavit must be sworn before a commissioner for oaths or a solicitor and filed with the court. Copies must also be served on the opposing party or their legal representative.

Yes, new evidence can be introduced in a Counter Affidavit if it is relevant to countering the claims made in the original affidavit. The new evidence must be clearly referenced and supported by documentation or witness statements.

If a Counteraffidavit is not filed within the specified timeframe set by the court, the responding party may lose the opportunity to present its rebuttal, and the court may proceed with making a decision based on the unchallenged original affidavit.

Yes, the opposing party can challenge the contents of a Counter Affidavit by filing a reply affidavit or presenting arguments and evidence in court to refute the claims made in the Counter Affidavit.

If you receive a Counter Affidavit, review it carefully with your solicitor, prepare a response if necessary, and ensure any additional evidence or arguments are ready to be presented in court. It’s important to address any new points raised and continue to support your original claims.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 17th July 2024.

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To help you cite our definitions in your bibliography, here is the proper citation layout for the three major formatting styles, with all of the relevant information filled in.

  • Page URL:
  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Counter Affidavit. DLS Solicitors. October 26 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Counter Affidavit. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: October 26 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Counter Affidavit. Retrieved October 26 2024, from website:
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