
Full Overview Of Easement

At DLS Solicitors, we understand property law’s intricacies and legal complexities. One key aspect often encountered in this field is the concept of easements. This extensive guide provides a detailed understanding of easements, their types, their legal implications, and how they can affect property ownership and use.

What is an Easement?

An easement is a legal right to use another person’s land for a specific purpose. This right does not confer ownership of the land but allows the holder to use it in a certain way, which can significantly impact both the servient tenement (the land burdened by the easement) and the dominant tenement (the land benefiting from the easement). Easements are commonly granted for purposes such as access, drainage, or utility maintenance.

Importance of Easements

Easements are crucial in property law for several reasons:

  1. Access: Easements often provide necessary access to properties that would otherwise be landlocked or difficult to reach.
  2. Utility Services: They allow for the installation and maintenance of essential utilities like water, gas, electricity, and sewage.
  3. Drainage: Easements can provide for the drainage of water across neighbouring properties, preventing flooding and other water-related issues.
  4. Rights of Way: They facilitate the movement of people and vehicles over another person’s land.

Understanding and managing easements is essential for property owners, developers, and buyers to ensure there are no legal impediments affecting the use or value of the property.

Types of Easements

Easements can be classified into several types based on their purpose and how they are created:

  1. Express Easements: Created by a specific agreement between the parties, usually documented in writing and registered with the Land Registry. These are clear and unambiguous, providing detailed terms of the easement.
  2. Implied Easements: Arise from the circumstances or necessity rather than a written agreement. These can occur through:
    • Necessity: When the use of the easement is essential for the reasonable use of the property (e.g., access to a landlocked parcel).
    • Common Intention: When it is clear that the parties intended for an easement to exist, even if not explicitly stated.
    • Wheeldon v Burrows: Based on the rule that when a property is divided, any continuous and apparent use benefiting the retained land may become an easement.
  3. Prescriptive Easements: Acquired through long-term use without a formal agreement, typically over 20 years, and must be continuous, open, and without permission (as of right).
  4. Easements by Statute: Created by legislation, such as those for utility companies to install and maintain infrastructure.

Components of an Easement

An easement typically includes the following elements:

  1. Dominant and Servient Tenements: Identifies the benefiting and burdened properties.
  2. Purpose: Specifies the reason for the easement, such as access, drainage, or utilities.
  3. Extent: Defines the physical area covered by the easement and the scope of use.
  4. Duration: Indicates whether the easement is permanent or temporary.
  5. Rights and Obligations: Outlines the responsibilities of both parties, including maintenance and repair duties.

For an easement to be legally recognised, certain criteria must be met:

  1. Separate Ownership: The dominant and servient tenements must be owned by different parties.
  2. Benefit and Burden: The easement must benefit the dominant tenement and burden the servient tenement.
  3. Accommodates the Dominant Tenement: The easement must enhance the use and enjoyment of the dominant tenement.
  4. Capable of Grant: The easement must be a right that can be legally granted, clearly defined, and capable of precise measurement.

Creating Easements

Easements can be created through various methods:

  1. Express Grant: The most straightforward way to create an easement involves a written agreement between the parties.
  2. Implied Grant or Reservation: Arises from the circumstances of property division or necessity, without a written agreement.
  3. Prescription: long-term use over at least 20 years, demonstrating continuous, open, and as-of-right usage.
  4. Statutory Provision: Easements created through specific legislation, such as those for utility companies.

Registering Easements

In the UK, most easements should be registered with the Land Registry to ensure their legal recognition and enforceability. Registration provides clarity, legal security, and an official record of the easement, making property transactions smoother and less prone to disputes.

Impact of Easements on Property Value and Use

Easements can have significant implications for both the dominant and servient tenements:

  1. Positive Impact: Easements can enhance property value by providing necessary access or utilities, making the property more functional and attractive.
  2. Negative Impact: Easements can also burden the servient tenement, potentially reducing its value or restricting its use. For example, a right-of-way easement might limit the owner’s ability to develop the land.

Understanding these impacts is crucial for property buyers, sellers, and developers to make informed decisions.

Case Studies

To depict the practical implications of easements, consider the following case studies:

Right of Way Easement

Mr. and Mrs. Brown own a landlocked cottage with no direct access to the public road. Their neighbour, Mr. Green, owns the adjoining land that provides the only access route. An express easement was created, granting the Browns a right of way over Mr. Green’s land. This easement is essential for the Browns to access their property and has been registered with the Land Registry. However, Mr. Green must ensure that his activities do not obstruct this access.

Utility Easement

XYZ Development Ltd. plans to build a new housing estate. They need to install water, gas, and electricity lines across neighbouring farmland owned by Mr. White. An easement by statute allows the utility companies to install and maintain these services. XYZ Development Ltd. negotiates with Mr. White to compensate for any inconvenience or loss of land use, ensuring a smooth installation process.

Prescriptive Easement

For over 25 years, Mrs. Patel has used a pathway across her neighbour’s land to access her garden. This usage has been continuous, open, and without explicit permission. She now seeks to formalise this arrangement through a prescriptive easement. With the assistance of DLS Solicitors, Mrs. Patel gathers evidence of her long-term use and successfully registers the easement, ensuring her right to use the pathway is legally protected.

Disputes and Resolution

Easements can sometimes lead to disputes, often over their extent, use, or maintenance responsibilities. Common issues include:

  1. Obstruction of Easements: The servient tenement owner obstructing the use of the easement, such as blocking a right of way.
  2. Overuse or Misuse: The dominant tenement owner using the easement beyond the agreed terms, causing damage or nuisance.
  3. Maintenance Responsibilities: Disagreements over who is responsible for maintaining the easement, such as repairing a shared driveway.

Resolving these disputes typically involves:

  1. Negotiation and Mediation: Attempting to reach a mutual agreement through direct negotiation or mediation services.
  2. Legal Action: If negotiation fails, seek a legal resolution through the courts. This may involve applying for an injunction to prevent obstruction or misuse or seeking damages for any losses incurred.

Role of Solicitors in Easement Management

Solicitors play a critical role in managing easements, offering services such as:

  1. Due Diligence: Conducting thorough checks during property transactions to identify any existing easements and their implications.
  2. Drafting and Reviewing Documents: Preparing and reviewing easement agreements to ensure they are legally sound and meet the needs of the parties involved.
  3. Negotiation: Assisting in negotiations between parties to create, modify, or terminate easements.
  4. Registration: Handling the registration of easements with the Land Registry to ensure their legal enforceability.
  5. Dispute Resolution: Providing legal advice and representation in the event of disputes, working to achieve a favourable outcome for their clients.


Easements are fundamental to property law, providing necessary rights and obligations that facilitate property use and access. Understanding the various types of easements, their legal requirements, and their impact on property value and use is essential for property owners, buyers, and developers.

At DLS Solicitors, we are dedicated to providing expert legal advice and support in all easement matters. Our team of experienced solicitors is equipped to handle the complexities of easement creation, registration, and dispute resolution, ensuring your property interests are protected and your transactions are conducted smoothly.

Whether dealing with a right of way, utility easement, or any other easement, DLS Solicitors can provide the guidance and support you need. With our expertise, you can confidently navigate the legal landscape of easements, ensuring that your property rights are upheld and your interests are safeguarded.

Easement FAQ'S

An easement is a legal right allowing one property owner to use another person’s land for a specific purpose, such as a right of way, access to utilities, or drainage.

Easements can be created in several ways, including express grant or reservation (written agreement), implied grant or reservation (based on necessity or intended use), prescription (long-term use without permission), and statute (created by law).

Common types of easements include right of way (access across another’s land), easements for utility lines (water, gas, electricity), drainage easements, and easements of light and air.

Yes, easements can be terminated by mutual agreement, abandonment (non-use over a long period), merger (if the dominant and servient tenements come under the same ownership), or by a court order.

The dominant tenement is the property that benefits from the easement, while the servient tenement is the property over which the easement is exercised.

An easement can be altered or moved if the dominant and servient tenement owners agree. If there is no agreement, the matter may need to be resolved by the court.

The dominant tenement owner has the right to use the easement for its intended purpose. The servient tenement owner must allow this use and not interfere with the easement. Both parties must maintain their respective portions of the easement area.

Easements are usually recorded in the property’s title deeds or registered with the Land Registry. A title search or review of the property deeds will reveal any existing easements.

While it is possible to grant an easement orally, it is not advisable. Easements should be granted in writing and properly documented to avoid disputes and ensure they are legally enforceable.

If an easement is obstructed, the dominant tenement owner can seek legal remedies, such as an injunction to remove the obstruction or claim damages for any loss caused by the obstruction. It is advisable to attempt to resolve the issue amicably before pursuing legal action.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 11th July 2024.

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  • Page URL:https://dlssolicitors.com/define/easement/
  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Easement. dlssolicitors.com. DLS Solicitors. October 22 2024 https://dlssolicitors.com/define/easement/.
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Easement. dlssolicitors.com. DLS Solicitors. https://dlssolicitors.com/define/easement/ (accessed: October 22 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Easement. dlssolicitors.com. Retrieved October 22 2024, from dlssolicitors.com website: https://dlssolicitors.com/define/easement/
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