Dominant Tenement

Dominant Tenement
Dominant Tenement
Full Overview Of Dominant Tenement

At DLS Solicitors, we recognise the complexity of property law and the crucial role played by particular legal concepts in ensuring that property rights and obligations are clear and enforceable. One such concept is the dominant tenement, which is central to understanding easements and their associated rights. This comprehensive overview explains a dominant tenement’s significance, legal implications, and practical impact on property owners and developers.

What is a Dominant Tenement?

A dominant tenement is a piece of land that benefits from an easement over another piece of land, known as the servient tenement. The dominant tenement essentially holds a legal right to use the servient tenement in a specific way, such as for access, drainage, or utilities, without owning it. This relationship is fundamental to property law as it establishes the interdependent rights and obligations between two separate parcels of land.

Importance of the Dominant Tenement

Understanding the concept of a dominant tenement is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Property Rights: It clarifies the rights that one property holds over another, ensuring legal certainty and the ability to enforce those rights.
  2. Property Value: Easements can enhance the value of the dominant tenement by providing essential rights, such as access or utility connections, that might otherwise be unavailable.
  3. Conflict Resolution: Clearly defined easements help prevent and resolve disputes between property owners over land use.
  4. Development and Use: Knowledge of easements is vital for developers and property owners to ensure compliance with legal obligations and to make informed decisions regarding property use and development.

Types of Easements Benefiting a Dominant Tenement

The rights conferred to a dominant tenement can vary widely, but common types of easements include:

  1. Right of Way: Allows the dominant tenement owner to pass over the servient tenement, typically for access to a public road or other areas.
  2. Drainage and Water Rights: Permits the dominant tenement to drain water through the servient tenement or access water sources such as rivers or wells.
  3. Utility Easements: Enable the installation and maintenance of utilities such as electricity, gas, water, and telecommunications across the servient tenement.
  4. Light and Air Easements: Ensure that the dominant tenement receives adequate light and air, preventing the servient tenement owner from obstructing these elements.
  5. Support Easements: Allow the dominant tenement to receive support from adjacent structures or land on the servient tenement, often applicable in terraced housing or shared walls.

For an easement to be valid and enforceable, certain legal criteria must be met:

  1. Two Distinct Tenements: There must be both a dominant and a servient tenement, owned by different parties.
  2. Benefit to the Dominant Tenement: The easement must confer a tangible benefit to the dominant tenement, enhancing its use and enjoyment.
  3. Touch and Concern the Land: The easement must be connected to the land itself, not merely a personal benefit to the owner.
  4. Capability of Grant: The right must be capable of being granted in law, clearly defined, and not vague or ambiguous.

Creation of Easements

Easements benefiting a dominant tenement can be created through various methods:

  1. Express Grant: Formally established through a written agreement between the parties, often included in the property deeds.
  2. Implied Grant: Arises from the property transaction’s circumstances, even if not explicitly stated in the deeds. Typical scenarios include easements of necessity and those implied by the rule in Wheeldon v. Burrows.
  3. Prescription: Acquired through long-term use, typically over 20 years, without interruption and with the knowledge and acquiescence of the servient tenement owner.
  4. Statutory Provisions: Certain easements can be created by statute, particularly for utility companies and public services.

Registering Easements

In the UK, easements should be registered with the Land Registry to ensure their enforceability and provide public notice. Registration offers several benefits:

  1. Legal Security: Protects the easement from being overridden by subsequent transactions.
  2. Clarity: Provides a clear record of the easement’s existence and terms, reducing the potential for disputes.
  3. Ease of Transfer: Simplifies property transactions by ensuring potential buyers know of existing easements.

Impact of Easements on Property Value and Use

Easements can have significant implications for both the dominant and servient tenements:

  1. Enhancing Property Value: Easements can increase the value of the dominant tenement by providing essential rights and improving accessibility or utility connections.
  2. Limiting Use of Servient Tenement: The servient tenement may face restrictions on its use and development due to the easement, potentially reducing its market value or utility.
  3. Maintenance Responsibilities: Easements often carry obligations for maintenance and repair, which can affect the financial responsibilities of both tenement owners.

Case Studies

To illustrate the practical implications of the dominant tenement concept, consider the following case studies:

Right of Way for Landlocked Property

Mr. and Mrs. Brown own a landlocked property, meaning it has no direct access to a public road. Their neighbour, Mr. Green, owns the adjacent land that provides the only feasible access route. An express easement grants the Browns a right of way over Mr. Green’s land, making Mr. Green’s property the servient tenement and the Browns’ property the dominant tenement. This easement is crucial for the Browns as it enables them to access their home, significantly enhancing its value and usability.

Drainage Easement for New Development

XYZ Development Ltd. is constructing a new housing estate and requires a drainage easement to connect to the main sewer line running through neighbouring farmland owned by Mr. White. An easement is established by necessity, granting XYZ Development Ltd. the right to lay and maintain drainage pipes across Mr. White’s land. This arrangement benefits the new development (the dominant tenement) by ensuring proper waste management and compliance with environmental regulations, while Mr. White’s land becomes the servient tenement.

Utility Easement for Rural Property

Ms. Patel owns a rural property that needs an electricity supply. The nearest power line runs through her neighbour’s field. A utility easement is created, allowing the power company to install and maintain the necessary infrastructure across the neighbour’s land. This easement benefits Ms. Patel’s property (the dominant tenement) by providing essential utilities, while the neighbour’s field serves as the servient tenement.

Resolving Disputes Involving Easements

Disputes over easements can arise due to misunderstandings, property use changes, or easement terms breaches. Common issues include:

  1. Obstruction of Easements: The servient tenement owner obstructing the easement, such as by blocking a right of way.
  2. Overuse or Misuse: The dominant tenement owner using the easement beyond the agreed terms, causing damage or nuisance.
  3. Maintenance and Repair Disputes: disagreements over who is responsible for maintaining the easement, such as repairing a shared driveway or drainage system.

Role of Solicitors in Easement Management

Solicitors play a vital role in managing easements, offering services such as:

  1. Due Diligence: Conducting thorough checks during property transactions to identify any existing easements and their implications.
  2. Drafting and Reviewing Documents: Preparing and reviewing easement agreements to ensure they are legally sound and meet the needs of the parties involved.
  3. Negotiation: Assisting in negotiations between parties to create, modify, or terminate easements.
  4. Registration: Handling the registration of easements with the Land Registry to ensure their legal enforceability.
  5. Dispute Resolution: Providing legal advice and representation in disputes, working to achieve a favourable outcome for their clients.

Modifying or Terminating Easements

Property owners may sometimes wish to modify or terminate existing easements. This can be a complex process involving:

  1. Mutual Agreement: obtaining consent from all parties benefiting from the easement to modify or terminate it.
  2. Applying to the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber): If an agreement cannot be reached, owners can apply to the tribunal to discharge or modify the easement, often requiring proof that the easement is obsolete or impedes reasonable use of the land.


The concept of the dominant tenement is a fundamental aspect of property law, establishing the rights and obligations associated with easements. Understanding the various types of easements, their legal requirements, and their impact on property value and use is essential for property owners, buyers, and developers.

At DLS Solicitors, we provide expert legal advice and support in all matters related to dominant tenements and easements. Our team of experienced solicitors is equipped to handle the complexities of easement creation, registration, enforcement, and dispute resolution, ensuring your property interests are protected and your transactions are conducted smoothly.

Whether you are dealing with a right of way, drainage easement, or any other easement, DLS Solicitors can provide the guidance and support you need. With our expertise, you can confidently navigate the legal landscape of dominant tenements and easements, ensuring that your property rights are upheld and your interests are safeguarded.

Dominant Tenement FAQ'S

A dominant tenement is a property that benefits from an easement over another property (the servient tenement). The dominant tenement has certain rights, such as a right of way, over the servient tenement.

Common examples include rights of way (access across the servient tenement), rights to install and maintain utilities (such as water, gas, and electricity), and rights to drain water across the servient tenement.

A dominant tenement is established when an easement is created. This can be through express grant, implied grant, prescription (long-term use), or statute.

The owner of the dominant tenement must use the easement reasonably and not cause unnecessary damage or interference to the servient tenement. They are also typically responsible for maintaining the easement.

Changes to the easement, such as altering its location or scope, generally require the agreement of both the dominant and servient tenement owners. Without an agreement, changes may need to be settled by a court.

Yes, an easement can be extinguished through mutual agreement, abandonment (non-use over a long period), merger (when the dominant and servient tenements come under the same ownership), or court order.

The dominant tenement owner can seek legal remedies, such as an injunction to remove the obstruction, or claim damages for any loss caused by the obstruction. It is often advisable to try to resolve disputes amicably first.

Yes, easement rights benefiting a dominant tenement typically transfer automatically to new owners when the property is sold, provided the easement is properly documented and registered.

You can check the property’s title deeds or obtain a copy of the title register from the Land Registry, which will list any easements benefiting your property. A solicitor can also help identify easements.

No, a dominant tenement requires a servient tenement to exist. An easement always involves two properties: the dominant tenement (which benefits from the easement) and the servient tenement (which is burdened by the easement).


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 7th July 2024.

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